Update on second grow in Phototron!

Ohhh I meant I overthinking it, not you

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Pull as many leaves as you want whenever you want. I do :+1:

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Outa likes :heart: and a :heart:

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Thank you! It really is a rewarding thing. Appreciate the kind words, I wish I could share it with all of you!

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Much appreciated and I am just glad that I have been able to become a part of OG it’s been really hard to find good snd honest OPINIONS and not what I’m doing wrong and if I don’t do this or that I’m not going to get a worthwhile yield aka RIU lol. It’s also a great atmosphere here…example instead of people telling me that I should get rid of the plant and start fresh and instead I am still getting tons of input and advice on how things are looking great and that some of u recently harvested a hermaphrodite that had good quality smoke and I believe it was u
@Foreigner that said that the Mrs foreigner was telling u that it was good flower if I’m remember

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It’s actually pretty easy growing in a Phototron, I dont even worry about the temps inside because warm/hot air rises and it goes out of the top vent holes of the Phototrons…plus pot grows in 90+ degrees outside in the sun with humidity in some places…

Didn’t your first Black Eyed Katy grow hermie too… That’s why I think those seeds of BEK hermies becauseof the breeding/strain. Keep up the good work and sometimes those bananas won’t even open up…did you get any seeds from you 1st. BEK grow?

Here’s some close up macro shot of my VTF…its been flowering for 6wks. today…btw, my VTF has seeds but it was intentional…I pollinated it with VTF & Bogglegum pollen and it’s only on the lower small buds …I should get no more than 25 seeds or less.


Love it when they’re all hairy like that :stuck_out_tongue:
Looking great @PhilCuisine !

Ps… 25 more seconds and I’ll have another like :wink:


I remember you pollinating that and u did it twice right?..and the seed was from the first plant that turned hermaphrodite on me so I actually have 2 supposedly feminized seeds left of the BEKand I’m going to go ahead and put them in the garden the summer and use tje Tron for the new seeds in the mail and they’re regular seeds and I’ll be making sure that I tell my brothers n sisters to stay away from the seeds from their plus I am going start a new topic to figure out the best way to introduce plants outside, never have even been around anyone who grows outdoors since they changed the laws and regulations to grow outdoors on your personal property so I am reading on it and the biggest thing is should u start veg indoors and then integrate it outside through the first couple weeks but that’s for after the conclusion of this grow but I’m researching it

I’m starting my inside and putting them on my window sill so mother nature can sex them for me…

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Damn nicely done and I didn’t know that you grew from seed I thought u were just using clones but I didn’t see it but I probably didn’t notice what these strains are and I am always having problems with the paper towel and I have also been using cheap paper towels so that there not four ply and I will take them apart so that it’s not a problem growing in the towel nevermind I see the names. But I have a question for you…is white Widow still available in seeds aka legit White Widow and the only reason I ask is it’s my favorite lady and I don’t know what the dispensary near me is growing but it’s definitely not the Widow or the best cross I have found I’d Critical Mass ×White Widow and it’s a great pain and sleep reliving strain plus both of those are amazing alone

Yes it was me.

Your plant looks good. My suggestion is stay the course, let it finish. Spend 5 minutes a day looking for bananas and pull them all off.

Worst case scenario - you miss a few and get some seeds. I wouldn’t use those seeds. But if it’s really bad you can always turn the whole damn thing into hash.

It’s not a total loss. It just hurts the ego a bit.

All the best.

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LoL… right

Now because u pollinated it those seeds are considered regular seeds or something else…I bet that’ll be an interesting combination

FYI this is how bad mine got:


Yes, white widow should still be around somewheres, won’t hurt to ask around…all the seeds that I created/bred are all regular seeds…I’m old school, I don’t do Fems/Autos…I have use for my male pollens…

Here’s a strain I created “IB Wreck” it’s the real deal Indiana Bubblegum x Arcata Trainwreck…grown inside/outside of my SWC/TRON…


Here’s the 3 that were blocking the most light so hopefully it won’t be too much but I won’t know unless I try

and they aren’t even the biggest ones I could of cut off 3 more but I just get nervous when I’m removing fan leaves but I understand that it’s now or never

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U’ll be fine

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“The Dude Abides” and now it’s time to take a dab…thanks all

I hope that you really understand what an immense help that your knowledge and experience growing with Phototrons and your willingness to deal with my :crazy_face: crazy questions and I am not ready to buy a tent which my friends that I live around are constantly saying that I am wasting my time and I already know that it’s not about quantity it’s about quality at least I think plus I’m not in it for $$return I’m trying to provide my father with the best medical cannabis from myself and you are an excellent BROMIGO and now let’s both finish up our Tron grows almost same time and show em the power of the almighty phototron…LoL but Thanks :pray:t2: @PhilCuisine I’ve gotten over my 3 day temper tantrum and I’m back on point


No big deal I’m happy to help…once you get a few more grows under ur belt you’re gonna say to urself, it is fairly easy to grow in a Phototron…i tell people that a lot of people do a lot of over thinking but you have to remember that this is a weed and its really hard to mess up…

The only thing about growing this weed are the nutes…not everyone use the same nutes …I have been using Technaflora BC nutes for 20 yrs. give or take and have perfected my mix…so what ever nutes you’re using you’re gonna have to learn urself…its trial and error, all I can say is start with a week nutes and start pushing it like I do without burning it…another thing is some strains can take more nutes than other before you start seeing nute burns.

Another thing is start learning about rooting cuttings it’s fair easy and don’t go buying a high priced cloner to keep up with the Jones’s…you can make ur own for less than $12-$15…or hell you can just take a cutting from ur next grow and put it in water and change the water every few days and it should root.

I also see that you have a temp gauge in your Phototron, I really think the tron is well designed because of all the vent holes on the bottom & top of the trons. Hot/warm air rises and it really won’t stay inside of the tron…the only thing I can say is don’t place ur tron in a very hot environment like an attic or small enclosed closet…also I tried to grow in my basement and that was a mistake, too much moisture in the basement and I started to get mold, needless to say, I never grew in the basement ever again.

Also try and use mother natural during winter months to sex ur seedling, that’s what I do…I put my seedlings on a window sill and in 3+ wks. u’ll be able to tell if you have a true female/male/hermie…cull the hermies, let the males flower and produce pollen if you want for future breedings or cull them too…As for the females take them away from mothers light and put them under 18hr. light to revegg them and then start taking cuttings to trade with or give away.

As I said before you have to think outside of the box(tron) and just pretend ur growing outside, under lights or a tent…to me a Phototrons are just a hard walled tent that comes equipped with lights and only allows you to grow 1-2 plants…that’s what I did I thought outside of the box and guess what? I’m growing hydro(swc) in Phototrons…sorry if I bored you but if you have any more questions just let me know…the most useful trick that u’ll be using a lot is bending the stalk/branches if you run outa space/room inside of the Phototron.

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