Update on second grow in Phototron!

To be honest I only have the gauge in there is because I am amazed at how dry the air is in the rockies and I have it there for the RH gauge on it.my Dad always said that same thing about his he’d water it and that’s it and he was old school before they shut labs down and he successfully used the sphagnum moss dozens of times back in the early 90’s and that’s what I wish he’d be able to comprehend and remember his decades of experience…dammit I hate this Alzheimer’s shit bromigo


Oh ok, Have you decided what brand nutes ur gonna use bromigo?

I’m gonna wait until I get my seeds and see what the breeder recommends but either Jack’s org Dr Earth’s for flowering

and I am going to take some time and decide what to do about vegetative and I’m able to have access to get Dr Earth’s products anywhere in my area but I’m just researching a bit more and then I will reach out to the OG community and finalize it before I germinate anything and I will be getting leds for the t12s and garage led in top so I have a journal that I am keeping so I am going to be copying it before I start my next grow and attempt to make a diary of it here so I’m excited and anxious about introducing nutrients but I know that it’s a matter of trial and error like u said but I am going to be taking the next steps to progress in my growing and I am also very interested in collecting Pollen but like I said I don’t want to get ahead of myself but it’s up to me but knowing that I have you guys in my corner is the best weapon to have other than my own experience because I can’t depend upon the community all the time

Here’s my current grow after removing some fan leaves that were blocking out light


Looking good bromigo…

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Thank you good sir I actually removed a few more fan leaves and it’s seems to be very happy so far…

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I feel you! It is a horrible way to go. :hugs:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Here’s how it’s doing and week 7 starting on Tuesday and I have been really vigilant about pulling nanners when I see them but overall it’s doing great at least I think so

pleased but still know that it’s going to be a couple more weeks and I am bringing relative humidity down to 35-40% for last part of grow and I’m just curious about feedback


Looks good to me Doc! Frosting up :+1::+1:

I am very excited to see the end result whether it’s got a few seeds or not it’s something that happens and as a result I’ve been using it as a way to keep my mind off the fact that shit happens and when mother nature is involved you just gotta learn to adapt and roll with so I’m not worried about the hermie and I just continue to grow and if I see any I pull them but overall I have been seeing less n less every day!..tje biggest difference has been the removal of I think 7 lol fan leaves about a week ago and damn it loved it…

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I hate to say I told ya so :wink: :wink:


Government recommends 40-60%, you just have to be sure the vapor pressure is in the green zone with the temperature and humidity reaching the right levels for your plant growth. I think they call it VPD.


Have you seen any seeds? Sometimes you’ll have bananas unopened but no seeds when you chop down… It also shouldn’t affect its potency or flavors…

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Nope! and I had to check a calyx and it’s just what you said that there’s no seeds and all the nanners are enclosed green ones and I had to check out if they were seeds in the bigger calyx and it’s what u mentioned
…what does that mean, poor lineage and genetics

I actually have a few actually and I’m printing and laminating one for my grow room!?..any differences between these

…and I have this one


Yah those charts are very simmilar, but the writeup at the end about using 30% humidity, I would say I’ve only done that once, and it was hard on the dehumidifier heh heh. It’s more difficult than it seems to get bud mold. I’m usually at 45% in bloom.


So I thought I was the only one who has heard of this seed company the Bank Genetics and I just noticed this post

from @boogn1sh…exactly what I’m growing


The Bank Genetics created “Fall of ‘97” by crossing two classics: Purple Urkle and OG Kush so I at least figured out what the genetics were for Black Eyed Katy and a company named Pot Zero is joined with The Bank Cannabis Genetics in Colorado and I just wish that I could get it before I never got responses from the company online so we’ll see if I can finish strong and see how it turns out ! Some info is always better than none but I had to dig here’s the info for the Phishhead Kush The Clinic’s way of honoring the Vermont band Phish. The OG Kush x Lowland Afghani cross delivered 17% THC and zero CBD in a gorgeous purple plant with strong sedative qualities, according to the breeder. Others online have reported 20% or higher THC levels and strong uplifting effects.
According to The Bank Genetics, the indica-dominant strain has a fruity and earthy taste and aroma but I found it on seedfinder and it is funny how it says the strain name and says “probably” on it then :rofl: what is probably wow but anyone heard of Lowland Afghani before I haven’t and would like to get some more information on this hybrid I’m growing Black Eyed Katy (The Bank Genetics) :: Cannabis Strain Info

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Might just be the genetics

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Who knows all I care about is finishing up strong and getting the best product in the end so we shall both finish up our Tron grows almost same time I have about 2 weeks left estimation