Update on second grow in Phototron!

So it’s been a tough day and I decided to put new pictures of my plant and I’m at week 8 flower in a few days and I am open to feedback and would like to know how it’s looking and sorry for the quality and I will get better ones but they’re from today and again thanks for all the kind words and support after losing my dog this morning but I am trying to get some normalcy with my plant IMG_1150 IMG_1154 IMG_1147 IMG_1152 IMG_1151


Looks great, from the looks of it I would give it another 2 weeks…


Me think the same thing

Sorry about your dog.

2 weeks sounds about right

All the best


Sorry to hear about your pup, it’s always a hard time. Keep your head up, good vibes coming your way!


Vietnam Thunder Fuck macro shots 8wks. today…a couple amber’s here & there…thinking of chopping it down next Sunday at 9wks. or sooner…


Here’s a few pics I took this morning as I was waking her up and I am thinking about 2 weeks max and then chop her but we’ll see

please let me know if there’s any input or advice on anything


Looks like some frosty fire to me bud! Looking nice, hold your course, when you think your done go at least another week.
If this is the medicine for your pops maybe go even longer than that.


Dr.G did you ever find any seeds on this grow?


Yup but only one bud had 13 seeds but no others at all!?!?


Do you have any shots before you harvested ?


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here’s a couple of it the day I harvested @Kabuddha and thanks for checking out the grow it’s fun using a Phototron with limited space but I am gonna be using a 4x2x6 grow cabinet and I am gonna use the phototron for Auto’s and photo fems but that’s my second harvest and successful grow The Doc


Looks good. The Phototrons yield surprisingly well!


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My Dad’s the reason I got one plus I had absolutely no space to grow and it’s just a great grow chamber and my Dad used to use spagnum moss and send it to the labs before flipping to flower and they’d send you back what you needed to keep the moss in optimal conditions and it’s a bit quicker and doesn’t make an difference in electric bill but I’ll have this in the top of the Tron and I can’t wait to see the difference

and here’s the first auto grow Skywalker auto fem Mephisto chopped on day 84


Looks great! I am thinking about building a DIY one to mess around with, yours has inspired me. Do you think it needs the glass panes other than for observations?


The inside of the glass has mylar on it so when the lights are off u can’t see through them and some of the new ones don’t have any mylar on the panes so that’s what they’re for reflection of light and it definitely makes the world of the but totally up to you and check out @PhilCuisine he’s the Tron Guru and who is the reason I’m on OG and he’s got a diy phototron build to check out for a bit of influence but don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me anything it’s fun making it yourself aka MacGyvered my clone dome and I wish you the best but always here The Doc