Upstate new York grows

The winters there are brutal. Some people said the lake effect snow was the worst part, but at least lake effect meant the temperature would be above zero. The only Army installation colder than Ft. Drum is Ft. Wainwright, Alaska, and I’ve also been stationed there. My last deployment was from there. It was about 20 degrees there in Alaska. It was 120 degrees when we touched down in Kuwait. Only the federal government could think it was a good idea to send people from one of the coldest parts of the world to one of the hottest.


Right?! I got sent from one duty station where it was -40F all winter. I was fine. Never sick. They sent me straight from there, to a place 95deg/95%RH. :cold_sweat:

I got pneumonia the first week. My body does not cope well with super hot humid weather!


I’ve come out of the basement the last 2 summers on LI. If you’re not a scumbag type, just growing 3 or 4 plants in your backyard the cops couldn’t care less. I don’t sell, just personal use and gift the rest.
Now it’s about figuring out what works with all the humidity, anyone from the island have suggestions? I’m a big sativa fan. I just popped some Ace Golden tiger v2 A couple weeks ago, going to veg it till the early summer and put the clones out and hopefully it will finish before Nov.
The first year I grew a TK x Ethiopian cross a friend in CA made, seeing that thing in the sun was incredible gnarly branchy sativa looking plant 6’ tall. I wasn’t overly concerned with the outcomes I just enjoyed watching it grow, basically an ornamental mixed in with some taller flowers like Joe Pye and golden rod. Had some bugs and some mold but I was ultra picky about picking the primo buds and got an ounce of killer flower with a mellow, clear but long lasting buzz, party weed.


I was actually surprised to learn that myself. I’m in Upstate too… actually Central NY… and I know a bunch of people who are doing a couple plants in the backyard. No one seems to care. We’ve come a long way in just a few years. I’ve gotten busted myself with possession a couple times when I was younger… handcuffed to a table. Once I was detained in a holding area for 6 hours… I always managed to get out of it in court… but it was a lot of bullshit to go through.


I went to my Agway out in Suffolk this past Saturday and they have a big ass sign out on the road “CANNABIS GROW SUPPLIES SOLD HERE” with 2 leaves on each side. 5 years ago I wouldn’t even look in a Hydro store’s direction.
If your not selling they want nothing to do with you, if you are selling and they snag you they are looking to pump you for info on bigger stuff, hard drugs, car theft ( big problem out here now).
50 year old dude listening to the Dead, growing some 14 week haze strains in my basement…not on their radar…


Glad you both made it out of the shadows. I spent so much time hiding it’s crazy. Being able to be open about it is amazingly awesome!
Nobody cares is the understatement! So many stores just openly selling flower, edibles , and concentrate.


I’m looking to grow some clones this spring and summer. I’ve always grown from seed. Any of my fellow upstaters have any cuts down the road we could work something out?

I frequently have my own “in house” cuts I keep around a few grows and I’m happy to share when I have stable offerings worth sharing. :handshake:


What area are you in? Mid Hudson valley here.


18 months. June 2024 we can grow. But I’m bad with numbers so…


Lol. I still hide when I smoke. Ptsd


Nope. No money. You just have to be willing to give up your constitutional rights to privacy and firearm ownership.


Little warm last couple days! If you have a commercial driving license DON’T get your medical card. It will be revoked

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I know this has been discussed before …when’s a safe bet to put out clones …they would be temporarily going in a green house…just worried about them starting to flower due to daylight hours

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I use a sunrise/sunset calculator.
I like to go with 13 hours of daylight or more.


I would wait until end of may beginning of June


I agree. I’ll most likely put this years outdoors plants out around the end of May beginning of June
when the weather starts to warm up. If you needed to put out plants early I would use the sunrise/set calculator only if I had a greenhouse or a way to keep the young plants/clones warm.


My wife brought me a copy of this home yesterday, found at our local library. Didn’t know this was a thing till now.

I was pleasantly surprised. They had articles about people, events, and cannabis related companies near and far:

Just thought I would share.


That’s great.

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may 15th is a solid bet in NY around 45N harden them off and you’ll be great !!


Speaking from experience I take it :sweat_smile:.thanks fellas