Upstate new York grows

Stay warm folks!


Damn buddy it’s only 4 going down to -2. I feel like it’s a heat wave here looking at that

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Well said.



Ten characters

Penalized because I was smart enough to not get busted for weed in NY.


I got busted when my friends heroine addict brother got busted and ratted me out. Showed up at my apartment (the only time) and asked if i had any marijuana i could sell him. Marijuana!?? Who calls it that? I knew something wasn’t right and i didn’t sell either, but gave him a couple joints because I’m nice. That was probable cause to the crooked cops…Sometimes smart has nothing to do with it. Damn junkies.

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Now THAT’S a crappy forecast. I hope your 10 day looks better!

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I hate rats.
My dad ratted me out to the cops, telling em I grew, thats why I fled NY a decade ago.


Yikes, that’s rough. Have you been able to fix that relationship since then? I hope so. It took me a long while to turn my old man around. He knew I grew and was eventually supportive.
I was never arrested for weed in New York so I can’t sell anything here in the future? I was arrested for felony possession of marijuana in California in 1969 but that’s out of state so it doesn’t count in NY. I failed a piss test and lost my career as a diesel mechanic but that doesn’t count either.

I just recently found out that as a Medical Cannabis Program patient in NY, I can now grow 6 plants for me and 6 plants for my wife indoors or outdoors on my property. The state was so slow with regulations that I guess I stopped looking. I guess everybody but me knew that since October 5, 2022 it was something you could legally do in NYS.

So, I’m not longer a criminal, wow! I don’t need to be paranoid like I’ve been for some 57 years. I’m glad I bought those 15 gallon fiber pots. I can’t plant many but I can grow trees. I’m looking forward to giving everyone I know bags or jars of excellent cannabis.

It would be nice to be able to have it tested and bought by a responsible vendor to be sold at a large discount compared to the corporate dispensaries but that’s not happening either. The point would be just to cover expenses not labor because growing is a labor of love.


I tried last year.
He ended up calling the cops and trying to 5150 me. Cops came, spoke with me and immediately saw im not a threat to myself and recommended i get far away from my father.

I think the regulations said we have to wait a couple months after the first dispensary opens to be able to home grow. But everyone acted like its legal and just grew last year.
Neighbors saw me with 40 plants in a backyard and didnt care l, just said “well, its finally legal”


Yeah, I also grew some monsters in my vegetable garden last year and I figured it was safe but no one said it was legal. I got a medical card last year sort of just in case.


A lot of people started growing outdoors openly (even a lot for their first time) since the new legislation passed. Seems like as long as you’re not going completely overboard, nobody is really enforcing it,state police seem to be focusing on more important things like running up traffic tickets to generate revenue for that bloated state budget we have :rofl:.

Saw ZERO pot choppers this year and usually they’re swarming the area I live in during harvest season. Finally a little bit of peace!


Technically it’s not legal until a time period after the first dispensary opens.
As mentioned no one care!

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If I wasn’t such a Luddite I’d send you a copy of the passed law. If you just google NYS Medical Home Cultivation Guide you’ll find the law and rules were changed and passed on October 5, 2022. It’s a 17 page guide explaining the rules. If you have a card, it’s legal.

To me it’s the fact that finally we have been vindicated. Most of my life I’ve been a criminal according to “the man”, the government, the majority of Americans, and including much of my family… We were always right and “they” were always very wrong. I think a celebration is in order.


Oh, and the medical cards are now free. If your doctor thinks it will help you, he can prescribe and fill in the paperwork. I have to admit I’m shocked they wanted no money?


I’m not talking about medical. I’m talking about the rest

I figured it was free because they had nothing to legally sell. Free for the first two years, guess will see in another couple of months when it’s time to renew, if it’s still free.

The medical has product to sell.

I was stationed at Ft. Drum (near Syracuse) and damn, the weather sucks. Good fishing, though.


Free if its your own doctor
There are still doctors charging 200$ for new patients to get a card.
Same way its been in WA, OR, CA

Looks like med card is free. ok by me. Now NuggMD ain’t free but no problem. I initially signed up in May…the next year they sent me a notice and I signed up in April thinking it would renew on the anniversary date…but it did not…so I lost a month. Yesterday they sent me an offer to re-up for $50 off but only for 5 days…it’s february dudes, c’mon.