Upstate new York grows

Are you allowed to grow outdoors in NY yet, I was under the impression it was still a no go?


Technically you are not unless you have a medical card.
Practically, no problem with a few plants.

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A buddy I know has been waiting for it to be legal , he is like that…
Has anyone heard any stories of any home growers actually getting busted since NY went full Rec? I have not heard of any arrests myself.


As long as you are close to the proposed plant count your fine. Most I’ve heard is confiscated plants


I haven’t heard of anyone getting busted for growing in WNY (I’m in the Buffalo area), and even police depts in a couple localities have said just be unobtrusive, think about security - kids jumping fences and whatnot - but overall no one seems to be getting in trouble for a couple plants, as @Emeraldgreen notes.


I threw a handful of random cuts mothers and seedlings out his week in 1-3 gallon pots. They’ll be transferred to 55 gallons eventually let’s see! I’m in a cold ass area to but I’ll put em in shed or garage if need be. I always got too many mothers seedlings and cuts inside so if these die it’ll be ok lol with some advice from others ill have some better choices for outdoors next year but for this year

Cement shoes s1
Gorilla monsoon cut that’s going great indoors right now don’t even know the lineage yet it’s testers.
OGChemnlIBL from @Rocket
Pucker punch (jinxproof)
Powder burns (blue power work from short sleeve magician)
And two hawks F2
The two hawks seeds were a gift from a buddy they are mr spliff seeds Hollywood pk crosses somethin sour I forget at the moment


I don’t think the states gonna fuck with your outdoor stuff unless your asking for it like a field full of nothing but hundreds of big plants or if you’re in a city and doin too many on your front lawn. I bet there’s gonna be people asking for it lol just don’t be one of them


Sounds like my problem :sweat_smile:and it’s not prime time to flip to flower and not have to worry about humidity…Have you put clones out around the same time in past years?


Im pretty new with outdoors here, only lived up north for a little under 3 years now. the previous 2 years I put out early June I think. I know last year was early June. I’m from south Florida so I never grew outdoors there and I worked on a bigger farm that was in greenhouses in hot dry socal but nothing like what’s been the outdoor here.


Nothing special weather wise round here come September October. Botrytis :expressionless:


Oh yea cool dark humid days i around then showed me that last year I had huge plants and most got hit hard with that


nice line up looking forward to see how they do. I’m a big supporter of Copa genetics they seem to do great in NY


Im also in Upstate NY. I saw the daylight calculator @Blackbeard posted a few weeks ago and punched in my zip code. According to the calculations my daylight hours do not go below 12hrs until Sept 27. Sept 26 shows 12 hrs 2minutes, Sept 27 says 11hrs 59min.
Does outdoor photoperiod begin before 12 hrs of darkness? It seems if Sept 27 is the trigger date for flower period to begin an 8 week strain would be finishing at Thanksgiving roughly? This cant be right. Can someone please help me make sense of this?
It seems to me I would need/want to have a finished plant near the end of Sept, or its going to be compost.

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Most of the photoperiod plants a person would try to flower outdoors in the NE start flowering under ~14 hours of sunlight, i.e. early to mid August.

ETA: realistically many plants won’t finish until mid October, but you can find photoperiod plants that will finish at the end of September or very early October (like Copa, for example).


Ok cool, thanks for the reply. Im up high in the Heldeberg Mtns. even mid October some years the weather is already getting nasty. Although I have seen people out on motorcycles here into December…
I guess its kind of a crapshoot. Maybe I should be looking into a half decent greenhouse…

It rarely happens here anymore. Rippers 12 year olds ripping and running with a shoot or two. I have a female friend that’s been growing 3 decades she had a room mate dump bleach on a bunch of outdoor full flowering clones. Fucked up shit.

It’s bound to be 70 sunny and dry the week after you chop no matter what, but a greenhouse or high tunnel does help a person sleep at night.


Well ive been considering getting one for veggie garden starts as it is. Ive seen some decent size tunnels that weren’t too expensive. If it stretches out the season on both ends it seems justifiable.

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So rn we r getting 14 hrs and 19 mins daylight according to the website…longest day of the year is the 21st of June at 15 hrs 19 mins … soooo where do we stand haha


You have to cover them in any rain