Upstate new York grows

I have not tried growing Barneys Farm, but i know for a fact that i will never buy those seeds from that local hydroponics shop. First - they were 50$ for 3 of them, so way out there price wise. Second, my pal who did buy a few (200$ worth?) tried to return 1 or two unopened ones because he got zero seeds to sprout from his first pack, and they said - absolutely not, no returns / replacement ever on seeds.


Im sure their seeds are trash, and not kept in great conditions either.
Just buy from the breeder online or one of the breeders who sell on OG.
I would like to see any clones stores may have but here close to NYC iono if theyll have any im gonna check 2day.


Shoot me your addy via privnote!
I will send you some BAMF seeds.

Let’s spread the OG love to your pal…


New Yorkers 21 years and older can grow up to six plants in their home for personal use (3 mature plants and 3 immature plants) and a maximum of twelve plants per household (6 mature plants and 6 immature plants), even if there are three or more adults over the age of 21 in the residence.

Please be aware the home cultivation of cannabis plants is not allowed immediately. Pursuant to the MRTA, the home cultivation of cannabis plants may only be permitted after the Office of Cannabis Management issues regulations governing home cultivation of cannabis, which must be no later than 18 months after the first adult-use retail sale.

  • Cannabis plants must be kept in a secure place and not accessible to any person under 21.*

  • Home cultivated cannabis cannot be sold to anyone and is only intended for personal use.*

  • Please note, it is illegal to make cannabis hash oil or concentrates using substances like butane, propane, or alcohol with home grown cannabis.*

  • Local municipalities may enact and enforce regulations relating to home cultivation of cannabis provided, no municipality may completely ban or prohibit home cultivation.*

Awesome gesture @Maddawg

This is why OG is the best… LoL


That is very generous of you! But you don’t have to do that. To be honest, I have received several free seed give-a-ways from the threads here, and have made sure some of those made it his way. I do keep trying to get him to log in and participate here, but computers are not his daily thing.

See that’s why OG is awesome.

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Med users were allowed to grow in October of the year the legislation passed. 6 months after the bill passed.

That’s for Rec use

chronic pain for the win

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They said they would allow medical homegrow before recreational after the 1st public comment period and made several changes to the law like growing outdoors, removing odor restrictions, etc.
It still wont be legal until after the 2nd public comment period has ended and they have decided on the official rules. The public comment period hasnt ended yet. Began May 4, 2022 and lasts for 45 days.
So the soonest it can be officially legal for medical homegrow is in 44 days from today.

There are some people who still dont believe me so i just want to add some links and facts from the website.

Quotes from the website
#1 Medical Cannabis Program FAQs | Office of Cannabis Management
" 5. Can I legally grow my own medical cannabis at home?

Not yet. On October 21, 2021 the Cannabis Control Board advanced proposed regulations for home cultivation of medical cannabis. The proposed regulations follow the requirements of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) . The public comment period ended January 18th. The OCM is reviewing the public comments on the proposed regulations to determine whether amendments need to be made before the regulations are filed for adoption.

Patients and designated caregivers CANNOT legally cultivate medical cannabis at home until the regulations have been formally adopted.

When the final home cultivation regulations have been adopted, a notice will be posted on our website notifying patients and designated caregivers that they can legally cultivate medical cannabis at home in accordance with the regulatory requirements.

**Please continue to monitor this website."

#2 - Cannabis Conversations | Office of Cannabis Management

## What’s Legal and What’s Illegal

It’s illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy, possess or use adult-use cannabis in New York. Just like alcohol and tobacco. Businesses must have an adult-use license to legally sell cannabis in New York and adult-use retail dispensaries can lose their license for selling cannabis to anyone underage and/or face significant fines and penalties. Adults can be charged with criminal penalties for selling or giving cannabis products to someone underage. Youth cannabis use has been found to have negative social, physical, and mental health impacts on youth whose brains are still growing and developing. Because of this, youth cannabis remains illegal for individuals under 21.

###### What is Legal?
** It is legal for adults 21 years or older to possess 3 ounces of cannabis and 24 grams of cannabis concentrate (edibles, oil).*
** It is legal for adults 21 years or older to use cannabis in a private home or in most places tobacco can be used, with the exception of use in a motor vehicle, a private business (such as a restaurant patio), a hookah or “cigar bar,” or on federal property.*
** It is legal for adults 21 years or older to “share” cannabis without compensation, to a person 21 years or older under the legal possession limit, but the sale of a service or commodity associated with the sharing is prohibited, including so-called “gifting.”*
###### What is Illegal?
** It remains illegal to smoke cannabis in a motor vehicle, a private business or any place where smoking tobacco is prohibited (like restaurant patios).*
** It remains illegal to grow cannabis plants in your home until the OCM issues regulations permitting home cultivation for adult-use.*
** It remains illegal to distribute or sell cannabis without a license. Transferring cannabis under the possession limit between adults who are 21 years or older without remuneration (money paid or service provided) is legal. However, some individuals are attempting to skirt the law with so-called “gifting” in which cannabis is given away at the same time as another transaction or is offered or advertised in conjunction with an offer for the sale of goods or services – this activity is illegal.*
** It is illegal to drive under the influence of cannabis which can slow motor coordination and other skills needed to drive safely. Like with alcohol, if you drive under the influence of cannabis, you will get a DUI and risk hurting yourself or others.*

##### Can I grow my own cannabis at home?

Not yet. Growing cannabis at home is not permitted under the law until after the OCM adopts regulations outlining the rules for growing cannabis at home. For adult-use cannabis, these rules are required to be in place within eighteen months of the first retail sale of adult-use cannabis in New York State.
For medical cannabis, regulations have already been proposed and are in the process of being amended and submitted for public comment. If the amendments are deemed acceptable, the regulations will be adopted, and medical patients can then begin home cultivating. Please continue to monitor the website for updates and sign up to receive updates from the OCM on our e-mail distribution list.

this, from the same site say the regulations were submitted in Oct 21

There seems to be much mis information out there and by them the state in particular.
I’m not waiting on any comment period, lol and they’ve screwed this up enough that you’d never have an issue legally.

I know they gave the go ahead to the commercial growers already even though the details are not worked out yet. They’d be hard pressed to harrass a medical card holder for growing pot with all the false starts. I think :wink:

Advanced regs does not mean its a law thats not mis-information. If you follow the link and read it in its entirety, it states everything very clearly. Regs issued for 1st public comment review which will last 60 days. Thats it. (You will still get a class A misdemeanor and up to 1 yr in prison plus fines etc. For a handful of plants. Not to mention the possibility of civil forfeiture no matter how slim)

Bottom line it’s still one hundred percent illegal. I would never tell people not to grow I just want people to be aware that it remains illegal and still a crime and your local police department doesn’t care about misinformation you will still be arrested still go to jail and still have to fight the case.
Ignorance of law is not a valid criminal defense.
(And each municipality can have different plant limits all the way down to 1 mature 1 immature)

I only want all the OGres not to be confused
and to be careful.

Just be safe out there.

*and i wish all fellow NYrs a bountifull and resinous harvest!

**I called and emailed the OCM today as well just to disperse the clouds of doubt some people still have.
On phone they confirmed not legal to grow.
and here is the email response.


They’re going to drag this shit out as long as they can. They won’t let anyone grow anything until they’ve thoroughly stuck their finger into the pie and swirled it around a few times for a taste.


so those 3 large plants last year were NOT legal after all…yikes!

Has anyone got a med card renewed this year via the website?

As said it’s not legal, however a memo was issued to all police departments once it was legalized. It essentially said
Don’t bother with small stuff! Like 3 plants.
They don’t want to waste time or resources on charges that will not matter.
My friend has a cousin or uncle who is a detective. This is what he said.

If you are discrete you should be fine.

Weight and large sums of money are still something that they will bust you for


Got this little greenhouse from tractor supply to help aid the start and Harding off. I have 9 nl5 clones that went out a few day ago. And the rest were brought out yesterday. All are diffrent clones except 4 seeds of ssdd x goji og. I topped those plants yesterday to get a clone and sent them on their way. Tomatoes are Berkeley pink tyedie and brandywine


I know a few cops downstate and they say exactly the same. Unless it’s something big don’t waste time on stuff that won’t get prosecuted.


That is true if the sun is out and it looks to be in the long range. Frost is another story, still not safe till after May 31 or so, you just never know and I do not push it, the ground is still cold so things are not growing anyway. I put tomatoes peppers etc in cold frames and that is where the ladies go too here in Upstate NY. Cold Frames are like a greenhouse


I did address the frost issue, which varies by where you are. Closer to the city, mid huddle valley are about 2 weeks ahead of southern tier.


The farmers are planting seeds! Green light guys and gals!!!
