Upstate new York grows

Already on it!

Lined up to go in: Copa - Time trip and Ancient Skunk, Humboldt - Blueberry muffins, Bigfoot glue

In already: Humboldt - Sour apple auto, Farmers Daughter, and the biggest of them all - Copa Time Trip!

and… a few days later - in the ground and fenced… Bigfoot glue

Blue berry muffins…

Found that 1 of my ancient skunks was a boy, so, i gave him is own bed, and a lady skunk to keep him company / occupied. Maybe some seeds will happen? We will see…

And that’s round 1 for this summer.


looking good. Nice selection of genes. Just try Copa Genetics for the first time. Im testing GSD x P25. just waiting for the seeds to arrive and I will directly sow them in the ground. I have some NL5 clones outside but the plant doesnt need a lot of dark to flower apparently. i am getting some preflowers on them but will move into the sunniest park of the yard today. The were in a small martha greenhouse close to the house which was shading them too long.


That’s interesting / fun. I’m not brave enough to try the seeds direct in the ground yet, so you gotta let me know how that turns out and if you use any tricks to get them to pop successfully.

I plunked the money down for one of those temp control seedling heating mats (Vivosun), and so far, that has helped my seeds sprout much more reliably.


cool line up. I am really interested in watching the banana mac. I killed my only one putting it out early this year. May your grow be Kind!! :slight_smile:

Welcome to OG

So its dropping down to 40F or so tonight, maybe a bit too cold for anyone with outdoor plants in the upstate area. I gathered some scrap materials and took some precautions…

Finished product and other covers idea’s (the Auto’s should be fine)


Looking good! I’m from LI. New to OG and started recreational growing during COVID because 1 I was bored and 2 I haven’t smoked in a very long time (let’s say at least 15 years). I just recently moved 2 of my NLxChocolate Thai outside a few days ago when we had that nice humid weather and then the temp dropped and so far they still look good. I started them inside and had them under a homemade greenhouse I made with an empty soda bottle and sitting at my bay window before moving them out into a 5G bucket bag. So hopefully they’ll thrive outside soon.


i hear you on this. same up here in maine. in the eighties day time night 55-60. then the cold came back we also got 40’s for a few nights also. everything did ok for me. i grew up in lake gorge area? where about are you?

depending on how many hours of light they had before going out it could start to trigger flower. like if you had them vegging under 18hrs and put out into the sun light only having say 13hrs it could confuse them a bit. they should adjust and come out of it as the days lengthen in sun hours. on the plus side you see the sex of the plant. enjoy your grow.

I am near Rochester. Now that we are in June - things are looking good. Everything is doing quite well outside at this point and now that everything is planted and settled, everything is growing pretty nicely.

Humboldt - Blueberry Muffins

Humboldt - Bigfoot Glue

Humboldt - Sour apple Auto
Humboldt - Farmers daughter
Copa - Time Trip

Copa - Ancient skunk (left 2)
Purple Urkle

As long as i don’t mess anything up, it should be a great year!


Not far from you Fellow Yankee and the weather is almost right down here Copas Turkish Twist is loving it outside and is almost 5 foot tall and is 4 and a half ft around.I might have to bend this one we only just hit June yikes :flushed:. Coots mix is Nuclear.It’s something about that basalt


People living North of that cancer want others to know
so they don’t automatically think they are citiots too😁
This is my 31st year growing outdoors in Upstate NY . Some plants grown under a long light cycle will flower when placed outdoors this time of year but often recover by the solstice and grow normally. Great way to make a few early seeds. Plants Started under a 18 6 or 16 8 light cycle may not do this.
@Karma welcome! Fellow upstater here, living on the N edge of the Catskills. Ny can be tough outdoors. Slugs are a big issue in places. A copper collar or copper brillow pad stuck in the soil a little bit becomes an electric fence to slugs/ snails.
Rain washes out nitrogen from containers. A t shirt or cloth works great as a mulch and rain shield, as well as keeping roots shaded and cool.
Mold is the major issue. Shoot for end September/ early to mid October for the best harvest window for photo plants. Any earlier humidity is super high. Any later and the rains can come. Maybe go 2 weeks later for low elevations. Picking a mold resistant strain is a must or plan on protecting plants from rain and daily dew in the morning by covering or bringing them in.
Good luck! If you csn overcome the obstacles our weather is great for potent pot!

Huixtepec, southern Guerrero state. End of week 15 flowering. Loving the ourdoors this past month. Brought in 12 hrs a day.


Tagging along for the ride
Thinking about getting a house somewhere around that way


Those Hux look like some time travel weed wowza

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I had a microwaved sample last night. HOLY MOLY!. Going to be great smoke. Still 1-3 weeks for the few plants.


What do you wait for tricome wise to judge the best ripeness? full cloudy some amber?Full cloudy no amber?Some cloudy a little clear?I usually no matter what I smoke try to shoot for a full cloudy 6 to 10 percent amber but some people have told me long flower varieties can have you waiting on a fools errand sometimes especially the legit afghan Sativas.The ones I saw near bagrahm I always asked the farmers and they told me to wait was a fools errand some stayed damn near clear forever.Don’t know how Mexican varieties are


Great tips @Upstate

Last years sour diesel was a bug slug magnet! Those girls look wikked as stated! Much love lugging them in/out every 12hrs! Respect!

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I take sativas as soon as they go cloudy. I’m after energy buds. Picking late makes me worry that it will be ruined for my taste. And after 18 weeks…cloudy is done enough lol. Indicas i like when clear. As soon as a few full size heads go milky i pick. They knock me out or make me lazy otherwise.
Where were you in Afghanistan? I’m growing that Holy Smoke seeds Peshawar Afghan. Hopefully for the coop. Its the old Afghan Sativa. Looks like it wants to be big. Wish i could let it stay out but it would be a mold fest last 2-3 weeks of flower. Thanks very much for your service…

@4ftfarmer garden stores or catalogs sell rolls of copper mesh. Works great but only lasts a season or 2. Old sheet copper makes the best collars. I’ve had some for 15 years


tack her to the fence grape vine style bend push the tops down it will rise another day… you will get lots of colas. enjoy the grow!

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lots of good info right there folks. never met a slug i liked. specially the ones that got the sprouts . have to deal with them up here. great info and tips right here thanks to @Upstate thanks so much. enjoy your grow.

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I grew Subcools purple urkle in 2007 purple dank as hell. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: