Upstate new York grows

I’d say everything you said @Upstate is pretty much been my experience. I have to say the mid Hudson valley goes a bit longer in the season, but you still generally want to be out before the hunters start looking for their spots for the season.
I’m curious to see how long some of these plants will go since they don’t have to be hidden
After COVID my area is full of citidiots who have fled the city. Waiting for them to start changing everything


With age I have become a softy. I normally would mercilessly eradicate all slugs and snails. I have a ton of them to deal with. This year i became one with nature and allowed the slugs and snails to roam freely and they seemed to appreciate the gesture and had left all my plants alone, even without any copper. Until yesterday morning that is. One of the little bastard’s got one of the Peshawar seedlings, completely eating it. I’ve caught snails in the act before. The big ones start at the top and engulf the whole entire plant if they only have the first two leaves after the cotyledons. I was actually able to save a Seedling before by pulling it back out of the throat of the snail. They swallow it whole before Chewing It Off. Well this little Peshawar wasn’t so lucky. Ate the whole thing. Time to break out the copper and declare another summer of War. The little bastards make me crazy. I start feeding them to my plants if they eat my plants. Best way to reintroduce nutrients that the snail or slug stole from the plant lol. Snail spikes are my favorite top dressing​:sweat_smile::rofl::joy::rofl:. Nice bit of calcium and microlife love the Corpses.


I unleash the girls on the lawn now and again, slugs don’t approach from one side for sure…image


Thank you for the advice good thing is that north is 45 degrees adjacent to that fence giving me a full pass of earth sun rotation.I didn’t even think about that.


Here too. Property tripled in cost. Most of them appreciate the area for what it is but there’s always citiots


It’s insane the price increase in the last year. Growing up I used to watch people from the city buy houses in the area. It usually took 4 years before they decided if they wanted to stay or not.
I’m unfortunately watching a huge shift in politics and such in my area


they bring their view up here and then want to change things or complain how they are. Well you moved here its always been this way. damn citiots


In my area they are changing things. Politically active group for sure.
I’m so happy I grew when and where I did. If I did the same stuff today it would be a hugely different experience for me.


Hoping they trickle into this area slow enough we can absorb them rather than get overwhelmed. When i was younger the rat race was several counties away, down in Southern Dutchess county. Now it is nearly next door getting into parts of Ulster County.

Thats the big advantage of living in the Catskills. They usually leave after the first winter :rofl:


My outside grows south of buffalo


i just went camping in the catskills last weekend, Alder lake north or livingston manor. It was beautiful

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I’m in ulster county. It’s going past into Greene and Delaware.

The winters are definitely milder than they were when I grew up. Less snow more rain and ice.

Looks very peaceful @Kami


Your dog looks identical to my old dog. He was an Irish Setter/Golden Retriever mix. What a cool dog he was.

Happy gardening! peace


I hope that isn’t wild parsnip growing in Photo 2.

No it’s dill

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No it’s dill Dill

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Upstate here as well, hope all is going fine for everyone!! :evergreen_tree::call_me_hand:t2:


Im originally from westchester, now im near rochester / buffalo

Yeah, growing up, “upstate” meant yonkers / white plains.
I used to think Canada was juuust north of Albany.
Now, ai live where the snow comes down sideways and driving to work with 2ft of snow on your car roof aint no big thing.

Im curious when y’alls harvest around here.