Upstate new York grows

It’s legal as of oct 5 if you have your medical card


Again different laws for different people I know allot of law enforcement and they say not bothering with it I party with allot of them we need to get rid of quomo in a dress

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Wassup Everyone!

Hope all of us NYrs have had a good OutDoor Harvest!

I am southern westchester and pulled most of the ladies down October 14th.

Below is the official home grow guide for medcial patients from NYS with all the rules and regs they even put in some grow tips and plant info for 1st time growers for anyone whose interested.


Did you guys see how that dickhead from Michigan Kenneth Gay of vericite ny one delayed recreational opening for us by suing NY state for denying his license?

I hope no one patronizes his business if he gets licenced here.

Yeah it’s a ball buster! It’s backed by big money though so don’t think this is just some random lawsuit. Lawyer from La and NY are involved

Also only stops licenses from being issued in that judge’s district for the moment

Definitely not just a random lawsuit. If it weren’t him, it would’ve been someone else. NY is a big market, and the states that legalized earlier have plenty of companies chomping at the bit to come and exploit the markets of the states that are doing it late. Social equity is a nice line to feed to the people, but in reality this is what’s going to come of things everywhere. Big corporations will come in, say it’s unfair that they’re being discriminated against, and win their cases every time because it’s just not within states’ power to do the things they’re trying to do. Then the politicians in charge will shrug, say they tried to help the needy, and sit back and collect their bribes. Er, lobbying perks. Call it what you will. :stuck_out_tongue:


They are supposed to announce on the Nov. 21 who got the license.
It’s bs. They could just get in line for a license that isn’t social equity.
This person applies for a license and didn’t have any charges in NY. Has a felony in Michigan though.

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If he were eligible for a social equity license in the first place, he wouldn’t have standing to sue. I notice he owns exactly 51% of the business, just enough to qualify him as the majority stakeholder and give him standing to sue as well. I wouldn’t be entirely surprised to find the other 49% is owned by a MSO somehow, since the likely result will be to open up NY State to them; they needed to find someone who would be eligible for social equity standing except for the state he’s from to file the lawsuit, since technically they wouldn’t have standing since they’re not harmed by the law. They wouldn’t be eligible regardless of the decision by liberal politicians around the nation to use “social equity” as an end around to racial discrimination by government, and the loopholes it created. Whether you approve of that decision or not, when they write laws that are designed to have loopholes those loopholes are open for everyone to exploit. :man_shrugging:


I’m in Buffalo and I’m this area we usually get to a the first week of Oct as the last min cut off to get your shit down before the frost and freezing rains wreck it.This year was more forgiving with that last min Indian summer we had was able to push some peoples gardens to an extra week.


Bukkle up! It could be a long weekend!:snowflake::snowman_with_snow::snowflake:


Looks like shit here yikes hahahah


Keep it that way😂

I was born for this shit gotta keep the shovel arm strong


We got a pretty good blasting Wednesday pretty much gone now …keeps trying to dump more but it’s not amounting to much…

Just the winds blowing like a fucker just enough to put a hault to crossbow hunting


Going to get a work out today let’s get itttttttttttttt!


Jesus. I am so glad we got no snow down south. My back hurts just looking at this picture :rofl:


Obviously we’ll see what happens with the case, but to me this seems a little different from the Maine dormant commerce clause case… they aren’t saying you have to be a resident of NY, only that you had to have been adversely affected by NY’s cannabis laws. Maine seemed clear cut, in that, if I recall correctly, they required owners (or the majority shareholders anyway) be Maine residents… i.e. clear discrimination against out of state businesses. If this guy had a conviction in NY but lived in MI he’d be eligible.

But then I only read the local news coverage linked to above, maybe there’s more that makes it a little clearer cut.


Fuck this state. A mirage of fairness drowned by reality. I couldn’t even find the application and repeatedly Googled for it and checked the state website. Needed to have an in to know when applications finally came out. I found out two days before the window closed.


Hello fellow upstaters, greetings from the Catskill Mountains!


Welcome @Rippleseeds good to have you here.

@Upstate what were you looking for with the state stuff. We can chat in dm also if you wish