Upstate's Whatzit? Pile of seeds giveaway

I know the pain lol


@Emeraldgreen … Ill hold some of those if u still have em.


Send me your address and I’ll send you some after the weekend. What were you liking?


@Emeraldgreen …ok just did. Thanks again . happy Thanksgiving. Have a fun an safe weekend.


If you still have some I’d be happy to put them into the rotation. It won’t be within a week that I can get them going but within a month they will be front and center if you will allow me the opportunity. I tried to post yesterday but was unable to for some reason. Kept getting some error code pop up on my screen and it would say “restricted”, or I would have posted then.

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Who are you asking @NICO? I have some left…

Made me spit out some beer reading your first post @Upstate been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, hehe, sure I remember this and then three years later, what the fuck is this… hahaha. Great initiative, if I wasn’t about to run off to Asia in a week I would try to play. Going to be interesting to see what’s in those for sure!

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Oh, I was addressing you, I believe. I had tried to reply yesterday and I may on on the incorrect thread, I apologize if so. I was unable to post yesterday for whatever reason so I may have posted out of context since I was just trying to finish from yesterday. Im new to online forums.

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If you’ll grow them I’ll send them. I have plenty. @NICO. These are predominantly longflowers. Mostly in the 13-16 week range but a chance of moroccan and Peshawar being in there and they are quicker.
I also have 2021 and 2020 mystery seed. I have malawi mystery, kullu mystery, Cannabiogen durban mystery, moroccan mystery, sudan mystery, cabecacde negro mystery…from last year and the year before. I probably have 2 dozen or more unknown/ accidental hybrids from the last 3 years. Many will be pure seed but i made lots of intentional hybrids too. Should i add these or do different years whatzits separate?


Lol. The well laid plans of Mice and Men…
I bet your whatzit pile has some special seeds in it!

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sadly most of the historical pile is lost due to stoned-ness hahahaha

once had a bag of seeds with just a big question mark on it as a label


I’ve seen guys make cards to put in the bags which is genius in case the marker fades off or something. I use labels.


Yes I had seen what you had posted was mostly long flower strains. I would love to do what I can w/them and document it as best as I can. Im not well versed in genetics, there was brick weed and worse brick weed when I was growing up. Im just wanting to experience as much a variety as possible.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am glad I am not the only one! I just sent off a “pile” of seeds to AK that I am 99% are from the FogDog that got hit by Goji (those boys are a classic reason for NO other males for pure brad seeds), But, I have to be 110% sure before sharing.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yeah. If I don’t put a label on it it’s lost forever. Even stuff I’m currently running I forget.


A question for those of you interested in this giveaway… I can either keep this completely random and truly give away the seeds I have NO idea about OR, I can give you guys a random assortment of genetics that I know the pedigree of myself, all mixed up, 2 seeds each of 5 of my creations. Up to you individually.
Going to start making packs as soon as I know your preference.


@Emeraldgreen …any word yet :eye::eye::dash:… Are they on the way :trophy:

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I’d love to be involved but with a 6’ tent I’d need more info so I don’t blow the top off of it

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@Upstate i take it these are regular and not feminized???:thinking:. Or are theyyy​:thinking:

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In the mail today.

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