Upstate's Whatzit? Pile of seeds giveaway

I’m excited about this. Over the years I made some hybrids but I have only grown one of them ever and that was my own 2 strains combined back in 2014.
Over the last 4 years I have made close to a 100 hybrids and I have only seen one of them grown. I’m like a kid in a candy store getting to watch this. I know some of the hybrids I made will be kick ass. Not knowing which ones will be kickass just adds to the mystery.


Your going to have an amazing 2023 @Upstate, and beyond. Theres gonna be Soo many “Upstate-grows” hapnin next year. All screaming for your screen-time lol.
I’ll be one !


Thank you for sharing the wealth @Upstate


Half the fun is getting completely unexpected results. This may be a domesticated species, but nature can throw one hell of a curve-ball sometimes. I’d wager some strains were created completely by accident.


@Upstate This was one of the Oaxacan Gold beans you gave me turned out to be a male,I flowered him for pollen cut him down but the batch clumped up on me so I thought all was lost.3 weeks goes by from chop and I looked at the pot I tossed outside in my compost pile and there were 2 newly formed still trying to flower like a mad man stems that shot out the stick and grew in the freezing rain and wind storms.
I seen him and I knew I had to let the poor guy in and get warm he was cold.What a Survivor.Couple weeks after all the nonsense and he’s finally starting to pop some jagged non smooth edge non sworled leaves and normal 3 leaflets.I’m going to take him to the purple kush and see what he does and of course the Texada.He smells like a wierd 70s head shop incense I’ve never smelled anything quite like it.Thanks again for the Genetics.


He’s been around since before may so he’s 8 months old as of now


This Oaxaca is incredibly hardy. That male is a survivor! I’d have brought him in use him too. I had one survive 23 degrees and another died at 19. Sounds like you have an incense pheno there. Possibly a Silversides type. They produce the tastiest smoke.


That is awesome! I love plants that can handle temperatures like that.


How can you Not pull a chair up to watch this guy Fight. Great job getting this far


I credit it all to Die hard genetics.He will live the highlife as one of my premium racehorse studs and live in better pastures till the rest of his days.I’m going to use him as the base for my daytime smokes and see what he can do


Cue the “Tarzan Yell” @CapnCannabis


Package received starting 4 will start couple more in a month. Picked biggest,smallest,medium and a greyish one. Thank you agian


You’re welcome. The others’ packs are inbound. Good germination luck @Jimdoors


Got a pack from you yesterday ! Thanks eager to start them - this will be a interesting grow


Selections all look amazing.,
Cant wait to see some pics from all the lucky OGrs whose packs have landed!


Anyone else get their seeds yet?


Hi everyone.
I’m astonished about how integrated the OG community are. Much respect to you all that keep the ganja plant culture in a stage that goes much beyond self-interest, and do all to keep its culture higher and higher as it should be.
I’m eager to see photos of the first sprouts coming out.
@Upstate, about something you mention earlier, do you know if there is any chance there is a not hybridized “cabeça de nêgo” around¿
I had came through some reports about the mostly known brazilian landrace, ‘manga rosa’, (I even grew a supposed one myself once, but it was difficult to tell – in brazil, usually, everything that is not in the brick form is called by ‘manga rosa’, ‘colombia’ or even ‘skunk’).
But about the pure ‘cabeça de nêgo’ landrace I had just come through some hearsay (and the dutch seed bank probably had only released it in the hybridized form).


@josuejcas The Manga Rosa in Brazil today is predominantly an old Heirloom from the 70’s, when Afghan/ Pakistan( both as I understand it) were mixed with the very long flowering Manga Rosa( 18-26 weeks flowering) The flowering time of this heirloom is 10 to 14 weeks, with half the plants being a pole phenotype and half bushy. The pole plants are the Indicas. Unfortunately many Brazilians mistakenly think this is the landrace.
Cabeca de Negro strain is similar, with afghan/ paki genes mixed this time in the 60’s or 70’s with Bahia Blackhead landrace, which hails from the Amazon Delta region. Again, pole and bush phenotypes. I did a reproduction of this one a couple years back and the Landrace Team got hold of it and is now selling it. It is NOT a landrace. I have seeds left if interested.
There are( likely) pure Bahia seeds floating around OG. @Panamajock is growing one now.


Im interested for some of those if still have em…

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I have just a couple packs left… Let me make sure I can part with another one…as one is reserved for @josuejcas atm. I’ll look asap