Used Equipment for sale or trade

For sale a case of never used fiber root pouches. There are 20 5 gallon and 20 3 gallon bags.
$40 for the case with free shipping to you.


Anyone in Detroit metro have a spare 315w cmh before I drop $ one new one?

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I have a 630w I’m looking to part with


I have a 1000k hps reflector with the bulb, socket, digital ballast for trade for a 4x4 tent

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Selling a couple brand new LED fixtures - Thrive Agritech Boost (130w veg) and Apex (300w). See my craigslist ad - would be great to sell in the Boston area but I can ship them in original boxes.

absolutely brand new in box, zero hours of run time - I got hooked up with some used LED’s from a local friend with a farm and don’t need these anymore - trying to get some of my money back - these are commercial-grade fixtures w/ white horticulture spectrum:

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You guys should post your location when listing stuff for sale etc. At least the country you’re in.

Where are you at @Oldjoints? I’ve been thinking of getting into those cloth bags if they’re still available.

Hunting around for some LED stuff but mainly for vegging plants and saving a few bux on power which is almost 25¢/kwh here. Still love my HIDs for flowering and keeping my chilly grow room warmed up tho.

Northern Alberta here.



I’m in Oklahoma, yes they are still available


Being in northern Alberta here it would cost an arm and leg for shipping tho. Great deal for somebody setting up a decent sized grow and already likes those bags. I have quite the collection of various sized plastic pots that have served well over the years and will probably long after my old carcass is pushing up daisies. :slight_smile:


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Yea I will have to pass on sending them out of country. Sorry about that bro.
Good luck in your grows and don’t fertilize those daises anytime soon.


so these degrade after 3 to 4 seasons? I read their blurb very interesting

@Oldjoints so it would be 40 bucks for 40 bags? if yes you got paypal? I would love to try them :slight_smile:

might be good

all the best and be safe


Yes they degrade and are good for outdoor. Yes I do have PayPal and are $40, if you want them they are yours. DM and we will get this done.


I replied to old one your profiles private so I am not sure how to DM :frowning:

they should work outside for veggies

all the best and grow well


DM = Direct Message
I always used pm before this site. So yes you know how to do it as I got your DM/PM


They work exceptionally well for veggies!!! I use them on both Porches and the Deck. You won’t be disappointed. 5 seasons if you empty at end of growing season, rinse out and, throw in Washer. I have 'em in various sizes ( 1, 3, 5, 7. 10, 20, 35, and 50 Gal). Give 'em a go. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:




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thanks @Oldjoints oldjoints I was afraid to ask. The first time I just thought it was a typo for PM = Personal Message
:seedling: :blossom: :sunflower: :hibiscus: :seedling:

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Bump…and some

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Any U.K. based members have any decent led lights/rigs for a ‘new home’ , ??
I’m just outside Glasgow, Scotland so shoot me a message if any for sale etc …
Cheers .!
pl us ,since im here , has anyone got any spare cs or sts for reversing a couple of branches of a female.? I’d pay for the postage. Shoot me a message if any - much b

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If you can DIY, I have a few hlg 320 24V /A drivers going cheap. They Max out at the wall at about 420W .

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Anyone know anything about “intertek” cmh 315 lights ? Did a google search couldn’t find any info .
Wasn’t sure where to post this if wrong spot please move .

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