Used Equipment for sale or trade

Hey bud, don’t want to take this thread off track, can I pm you?

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Yup for sure.

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Still have these if anyone is interested. Open to offers if price is a lil high.


Good prices on the 100r

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Excellent thread im lookin for a 600 watt hid light and used fluorescent like the little sunblasters and hydroponic equiptment… I currently have a bunch of f3 after dinner breath id be happy to supply for parts im a big diy guy and did electrical work for years so im into fixxing lights and electronics also so if u have some broken stuff or notnfully working equiptment im happy to take it off your hands long as its not ancient lol…


I have that hlg it bangs for a lil guy lol


I’ve got a couple extra RO/DI units and some parabolic reflectors with electronic variable wattage ballasts that can run 250-400 watt bulbs and overdrive them if wanted. These currently have 1 month old high MH bulbs but are usable with any single end 250 or 400w bulbs or replacements

I can take pics if anyone is interested. :v:t2:

@ramblinrose , I suspect it’s only in veg your seeing this problem ,due to lack of radiant heat , yes use your 150w hps or get yourself a t5ho fixture ( better )
When you flip them to 12/12 your LEDs will be fine to use as the power of flowering will overcome the lack of radient heat and uptake will be good , then plants should be fine : ) if plants are in good condition going into flower then the LEDs should see them thru the rest of the grow : ) you may still need to add abit of heat tho if temps too cold in basement


Interesting - too bad I got the B-spec veg version of the 300L lol. They’ve just been super finicky for me every time I’ve tried, usually with healthy vegging plants after they outgrow my T5 2x2.5 tent. I just like it when stuff works - CMH and HPS have both been super simple - plants are happy as long as the extract fan is keeping it cool.


Im in desperate need of a ro water filter. I have a large supply of f3 after dinner breath beans id be happy to trade for a filter. Im also interested in other equiptment so im open to other trades…

Have you looked into the Hydrologic Stealth Reverse Osmosis Micro? It’s 75 gallons per day and it’s horribly priced:

I didnt see anything under the 150 i can actually afford that one

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I got you gator!


This community is great


free shipping on this one I think u said your in barrie right


Lol. And here I was taking the Florida Man literally and forgot their post on the Canadian Clone Exchange! :rofl:


Ya im im barrie

Lol all good it happens a lot


Well, Barrie is kinda like the Florida of Ontario so sure!


Thats not a lie