Vegetable Garden 2021

All planted, yesterday was National Exercise Gardening Day folks…all we need now is rain, we’ve been having a drought in my area…I’ve also been keeping up on my weeding…


Does ripeness matter for pineapple tops? Or is it if it’s good enough to eat it’ll work type things thanks.

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Good enough to eat, good enough to plant! The mother plant will also produce offshoots after you harvest the pineapple.

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How long should it take to root in good? What size end pot is best in your opinion.

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Here’s one that just starting…



I root them for a week or two, but you can plant them without rooting first. The bigger the pot, the potentially bigger the fruit. The largest fruits were on a plant in a 20 liter pail.


My fig trees are doing great, it will be another bumper crop this year for figs, I guarantee…


Figs are looking good what varities do you have growing? Also wondering if anyone could help with my cucumber plant it’s all spotty.

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I see parasites. Leaf miners and shit. Damage probably cause by thrips!

I think it might be angular leaf spots caused by fungal infection. It’s common in Cali and I’m 1/4 mile away. Been treating with Neem and don’t see pests. I hit with Monterey garden pho should kill any bad stuff I hope.

Yes do have leaf miners here I believe.

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If it’s some kind of fungus you can usually kill it with sulfur. Only oomycetes aren’t vulnerable to sulfur. Don’t use within 30 days of an oil application or it’ll burn the leaves. Usually I check with the microscope to see if there is fungus or not.

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We’ve had a 1.5-2 months of drought, no rain at all in my area but it rained bigtime yesterday and my cabbages exploded overnight…


Cabbages look great man.

We have had the opposite here its been overcast and raining the last ten days. My potatoes and garlic have gone mad this week, but we have another 2 weeks of rain forecast :anguished: so my spuds in the ground might get ruined, I am moving the ones in a pot under cover.

Picking all my garlic scrapes atm, they taste great on a salad, its the first time I have had them.

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I too have garlic but no scrapes yet…thinking about picking these and making fried green tomatoes…


Coming along nicely…


Plants look good considering your soil looks like it hasn’t seen water in a month lol. I have the opposite going on, my potatoes have been learning to swim underwater the last couple of weeks, I have lettuce in a pot that sits on an old desk chair that gets wheeled in and out of my barn lean to depending on the amount of rain for the day lol. I would some pics but my phone is having a tantrum atm and won’t recognize my password. I have to wait until the battery goes flat and re charge it before it accepts the pw for some reason.


OK all you potato growers out there , I have a question. I recently discovered my two potato plants I have growing in containers, has blight ! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::hot_face::exploding_head:

So I cut off all the affected parts of the plant there seems to be some new growth on the stems. I don’t know whether I should just harvest early or dump the whole thing somebody give me a clue help


It’s a water mold like pythium, so letting it dry out a bit will probably help.


Thanks my friend I’ll give a shot


They say you should put the affected plant material in the compost and cover it with plastic to kill off the fungus. Whatever you do, don’t save the potatoes and grow them again.

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