Vegetable Garden Is Ready To Plant

This isn’t about you, this is about communicating information about post emergent herbicides and applications to specific weeds.

Sorry @GrowerGoneWild. I want trying to make it about me. Just giving my opinion and experience. If someone wants to use herbicide that’s fine by me. Whatever suits your needs.

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I’m running a few indeterminate hybrid.

its a waste of time pulling weeds. just throw down some clover, buckwheat, alfalfa, hairy vetch etc. and they will control the weeds along with being nitrogen fixers and supplying you with green manure:)

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its a waste of time pulling weeds. just throw down some clover, buckwheat, alfalfa, hairy vetch etc. and they will control the weeds along with being nitrogen fixers and supplying you with green manure:)

We have Rattle Snakes around here.

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Shootem’, eatem’, and bary the bones under your plant! Ho! Ha! Ha!

I got good snake boots…

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The reason I wanted to show how to wipe round up on plants is because you don’t have to over use the product. It does not take much RU to kill your target.

I amended the area in Jan and tilled it in. Then sprayed the area Feb with RU. Now I’m ready to plant on a good outlook week and with no weed and grass management the area would be worthless around the end of April.

As for all the fuck you post going around. I am a site moderator and welcome free speech. I have my own views but don’t let them stand in the way of this community moving forward.

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If you never disagree with someone, then you don’t know anyone very well.

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I don’t always argue with some one,but when I do I come to win or make where they don’t want no more. Stay thirsty my friend.

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The thing I hate is the cost to support a lot of tomato plants. These plants should go 6 feet tall if viruses don’t get them.

What are you using? Cages Or twine.

I’m going to use Twine and weave system.

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Yea, i tend to use big wooden horse shoe’s with twine coming down for outside tomatoes and reuse over and over.

I’m looking to grow crack free tomatoes. I think I have it figured out.

I use potassium silicate for that. It helps keep sunburn down also. The main ammo for cracking i am sure you know. (calcium and not over watering)

Yes I have those type products on my shelf.

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In the link I sent you I’m not using the high tunnel. Just trying to control the correct amount of water per day. I’m close but 60 mph winds will test your building skills.

Maybe a little rescheduling is in order with that kind of wind.

lol I mean I don’t want rain water in my root balls. I want to figure out the best way to keep rain water out.