Vegetable Garden Is Ready To Plant

If your religious maybe a little prayer. Other than that I am at a loss. I am more used to keeping water in. Adding hydroton and such would hold less water than soil but it is permanent for the whole season.

I have an irrigation system to water. Thatā€™s figured out. The problem is the rain is what will over water and crack your tomato.

I donā€™t know about that except for plastic of course. The hydroton or pumice and such would allow the water to run out especially in raised beds. The problem would be having to water more often when it isnā€™t raining.

I originally thought of a rock bed. I changed the idea because I wanted a taste profile that would only come from Compost and I have lots of Earth Juice on the shelf.

I can use plastic but not full time because it will solarize the soil temperature. We kill off nematodes that way.

I have plenty of good water.


I just got an email. It turns out I right about clear plastic really heating up the soil. I figured that any plastic would do the same.

What I just learned is white plastic mulch will only raise the soil temperature slightly. Silver plastic mulch may lower the temperature a few degrees.

So I have a few rolls of silver plastic mulch on the way. They claim 20% more harvest with silver plastic mulch.

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As ya knows wood ashes are very rich in Silicato de Potasio, Silicio n of course K (n a little P)

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Hmm wonder if the reflected light is improving yeild? As opposed to using foil mulch over no mulch? Or white or black vs. silver? Seems to solve the moisture fluctation problem with added bonus? Now keeping plastic on the ground in 60 mph windsā€¦ the rainwater sure ainā€™t gonna be on the mulch for long!

From what I understand about silver mulch it reduces pest. It also will lower soil temperature a few degrees. We recognize it will reflect light upwards. This is why itā€™s said to reduce Aphids. The 20% growth in fruit production is just theory to me. Thus is the light reflecting upwards, reducing Aphids.

Its appears that if reflecting light upwards would reduce Aphids we would already be doing it by now. We will have to see.

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I read a decent research paper that stated white mulch out performed black much and silver out performed white mulch.

A combination of white color on the top side and a black color facing down was better at weed control.

They said red mulch is good but I just donā€™t want to look at a red garden bed lol.

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Isnā€™t red specific for tomatoes. Better yield i believe. Not trying to talk you into it. Just rambling. I donā€™t think i would want to have a red garden either.

Yes but I just dont want to look at it. You may not see silver mulch used much because it cost more.

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Just a thought here - but if youā€™re looking for cheap (OR FREE) mulch row covers I would ask around at any high-end boat dealerships. They will be receiving all their new boats in stock this time of the year, and the pontoon boats are usually wrapped with some VERY heavy duty plastic to protect them during shipping. All this goes straight to the garbage when theyā€™re unwrapped at the dealershipsā€¦ Colours depend on the supplier, but youā€™d be looking at saving a TON of money if you can get your hands on some.

Btw, various Monsanto products are totally forbidden hereā€¦

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Hey MiG, Iā€™ve never used their products either. Call me hippy but i couldnā€™t jump on that bandwagon.

Itā€™s only a way of talkinā€¦ My English isent enought good to explain ya why Monsanto is Ecoterrorism n a great risk to your health. This is the most important to meā€¦

Not only a ā€œhippies stuffā€. Science stuff, betterā€¦As ya knows Monsanto isent allowed to sell here various productsā€¦ I think European Union Rules in Healthy Agricultura n Animal farm are so much serious than in USA & CanadĆ”ā€¦
Ya re only keeping your health (n your " medio ambiente" health)ā€¦

You mean your government tries toimprove your health._ What a concept. I wonder if USA will follow suite. We tend to ban medicine and encourage toxins.

Iā€™ve looked at both sides of the round up discussion. I really donā€™t care to discuss this issue. I will stay true to my cause and fight hard for your rights to free speech on this forum.

Just rambling my opinions, i hope i didnā€™t annoy you to much. I appreciate the free speech comment but respect that this is your thread. Let me know if i step on your toe to hard.

lol Iā€™m not using up my best troll tricks defending some creepy ass billion dollar companyā€¦

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