Vegetable Garden Is Ready To Plant

Am i a troll? Always looking for a new gig!

No but you gots Game. I can see thatā€¦

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All I know is I got plenty of plastic today.

Let me guessā€¦silver.

Would you believe they sent the wrong color lol

Ha! Ha! No way! What know.

I will have to improvise.

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I put out a few of my second string plants today. Just want to see if anything wants to try and eat my veggies.

Just have to wait for the Killer Queen Man to get stocked back up and on to my next project.

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Your going to pull the pin on those huh.

Yes what about youā€¦

I got awhile before i can grab more seeds. I have a lot to try out as it is.

Just add more lightsā€¦

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Okā€¦Stage 2ā€¦The rabbit would not come near my Juju Mix. Took a while to get it on cam. But I like to put real facts up against internet theory.

Proofs in the pudding and cash on the barrel head is all ways a good idea. Oh go ahead and add suckers walks to the mix.

Now the battle against Cut Worms is on. The odds are with the Cut Worms. Only thing I got in my favor isā€¦ Me have plenty of plants and I can think on my feet.

I gave up on turnips because of cut worms. They donā€™t seem to bother my beets. If you find a method to deal with them i am interested.

lol I donā€™t blame them. Google says Cut Worms have to wrap around stems to eat(cut the plant). Just stick tooth pics tightly around the base of the stem in the dirt. This prevents the worm from wrapping around the stem.

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Hateā€™en on my beets! I will give that a try, sounds simple enough.

wheres all the pics. i love seeing the garden!

Being a moderator I donā€™t post pictures of my work. Just imagine the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. Then think of the opposite. HaHaā€¦


Iā€™ve been passing Kidney Stones the last 2 days. They are small but still hurt.