Washing Your Harvest?

1 gallon of peroxide with 3 gallon of water?

Iā€™m crazy but also dilute29% down to 3% so it never actually feels like that much. Also this is only for when Iā€™m worried about PM or budrot. otherwise I just do lemon/soda + 2x washes in just water.

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Itā€™s gross! Always wash the outdoor.

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Looks like my colonoscopy prep. Sorry.

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So perioxide is used for fungus and such the bs and lj do the heavy lifting? Thanks @pigeonman

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2 oz per gallon. A quart bottle does an 18 gallon tote nicely. (you canā€™t get more than 16 gallons of water in it)

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Worked great! Buds looked brighter green afterwards! I know probably just removing debris that affected how it looked. The water was something else. I knew one plant had thrips but the amount of dead bug material that came out made me wash then rinse change out solution then repeat and the second was pulled funk out! The oils that form are those from insecticidal soaps or foliar feeding? Or is the pollution that just collects on the plant that doesnā€™t move so we donā€™t notice.


I never foliar feed or use insectical soap and I get the ā€œoil slickā€ looking shit in the water as well.
This is why I rinse more then most other people do. I probably over do it, but I use this to make edibles and I donā€™t want to eat that crap.