Washing Your Harvest?

Hey you guys,
I read the thread and it’s using measurement system such as “cup”. In my country cups can be different size, so I can’t understand the ratio of water and the hydrogen peroxide. I understand you guys don’t use liters, but percentage of the solution would help.

By the way I am gonna go with hydrogen peroxide as it’s cheaper than lemon juice.

If you guys can explain what should be the ratio of the solution that could help other people living outside of the US and Canada.

Thanks guys.


1 cup = 0.236588 liter


Lol. Freaking awesome visual. Lol…


A Canadian cup is 250mil not much difference to monkeymans, but easier to work out :wink: you don’t have to be very precise for your measurements when cleaning buds.


Dude, you’re going all out on this. Look at you. You’re inspirational to me man.


I’ve done the washing, first bucket baking soda, second h202/lemons, third plain water…
I think it came out fine but there might be a possibility of losing some terpenes… I believe I read that if you have too high of h202 this could possibly happen…

I’ll say this as well, my friends like the bud, it wasn’t as smelly I believe as before the wash, but definitely still when it was broken apart.

Anyone else experience anything similar?

Also, yeah I swung the bud around and had a big fan on them from far away (6ft?) oscillating for maybe a couple of hours, no mold.

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all you need is one cup of H2O2 in 5 gallons of water along with one cup of lemon juice (in bucket number 2). I have not found that at this concentration that it removes any terpenes or potency. It makes the buds a lot smoother to smoke, but it doesn’t remove any potency or taste or smell that I can see.

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A cup of 3%, or %35 h202?

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3% hydrogen peroxide


I did have someone tell me one time, not to leave it in the peroxide for over a minute. The guy was smart as heck, so I still make sure not to leave it too long.

Thats crazy they were still going at it after screwing so much they were loosing body parts. I dont know how I feel about mixing shrooms and amphetamines lol.


I agree, one minute should be sufficient for most washes, I rarely go longer than that in each bucket, though sometimes I do run them through the cycle twice.There is only one molecule difference between H2O and H2O2, and you are only adding one cup of 3% h2O2 (8 fl oz), along with lemon juice to five gallons of water (640 oz) thats a 1:80 ratio, I doubt it alters the chemical composition of the water that greatly.


You can leave your buds in air too long and lose potency, so just use a little sense.

Even if I lose a minute amount of trichomes, losing all the bug and bird poop and gaining smoother smoke is worth it. Just take an extra, super smooth puff, and you will be good. :wink:


I dont think you lose more in a gentle wash than would normally get knocked off anyway - those trichomes are Klingons, but either way I do prefer it washed and it is much smoother


I think I mentioned it before, I saw a thread on another forum where someone saved their wash water and ran it through a bubble bag and then posted pics of what was left behind - it was pretty nasty looking and it certainly isn’t anything I would want to smoke. Also, just taking a look at the prefilter on my carbon filter shows me that I need to wash my harvest.


At least a nice rinse on indoor stuff should knock alot of dust off.


Especially if you grow that sticky goodness. When I get another fan going I would like to run a prefilter on my intake. I really shold stop smoking in my room the tents in.

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For those of us with outdoor grows, especially up North, it’s sneaking up on harvest time, and with that comes PROBLEM time in terms of mildew and bud rot.
I had some problems last year, and threw some branches onto the burn pile out back when I caught it.
I’ve read a few posts about bud washing.
How many here do it, and what’s your method?..I’ve heard 10% Hydrogen Peroxide, then plain water rinse? Do you bud wash when you see a problem, and let the plant keep growing, or do you chop n’ wash?


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I always wash my bud, indoors or out. I use 18 gallon totes. I mix the wash tote @ 2 oz peroxide per gallon. I break the plant down to fit in the tote…long branches can be bent as needed. Then I let them soak for a few minutes, you can see air bubbles escaping from the buds, which is good. The next bucket is a plain water rinse, gently dunking and swirling…then hang it up in front of a fan until it stops dripping…then on to drying as usual.
:slight_smile: What you see floating on the surface of the wash bucket will convince you that you’ve chosen the correct path.