Washing Your Harvest?

That what I do too.


Yes. It takes 4 months to grow it and only 5 minutes to wash it.
If you use any foilar sprays you need to wash them or smoke the residual. The same thing with dust. If your tent is negative pressure, you will be sucking in dust. Try cleaning a plant and decide for yourself. Itā€™s easier, healthier and tastier. :slight_smile:


I donā€™t use sprays at all during flowering and all of my incoming air into my grow areas is filtered but like @Islayhearts recommended iā€™m going to try a branch or 2 and do a side by side on my next run and see what happens. iā€™ll post up my results when i do.


Even with just water and hydrogen peroxide, thereā€™s a noticeable tint to the water after dunking and swirling it a few times. Let alone all the fungus gnats that got washed off :sweat_smile:


I did it ONCE and then wanted to puke at what the cleaning buckets looked like after. I was all ā€œI smoked that shitā€¦ fuck.ā€

Edit: Legit: ā€œWhy is the water BROWN?.. WHY IS IT BROWN!!!ā€ (there was a lot of construction in the neighbourhood so the washing was for a PM battle, but the winning was removing EVERYTHING ELSE TOO.)


I have always said that. I agree with the washing. If you spray it why not clean it. I never seen a problem with it. Especially is it does have a few bugs. The spray especially. I will fog outside my area. I know that it get in my tents some.

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Iā€™m convinced and Iā€™m going to give this a try next harvest. How much longer do the plants take to dry after washing them?

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Not much longer in my experience.

You shake them off lightly and aim a big fan on them ASAP .

Good 4-6 hours of direct fan .then dry as normal.


Do you guys wash mainly outdoor only or both indoor and definitely outdoor? Iā€™m just going to have to convince my partnerā€¦ how to do this? Lol

Edit: I just saw someone say donā€™t wash indoor.

Iā€™ve been washing indoors too. But Iā€™ve been spraying with garden soap. Many will wash their indoors stuff regardless of spraying or not, thereā€™s lots of dust and hairs that get caught in the buds.


I wash all of my bud. My friend who grows in the high desert didnā€™t wash hers at first. We always swap bud with each other. I didnā€™t have the heart to tell her that both Dad and I ended up trashing most of her bud as it was so dirty we couldnā€™t bring ourselves to smoke it after initial test. Once you wash your bud, you really notice filth that you probably previously smoked for years. It becomes very disturbing and quite disgusting once you see what comes off of it and you can taste dirty bud once you have tried the difference.

I grow outdoors but would wash indoor bud now too, knowing how gross it gets. All the dust and any foliars for months etc. Not as dirty inside, but why take a chance


I wash it indoor or out.


just got some food grade h202 yesterday! outdoor run comes down in like a week or two i think and im gonna hit it with the full deal described here, h202, lemon juice and baking soda, rinse. now i just gotta scroll through and find all the measurements. should sticky that to the top somewhere for reference.



I did a side by side wash in my journal. Back in mid June I think.

I did a water + h2o2 and then a water rinse

And a baking soda and water then put it in lemon juice + water + h2o2 + rinse

I think even another variation lol

As mentioned above, If you do the baking soda and lemonjuice, you want to make sure you rinse it well to get the baking soda off.

I didnā€™t know thatā€™s extra rinse step , however I canā€™t tell a difference between the smoke and I have 3 differnt batches, one not washed, and then two different washes.

I canā€™t personally notice any difference, but Iā€™ll tell you it is very satisfying to smoke it, knowing you grew it and washed it of environmental shit.

I still have all the batches, I will have to do a side by side smoke.

I also read you donā€™t want the water ice Cold so you donā€™t strip the thc ???


Hey erybody, Iā€™m kinda new at this, and I donā€™t tell anyone what to do, but this is what I do, lol.
And I got my start from bobette, er bob grows, er just bob!??
I use 4 totes; 1 w/ peroxide, 1w/ lemon juice/baking soda, and 2 water for rinsing. Disclaimer: I know my garage is messy, donā€™t look at dat!
Also I filled with water last night, so every thing would be the same temp.


Sorry, I got lost for a sec. I soak em bout 10 minutes in each tote.

None of the goody comes off, just the bad stuff. I let it dry in front of a oscillating fan bout 4 foot away, fer bout 4 hrs. I touch the very bottom (top of bud),and if no moisture on finger, goes to drying tent.


Washed my outdoor stuff. As said many times already, lot of stuff on your plants.


lookin good! what are the ratios your using for the h202, lemon and baking soda to what amount of water? (trying to find the middle ground in terms of measurements, seems like lots of people use different ratios, figure somewhere in the middle is the place to be)

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The lemon and baking soda are supposed to be in two separate containers. When taking the baking soda water and putting it in the lemon juice water, the lemon juice causes the baking soda to fizz and helps knock particles loose from the buds.


First time Iā€™m hearing that. I got aphids last harvest, a couple weeks ago, and washed my buds. Every single article I read before I actually washed said the first bucketā€™s for the lemon juice and baking soda; the other two are plain water.