Wedding Grow Journal

I had the BAS cover crop going, I probably need to get some more sprouted in there too!

The lab said they should have my results tomorrow for sex testing so fingers crossed I get 2 females from my regs! We’re looking good though and I’ll probably transplant into the 20gal a once I get those results! I’m having to do a real quick veg so I’m hoping for no herm issues having to flip so fast, I think I have to flip next Sunday if I want them to finish before the wedding lol


Welp I think my timeline is too tight and I e been trying to rush through veg and the girls have not been pleased. Most of them are perking back up now after transplanting, but only one is really happy-ish. Think I’m gonna make a plan b for what bud to use for the bud bar at the wedding and these will just be for me to celebrate at home with lol. I thought I gave myself enough time so I’m kinda bummed, but I’d rather have healthy full term plants than try to rush them to finish when I want. Here’s the one decent looking plant at least, a Double Dip from Greenpoint



Things are starting to look better in here now, slowing down and just gonna be the personal wedding celebration grow now, but it’s just a good excuse to celebrate for awhile now lol, there will still be a bud bar at the wedding too at least! Couple
Pictures for now and I picked up a mesa mint clone from the shop down the street for $25 that will move in when I feel safe to move it out of quarantine. White spots on the clone are from a sulphur spray the shop gave it I need to clean off a little better, but I’ve been doing a preventative dose of tweetmint to be safe since he just keeps stuff In a tent in the shop lol. Just gave my 20gal a little top dress today too with some Gaia green, build a flower, and kashi and watered in some ferments.



I had to leave town for a work trip this week and was nervous to leave the girls with them just starting to perk back up, but thankfully my wife is taking good care of them and I’ll be home tonight to check in on them!

I’ve also had some autos that were drying over 2 weeks when I left and still not feeling dry so I left them up a third week and I’m hoping they’re all good too.


Cool journal! That’s an awesome idea, having your own bud for your wedding celebration!


Home safe and sound and the girls look great! Mrs dankbassist did a great job taking care of them for me.


Well things are still here and there it seems and I feel like as soon as they started to bounce back things are getting weird again. I have one plant that I think hasn’t been drinking as fast and is staying too wet because it has been getting a lot more runoff where my other plants are getting almost no run off. That plant feels really loose in the soil like the roots aren’t holding on and I’m worried I’m getting root rot or something and going to lose it and not sure what to do.

I’ve been watering about a gallon each every other day in these 20gal pots and 3/5 are just slightly droopy and the leaves are starting to curl in a little bit. 1/5 looks really nice and perfect almost lol, and the other 1/5 is the one I’m worried about root rot with. I’ve been adding in some fermented hemp and comfrey, usually about 2oz/gal, and then aloe and coconut powder, and I have been doing recharge about once a week at 1/2tsp/gal, and then some of the big6 micros from BAS every few couple weeks.

Anyone got any advice?


I guess overall it doesn’t look too bad in here, but the one in the back I am worried about

This one is the one that feels loose that I’m worried most about

These ones just have a bit of the leaf curl to varying degrees
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And this one looks great lol


Still looking a little scraggly in here but I got a top dress done a couple days ago with some BAS craft blend and build a flower, and roots organics elemental cal mag

Need to get in and take clones soon and transplant the one clone I got from the grow shop now I feel confident it doesn’t have any pests. Then once they look healthy I need to flip so I don’t run out of room lol


Definitely need to flip soon or I’m running out of room! Wanted to flip sooner but have been waiting for them to get a little healthier so it’s looking like this coming weekend I’ll flip into flower. Took some clones yesterday so hopefully those root up soon


More from canopy level on my lunch break! It’s gonna be a jungle in here lol


Slightly off topic but my new light for my auto tent came in today! Stoked for this next run! I’m running these autos testers for a local breeder that goes by KC Genetics


Does anyone here mess with gradually decreasing the light time to 12/12 a little bit every day from 18/6 or is everyone just going straight into it? I’ve been taking an hour off every day till I get to 12 this time to experiment and they’re looking good, today will go down to 12/12. Pictures from last night when I got home from my gigs.


Just straight to 12/12 for me. I touch my timer as little as possible.


That’s a fair point for sure, mine got bumped to 24hrs on someone for like a week before I noticed so I made sure to triple check it every time and it’s been good now at least. I will say at least taking an hour off every day I was double checking every day that it was working right so I feel better now about it staying where it’s supposed to.



When do you guys like to go in and clean up these lower branches? I got a lot of pruning to do here haha