Wedding Grow Journal

Took advantage of the day off today to get some pruning done


Looking real good. I especially like the leaves on the plant in the bottom right corner of the picture.


Looking good brother! Just got caught up on your thread, glad to see they are all looking better after being a little sad for a touch there. They are gonna be some monsters through flower!


You and me both! That one is a Love Whip from Kindway Farms and I’m super excited for it to start putting on buds!

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Thank you! Definitely helped slowing things down for sure. And they are indeed it’s about to be packed in there!

I did get some clones cut and rooted and they’re looking decent, a couple might not make it but we’ll see! I’ve just been filling up the tray with some water and letting it wick up to them since I’m not home a ton if they start drying out in these small pots.


Big girls are looking great too


Just thought this was cool to document, I had my main stem split early in veg and vip tied it back together as I’ve done in the past. But I just cut off the zip tie today as the stew was starting to grow over it. Cool to see the lines from the zip tie in the stem now lol.

That plant is already putting on some purple and frost now too.


Really kicking into flower now! I think today would be day 16 now


:joy: @ the zip tie up indents. When are you getting married again, young man?


I know right?? I thought it was pretty cool to see haha! And we eloped in June and are having a reception to celebrate with everyone in October! These girls won’t make it to the finish line by then anymore I don’t think to have at the bud bar, but I’ll figure something else out for that lol.


Here’s some pics after another defol on day 21, definitely needed to open up some airflow and I’m hoping I can keep my humidity in check and don’t run Into any mold or PM issues. Need to go get another hose to run a drain line off my dehumidifier so it just keeps running cause it usually fills up overnight. Also did give a top dressing a couple days ago with some Gaia green power bloom, roots organics elemental cal, some kashi blend, and build a flower


Awh man I’m starting to get worried I’m seeing some PM now… we have some plants in our yard I’ve noticed it on and meant to deal with them and haven’t and now I’m starting to see some spots on my leaves in the tent here. At first I thought it might r been dust from my top dressing since those powders go up pretty easy but now I’m not sure. I’ve just picked the leaves off for now and removed them from the area. But if I start finding more this far Into flower should I just chop it all and clean everything and start over? What about the soil too since I’m running these pots as no till will I need to scrap the soil or do anything to sterilize it?

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What do we think?

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Hey pal,

I recommend you take a look at this thread:

I fought PM with hypochlorous acid myself, but my plants were being harvested for seed. One intense foliar spray and I was good. Just double check for feedback on those who have used it on smokeable buds.

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Thank you! Lots of good info there for sure, I’m gonna have to dive in deep on that tomorrow, sounds like a good solution for my plants outside in the yard for now for sure! I have a bottle of doctor zymes too but I still worry about spraying anything on the buds.

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