Weed etiquette and things that make you crazy

YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS! Randy’s!!! You know if they still make them?

I’m still searching for a roach clip with the feathers. It’s been a minute now for those. :smile:


At my local doesn’t town liquor store they still sell packs of Randy. I happen across the nickname Randy for a bit in high school. Years later shall or would of never known about them. They do burn off a little more smoke. Cool none the less.

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Yeah when you find out your lifestyle can also be referred to as quarantine.

yes indeed:

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I do didn’t need a roach clip

I have to disagree on the papers. I don’t know if they have a different ‘recipe’ for ocb over the pond but here, they suck big time. with ocb all joints taste like shit. imo gizeh or smoking are the best papers buyable anywhere at least in.min.my part of the world. for raw papers I don’t like them in general. not a nice texture and the looks are also not my cup of tea, I like their tips though. I also started the ‘one man one spliff’ politics when we’re more than two people.

Then there are those people who can’t keep track of which way the joint/blunt/pipe is going around the room - it’s not that hard to keep track of. I am grossed out when people will leave lipstick on a joint or pipe, or put the filter halfway in their mouth and make the filter slobbery. Also, I enjoy sharing the weed that I grow, but there are those people who are obviously big stoners but they never show up at a party with anything to share and they are always the most eager to smoke down.

It’s funny how many of the pet peeves listed in this thread have been partly cured due to social distancing and hopefully more awareness due to the pandemic.


When I get 6 Rolling Stones concert tickets, all in a row, and my buddy thinks he gets the middle seats with his girlfriend…wtf? serious blow to the relationship… It’s good to sit in the middle. Suppliers perk.

I almost forgot about those guys. They would always disappear when they got a bag!


There were always those guys that would short your bag so the quarter ounces were always light.

On the other hand, there were always those guys that made them a little over too!

“Hole in my bowl, need a nugget to plug it”

Yeah man…hippies. It’s a weird group, half of them are trust fund kids, other half have literally nothing lol. Both smell bad.


I went ten years to various goa and other festivals and met a shit load of those so called ‘hippies’…can totally confirm! gave me a good chuckle :laughing:


My cat Mao has no weed etiquette. I’ve been trying roll a joint for the past 5 minutes. No kitty, bad kitty, that’s my weed kitty.


people on the street in santa cruz used to say “spare nugs?”

usually I just ignored it because I didn’t want to get stabbed by drifters over weed.
(Like when someone walks up to you and says “got a light?” but really they mean “If you stop to answer this question, I’m going to stab you and take all your shit”)

but when some obviously wealthy hipsters used the “spare nugs?” line I told them
“No such thing.”


People had good weed etiquette in the Bay area and northern california. One thing that used to bother me a little was the “smoke and run.” take a minute and enjoy the high. Have a conversation. Chill for a minute.

The only thing that’s really a sure way to piss me off is when someone uses up an entire butane lighter doing “lighter tricks.” nothing that can be done with a bic is impressive.


there are lighter tricks? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I agree with lighting the side of a bowl but the biggest pet peeve for me is when someone mixes weed with tobacco and doesn’t mention it

It’s not a good kind of surprise lol


While they are sogging it up with their lips, yuck.

Puff, puff, pass was standard back then for me too.

When I was a teen, yeah weed was nuts.

Got it from a guy, who knows a guy, that would Penny pinch grams so you got 3 joints, ohh and ya gotta “smoke” the weed runner too.
$15 for 2 joints basically. When you leave your buddy’s place for hooking you up, the pinches rolled there own, from your gram damit.

Blah. Now a days I’d give 1 oz away and not blink an eye no problems.

20yrs ago, I’d smoke you if you smoked me brah :rofl: :joy: :unamused: while pulling out a single 0.5G like a Baller.

I’m a germaphobe, you get your own bong/joint/weed whatever, just let me consume mine while keeping them germs to yourself.

Got lots of Cannabis pet peives, most are covered here in this thread already.

Lov you all (bunch of stoners) let’s roll.


Growing your own would fix that issue.

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I was always a puff, puff, puff, pass kind of guy.

Thanks to covid joint ettiquette is dead anyway