Weedison’s room

Yeah dude :sunglasses:
It took me a couple years before I settled on maxibloom but was still using calmag and other stuff. It took another year to convince myself to drop the calmag and everything else and just use gypsum with the maxibloom instead and damn if it didn’t make a huge difference :eyes:

@tappy got me on the maxibloom kick
And @corgitron is who’s grows convinced me to do gypsum instead of calmag, he top feeds with it and produces better than I do.


What was the difference? I’m using cal/mag and maxi grow/bloom under leds.


The difference was much better end product. Much better flowers. There’s to much mag when using calmag with maxibloom and generally not enough calcium. You don’t really need to add any mag at all with maxibloom. There’s enough built-in to maxibloom already. just need all the calcium. the extra sulfur in the gypsum helped terpenes too tho, over just using calmag+maxibloom. Again, just an overall much better product using gypsum+maxibloom over calmag+maxibloom.

I also don’t use the maxigrow at all.


Can I ask what type of gypsum are you using and how per gallon do you use?


I’ve used diamondk solution grade gypsum(currently finishing up a bag) from build a soil, as well as DownToEarth solution grade gypsum but that one is way more expensive. It is cleaner though and mixes a bit quicker/easier. Food grade gypsum powder is also usable. Check like 5 posts up for dosage bro


Thank Holy.


One of the ruckers I chopped, here’s my prediction. The triforce is my favorite smoke out of all these, but people are gonna be so into the look and smell of the rucker that the triforce is over looked. That’s fine more triforce for me lol the bad banana I’ll also have at these events is banana sundae X sour diesel bx3 and upstate ny is in love with sour. Tk doesn’t get the same appreciation.


@HolyAngel this is pretty much my exact recipe. I have not been able to be without Calmag under the grow light I got atm. But in my old hps setup it was maxi Bloom + organic silica all way baby! Works for most hydros, cocos and soil grow systems. Perfect for someone who just want the same result no matter the medium. This is also very close to the lucas formula. That’s why it works on seedlings, vegs, mothers. Yeah, everything.

Pz :v:t2:


This is from seeds a buddy gave me it’s mr.spliffs two hawks F2. The other plants in little pots is soil I bought. Just to mess around I had put this one out late April which is very early here. I put it in the shed a few nights that went 27-32. And In the pot is no store bought soil it’s home waste compost mixed with some soil from the food farming ground out back and horse compost that I cooked for like 2 years here with grinded leaves. This one is like so happy with supremely strong branches. This hydro dude right here has organic senses tingling right now. So then I went and stuck a cement shoes plant that was struggling into my big dirt/old house waste compost pile. It’s cooked for a long time and i mixed in some more horse compost and that plant immediately is happier and happier everyday. Because my usual nutrients can’t be found anymore without being expired I picked up pretty much everything for roots organic since I was already doing a trial,rather than trying two new nutrient series. and I’m slowly switching to that but maybe as I’m running this I’ll try to go even deeper with organics but this is my start


And any white you see on those leaves is sulfur sprayed days ago


Alright so my first soil grow has been going good (one concern today lol) The white chalky stuff you see is from sulphur 2 days ago being sprayed! I just transplanted these into 3 gallons from 1 gallons 3-4 days ago. I had sprinkled a tiny bit of uprising grow on top of each, not the full dose, and I’m waiting for big worm to be here Thursday. There is two triforce phenos, two gorilla monsoon phenos, and one black strawberry preserve. Some bigger leaves on only the two gorilla monsoon phenos is having some yellowing on the leaves. Now I’m kinda scared because i feel like it looks like how the powdered mildew looked when I first got it a little and sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide. Meaning I’m scared there was PM that looks yellow after spraying sulphur. I had sprayed zerotol (hydrogen peroxide mix) a few days before that to. Or is this just a little deficiency from when they ate most of the soil up in those 1 gallons that had just water and roots organic?
Being on the edges of a lot of leaves like that and only those two strains makes me think and hope it’s just a little yellowing from eating up that first pot. But after my latest powder mildew madness I can’t get the thoughts of pm to stop.


I also see maybe a little twisting at the new growths on them, possibly a burn? Cmon bring me the burns and deficiencies on vegging plants I don’t care lol just plz no pathogens

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Again only seeing those on those two phenos of that one strain these are also the ones next to the humidifiers. Just throwin some factors in haha. I’ve been spraying sulphur, zerotol, keeping air moving, controlling humidity and temp so I feel like pm would be the last thing but when I got it, it spread everywhere so quick I’m like tryna keep it on my mind at all times


And with the PAR meter they are all getting 590-630 under the light rn these two are at like 610 at the top

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Also in a 4X4 this is kinda funny. This is coco/salts still. I flipped THese a week ago, the left is 2 catahoula (same cut) the right is two grand master chem phenos. They were all almost the exact same size when I flipped them I tried to keep them neck and neck in veg and through transplants it wasn’t hard. I did rush to flip since I had to chop the hermi pollinated tent. But the grand master chems have like not grown at all since being flipped. Very tiny bit. The catahoula is not a big stretcher but I was still able to weave and have it grow. Only one week in so we’ll see but maybe if I like these grand master chem I veg some huge plants out before I flip again


On a side note from the grow im very excited for august this year. I’m taking out some of each bad banana and Rucker pheno plus the triforce and I’ll have catahoula and grand master chem ready in time. My two best friends since childhood and through life are visiting in august. One of them just got out of a little over 2 years in prison for nothing but weed and nothing but weed on his record AT ALL EVER. Some states are different. But they haven’t tried bud I’ve grown in a long time like before it was good lol. I think in like 2018 the one that just got out of prison was so excited with how much Better that last batch was. I cannot wait till they see this stuff. I planned originally when I moved up here to save an eighth of every strain I grow for 3 years and to have it ready for them but Times get tough and I couldn’t do that but a couple Rucker phenos, 4 bad banana phenos, triforce and fresh catahoula/grand master chem as long as that grow goes well fingers crossed hard as fuck! and we grew up with tk so I’m sure they’ll be happy. Since his tolerance is low after that vacation behind bars I’m assuming I’ll get him as high as when we were 13 smokin Miami mango haze outta soda cans together. And the other friend coming works at an ass dispensary and has been enjoying that stuff since I’ve been up here and the other homies been “on vacation”. Tryna be careful down there. But man I keep smellin these flavors and picturing their faces lol.


Being a little too broke holds back certain things I’ve been itching to add to the grow. Like one of the systems that watches and records temp humidity and everything else. I just realized when I went to spray zerotol tonight (because of issues with clones on a post of mine from today) and the humidity in my tents were high 60s with my humidifier running lightly. YIKES! Week 2 starting of flower in one tent. I turned the humidifier off and sprayed that zerotol but after my recent powder mildew massacre I’m gonna keep feeling like I see it lol I can’t spray that week 2 flower tent now where I have sulfur to spray everywhere else and haven’t seen any powder mildew yet but I’m just paranoid as fuck already lol. Because of issues like that I’m scared to fill out tents like I can. The garland A and X were by far my greatest yields ever, everytime I ran them it was better. I ran the A 4 times at least and the X twice filling tents with the same cuts of garland that vegged fast, stretched good but not too much, nice nugs, no mold no problems I need to do that again lol. I wish the custys liked garland as much as me! But even if I have something that grows vigorous like that I’m gonna clear out too much being scared of the back corners of the tents. I move that air but idk. Dropped some garland f2s they look great in soil I forget if it was v1 or v2 that I dropped!

Also i have one gorilla monsoon pheno that actually vegges like the garland. It’s insane vigor. I chopped it a few weeks into flower cuz it got pollinated by a hermi. But I’ll be taking cuts of that girl soon and either filling a tent with that vigor or matching it with some garland f2s in a tent


These are my roots organic grow I had put a little bit of uprising grow on at one point to soon like a week or so ago and I think that scared the gm2 (gorilla monsoon) so that’s the bit of yellow there. The BSP is the black strawbberry preserve and the other two are triforce phenos I had to chop mid flower that were pollinated by a hermi in my smaller tent a month or so ago. @HolyAngel i know you’re thinking the triforce are too tall but I’m gonna move them to the left side that has lots of height, stretch em and spread em. I saw how much they stretched in that other tent before being pollinated . One forsure a little more than the rest but def able to handle. Can’t wait to see how the soil grow turns out scared for when I gotta kick the nutrients in lol.

My final coco tek series run! Catahoula on the left, grand master chem on the right, learned my lesson. Veg that grand master chem out! lol I flipped quick because of chopping this tent when it got pollinated. I’m excited to see the big buds I get but looks like dinky little shits compared to what I usually do in here. Like the garland and bigger catahoula plants i vegged out in here did amazing for yield. My garland grows we’re my best yields ever and better everytime. That’s why I got some little garlands in soil now. Flipped the lights for this 4X4 two weeks ago but I think the first night or two had these late sunsets going in the window when already covered then I covered em more. So idk if it thinks the lights were flipped 14 days ago or 12. Still like like I’ll get a nice bit of catahoula and those are so happy.


White in veg plants is sulfur it’s in my rotation for all plants vegging especially now where my ac doesn’t run at night much because of cold temps outside and Runs a lot during the day. So it’s humid and cold at night and dryer and warm during the day but I also have the humidifier and ac for the daytime. Just sulfur and zerotol being used forsure after the last mishap so that’s the white

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Lookin damn good in here!! Hope both these runs are absolutely stellar for you bro! Definitely deserve it after dealing with all this bs lately!

I’m thinking that center TF is the particularly stretchy one? Crush those stems if they get over an inch long internode spacing and you can keep the overall stretch down to 2-2.5x instead of the 3.5+ they like to do.

I don’t think I could go back to soil indoors, I suck at it :joy: but rootsorganic never done me wrong ever. I use their stuff for my outdoor garden(non-cannabis) with fantastic results. Looking forward to seeing you knock this out of the park :wink: