Weedison’s room

Thank you! I don’t know which was the stretchier because I have 1 and 2 labeled on these triforce but #1 was the one I initially grew out and didn’t save a cut of, so these should be labeled either 2,3,or 4 lol and I’m just not 100% sure since I was sloppy because also that 3rd was pretty stretchy not as much as the “stretchiest” lol so this maybe both stretchy or just one. But at least one will be. I’m ready to go back to salts if I’m not happy with the indoor organics. But my septic runoff going into where I grow in the ground organic is literally my biggest reason for this not even as much the flavor quality talk. If I had a wastewater plant this went to like when I was in FL I don’t think I would’ve been as tempted. But also when it was illegal people would hear hydro and be attracted to that but now people don’t want to hear that they wanna hear organic.

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If the flavor and quality is better I’ll be happy but the organic food farming in the back or my well water being leeched over time is something I think about….but also don’t know that much about :joy:


Ah for sure. Again, i’m not good with soil/organics but I’ve ran a couple different clones in soil and then ran them in hydro, and vice versa, and I honestly haven’t noticed a difference in flavor/quality between running organics vs running salts.

At most I saw a dominant terpene reversal between the two setups. Plants that were berry smelling up front with some hash scents in the backend in soil, came out as hash smelling up front with some berry scents in the backend in hydro, and vice versa. And then yield, way more yield out of hydro.
I never saw any other difference. No ‘super complex’ scents or flavors from the soil. No extra flavors/scents. No quality difference. Same exact high. Same exact potency. Just less of it coming out of the soil pots. YMMV though.


Was it yield like just smaller less dense buds? I’ve noticed a lot of the organic farmers that I know locally have great bud but forsure less dense but I wasn’t sure if it was other factors like I really clean the girls up every step of the way not quite lollipop but kinda in the middle.

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hmm I don’t think they were any less dense :thinking: I just know I got a jar or two less out of the soil runs than I did the hydro runs. Just smaller plants for the same veg time.

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Ahhhh ok I see! these got a head start in solo cups with coco and those nutes cuz I didn’t think I was gonna start the soil this quick so maybe not a real organic or soil grow to many some lol, they had a quicker start. but I mean I had them in solo cups for not crazy long, then flushed well. went to soil in one gallons then 3 gallons now soon 7s to flip. But maybe I’ll see a difference when they’re in soil day 1. But these triforce specifically are still killin it.

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By the way @Kami i was smokin with a dude that comes to the farmers market I do all the time and when we were just talking about how much some smokers appreciate these fire local grows, he brought up your ig handle as one of his favorite that he’d tried since all these markets started!


thats awesome to hear. i saw someone posted on IG the haul they got and I duduced that the triforce was in the small 4 oz mason jar lol. cystals pharmacy and m and t and some other people i know. i have to come check out the legacy market next time im in town. I moved about an hour away so attending the shows are a little harder these days. I think were in opposite directions but would like to meet and smoke some time with you. hit the dm and let me know what days are best.

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at the bottom of like two branches I see this on one grand master chem pheno. I’m really hoping I didn’t cause it when spraying/going in the other tents when the lights of this are off. But again only two branches in the middle of the tent on this pheno I see a couple. One of them even seems to open with white hairs but they look like pollen sacs to me so I chopped her I’m lookin for pollen sacs all over and see none but my minds telling me I’m missing it lol

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Yeah I would’ve chopped that too.

I really don’t think it’d be something you’ve done, these are just herms :man_shrugging:

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I think I got it just in time I also just transplanted my soil triforce into 7 gallons this morning the flip is very soon

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You think those were at the Point they could pollinate? I’m not choppin nothin no matter what but I’m lookin at the color of the catahoula hairs really hard right now lol

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no i don’t think so if they all looked like the pics. caught em in time. You’d see hairs change to red overnight if they got anything.

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Yea I’m looking too hard at this point lol

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Alrighty, soil tent transplanted to 7 gallons, (black strawberry preserve in 5 gallon) the bigger plants on the left of the tent are the two triforce phenos. With how they’re growing right I think the one in the back is the stretchier triforce. I’m gonna take clones from the top cuz I see some branches that will wanna stretch. The plant in the middle is gorilla monsoon and the 5 gallon lifted on the right is black strawberry preserve. Having two lights in here makes it ok for those triforce to be a bit taller. The back right corner of this tent is not covered by light because of what’s in here st the moment that’s why the plants are out how they are. And the bsp is in a 5 gallon because I had just barely enough soil for that. It was close. I can’t get more until the weekends and I don’t want these getting root bound on my first soil run. It’ll be time for some brewing and nutrients soon. My plan is to brew some microbe charge with trinity for these in a week or so and begin from there. Scared to add nutes and burn these they’ve been good in soil as I keep up with transplants


So this tent is just over 3 weeks in. The left is catahoula and the right is one grandmaster chem and some empty space where the grand master chem hermi was. The catahoula I’ve been spreading a bit into that area so it’s a little less clustered picking up some more light. But why does that last grand master chem even look like that? I don’t think any pollen sacs opened from that last one and I see no orange hairs on this so I don’t think it’s pollinated. Is it maybe about to hermi? Am I lookin to close? The grand master chem is supposed to be an even quicker flower but it seems something off here. One thing I noticed when I took the grand master chem hermi out is that the roots weren’t as spread through the big pot as I thought. It had small roots at the bottom but not vigorous roots all over like I see on most my healthy plants certainly by that point in that pot.


Of the 3 closeups, the first and last are grandmaster chem. The better looking one in the middle is catahoula

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Triforce are on the left, gorilla monsoon in the middle, and black strawberry preserve on the right. Soil plants. Sprayed sulfur last night and flipped the lights I consider tomorrow day one flower myself but idk. I cleared those triforce a lot compared to the others cuz it’s growing a lot more vigorous. Left a couple on each for clones today or tomorrow just such a busy life lately haven’t had time or money for cloning supplies I wanted. May just use my rockwool cubes and opened clonex bottle if needed. But I wanted to try rapid rooters and I like fresh cloning gels. I’ve kept it cool closed and dark tho and I don’t dip into the container when taking clones, just pour some out to dip in.

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Hmm :thinking: definitely keep an eye on it. I got a couple doing the same thing after a recent power outage. I think they’re good but still got me over here like :face_with_monocle:

I haven’t had much luck with clonex over using nothing at all lately, but hormex no.8 has been working really really well. Even with just sticking cuts directly into dirt or coco and keeping it warm, moist, and like 60% rh :ok_hand:


Ah ok for some reason I thought you used an aerocloner. My clones have been rooting but not as fast as they used to on average. Like 3-5 days longer than they used to. Idk what I “used to” do lol so you usually do them right into coco?