Weedison’s room

As I break open some buds from different parts of the late flower tent where that little pollen sac was, I see everything got pollinated and seeds started some before others. If all this shit has underdeveloped seeds throughout all the bud this is about strike fuckin 3 for me with these plants within the last year

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Ugh :tired_face: like just last year I had to chop a whole room at week 5 and start over due to that shit. Sucks man :pensive:

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I know at least the triforce and Rucker that will be chopped soon will have the least they’re further a long and It seems it didn’t pollinate them as much as the other bad bananas that have a bit longer to go.

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Ugh… bad banana name seems to be fitting :confused:

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dam man sorry to see this. really hope things work out for you and keep your head up tough times makes tough mofos


It’s so crazy how its “bad banana” and I literally found one fat pollen sack. Like woa :sweat_smile:


I appreciate it :raised_hands:


Couple days ago triforce harvested. Fuuuuuuuck yea. Very excited. I chopped the other mid flower triforce because of the bad banana pollinating the hell out of them. But I will be using two cuts of those triforce phenos for a soil attempt in a 4X4 with another two black strawberry preserve phenos. 4, 5 gallon pots of soil. The homie with golden road seeds sent me some free bsp beans to run again because skunk magazine wanted to review the strain so let’s all please close our eyes and wish good luck on my soil grow so that it doesn’t come out shitty when reviewed!


Man she looks great! What are the smells?

Whats the bsp beans? Hopefully not another bad banana… definitely get tired of having to look over plants every day to be sure they’re stable.


I’m not the best at describing smells too specific but forsure mainly kushy smellin right here I think there’s a slight floral/earthy NL stuff I’m smellin in the background but off bat it’s kush ready for business


And the bsp is the black strawberry preserve which I already grew it’s black lime reserve X sour strawberry kush. The guy loved the pics of them before and was hoping I had some left for that review. I didn’t have mothers kept cuz of my whole pm rest situation so he sent me two packs since I was down to drop some and grow right away. The black strawberry preserve was so beautiful. look, smell and smoke. Also a pretty quick flower like not even nine weeks from what I remember. Nice stretch but nothin crazy.


Awesome! Kushy is definitely what we want :grin:

Okay that bsp sound great then! Best of luck and wishes on that grow being the best yet! :wink:


Thank you! It’ll be a nice comparison as well. The triforce drying now is hydro, so running some triforce in soil myself will be a good way to compare the smoke in the end with a fair open mind. If I’m not noticing better tastes/quality and all that then I’m not gonna keep doing soil inside.


Two hawks f2 from mr.spliff
First plant put outside for the season
A whole lot goin on with this soil lol lots of learning and trying new stuff outdoors.
Gonna do at least 5 more pots this size. There is 55-60 gallons of soil inside that one now. Not tonight but the next night is supposed to hit 29, frost was supposed to be done! I’m hoping this one is alright I have my other girls in smaller pots out back I’ll put them in the shed that night and transplant the next day.


Put a bag over her or something for the night, should make it through okay…

Hell yeah on the soil/hydro comparison. I did that myself a few years ago and… well, I’m doing hydro again :sweat_smile:


I’m gonna have to switch the nutes I use a little bit, regardless cuz the coco tek series isn’t made anymore. It’s harder and harder to find it unless it’s huge basins of it. What I liked with coco tek was I never ever had to worry about cal mag I gotta remember how I liked to use that because I think I remember that I liked using a bit less of it than the feed charts would recommend. I’ll still use the full gh lineup with that stuff just possibly back to flora series or somethin not sure.


Oh interesting! I’ve not used that one before. I’ve used cns17, GH 3part, dyna, canna coco/canna aqua, house and garden. I’ve been on this gypsum and maxibloom kick for the last year or two tho and haven’t looked back. No “what week is it” shit, I mix the same stuff in the same bucket every time. Seedling through veg get one bucket, flower gets another bucket that’s same mix just a gallon or so less water so EC is higher. That’s it. Start to finish. You see my results with it feeding an entire table off the same res. Could do better tailoring it per plant but man is it cheap and super easy.


Wow so being used in these grows is just gypsum and maxibloom through the whole grow?


yep that’s it.
5 gallon bucket
fill with 5 gallons of water
dose just shy of 1 tablespoon(10grams) gypsum and stir to mix
then dose 1 fat tablespoon (25grams) maxibloom and stir to mix
add ~6-8ml ph up to hit ~5.8 ph.

for flower it’s the same thing but again, i use less water, more like 4 gallons. My tap is usually 1-200ppm stock.

These are bottom feeding numbers, I don’t top feed but:
Veg I like ~1.8 EC from seedling to whenever flip is. If they get over a foot tall probably need to go up to 2 EC.

Flower is 2.3-3.0 EC depending on the plant and its size.

10lbs of DiamondK solution grade gypsum is ~$25 from buildasoil and will last a year or two.
2.2lbs of maxibloom is ~$20 and should last at least half the year if not the whole thing. I just bought the 16lb bucket and called it a day lol.


Wow It sounds so simple compared to some of these nute series lol I wouldn’t trust you if I didn’t literally see your grow on here constantly :rofl: