Weedison’s room

I used to use an aerocloner. Still have it but haven’t touched it in some months since I’ve been using the cloning powder.

Usually I use root riots, that hormex no.8 powder, and a heated clone dome from vivosun. But been doing some cuts directly in cups of coco/perlite with that hormex and had almost as good of a success rate, just harder/longer to tell when they’ve actually rooted. Clear cups can help. I use 10oz clear plastic Dixie cups for that.


This triforce in the back left is growing like a BEAST, flipped the lights a couple days ago and the vigor is crazy this has been water with just one time I gave 1/4 of a dose of uprising grow sprinkled on top a couple weeks ago, then water only besides one watering with bioforce which is not even nutrients. Taking clones tomorrow night, I don’t even think they are “in flower” yet I’ve been so busy in life and had to clear up space in the veg tent waiting for other clones to root. Which took longer than I expected hence my last writing on here. The weekdays are tougher with time for me I was hoping to do it Saturday but I was waiting for these other clones to show roots so I could use that dome and clone space.

And my edit is to just say that the whiteness on the leaves is from a sulfur spray at the end of veg!


Set up my first “brew” inside (if that’s what ya call it) it’s some roots organic terp tea microbe charge and trinity. A little soft on the dosing of each. 5ml a gallon is the dosage this is 4gallons and I did 17-18ml on each. Microbe charge has some npk in it and trinity a tiny bit as well. They went from 3 gallons to 7 gallons just over a week ago and flipped to flower a couple days ago. I dont wanna wait too long in flower for nutes but I’m not giving em a dose of the main stuff just a pick me up, I guess this is how I’ll learn with the soil. Gonna let it brew for 24 hours I think the plants will be ready tomorrow if not forsure the next day. I’m also enjoying some ssdd from @Kami while i set this up. I understand why it’s loved so much now!

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The TriForce in the back is just spreading and stretching and growing like Yao Ming up in this bitch. The other triforce I put on a 3-4 inch lift and it still isn’t up where that #1 TriForce is. I’ve been topping and bending the one in the back while just letting the shorter one go. The leaves look different the branches feel different I can’t wait to see the different bud in the end on these. Cuts of these in the dome look good. This is my soil grow with my first actual nutrient dose brewing for tomorrow morning. I went light on everything I’m scared to burn but I do think I see some leaves showing hunger, especially the black strawberry preserve in the 5 gallon (rest in 7s).

The number 1 TriForce in the back is taking up almost twice as much space as the number 2 and they were pretty much the same size going into this tent. This number 1 is the type of plant I’d like to just put in a 15 gallon and spread throughout a whole tent. It wants to stretch and weave its talking to me. I know I need the sticks and ready to tie cuz imma have some fat nugs on these stretchy branches I’m hopin! Need these soil runs to kill it as far as quality at least that’s the focus.

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Wtffffff my fuckin service fucks up the pictures tryna upload once again as I wait for 30 mins smh

Take two on my Amish WiFi, now time for a bong rip!


I also really stripped and cleaned these up. I had a couple nights here with low temps and high humidity and my dehumidifier pushes cold air so I couldn’t go too hard. I made sure I had the air flow in all the tents, sprayed zerotol hc on vegging plants and kept my fingers crossed it was high 60s for humidity on the worst night

I’ve gotten like 3 packages in the mail of free seeds in the last week because of different breeders wanting me to test or just for my photographer buddy to take pics in the end. Now I’m telling them I can’t drop right away I have stuff to run through but in this gift bag the phkm10 s1s really have me interested. They are just s1s of hemphills stuff I believe. Also got some beans comin that are crosses of aficionados pancakez from some really good growers down south can’t wait to drop those asap


That phk x m10 cross sounds wonderful hope you find some fire in the pancakez too! Shit if I was a breeder I’d want you taking pictures of stuff too have had the catahoula in my cart a few times because of your pictures :joy:


Thank you! Forsure glad I met my photographer buddy. I told him when we met this is gonna be a really nice combo. The Catahoula is such a nice smoke to me. And it doesn’t stretch crazy but it clusters up some budsites nice and really yielded amazing for me before I’m excited to see how it weighs in the end now. Halfway through flower looking beautiful. If you wanted fresh snips I’ll send em when I grow this mother out just have a small clone of it now. But I also understand if you don’t want to take clones in cuz that screwed me over before


So clearly my Catahoula and other grand master chem got some pollination from the GMC Hermi I believe it was that because It seems mostly pollinated in the spots closest but it’s a little here and there, all over. I’m gonna finish and enjoy but I’m not sure if I can move this at the market I usually do so I’m extremely sad. Then in this soil tent that is just two weeks, if that, into flower. It seems the hairs are turning orange like they’re pollinated I’m searching EVERYWHERE and I’m not seeing any sort of pollen sacs or males is there anything else that can cause this?? I’m searching hard I really don’t see em but it really looks like the pollinated hairs I’m gonna try and get some pics on here. That hermi gmc was out of here a week or so ago I feel like I’m just seeing this today I see bo pollen sacs of any kind. I sprayed my veg tent but not sprayed anything in here since flipping to flower



Is there maybe balls growing inside the buds themselves?

Or did you just dose a tea of some kind? I’ve seen high nitrogen dosing burn the pistil’s :thinking:


This is what happened to my sour diesel I just ran they where inside the buds ended up with a few seeds but only found like 7 sacks in total


Oh man I hope not I’m gonna look close the next days. I only really fed the black strawberry preserve nutrients thus far (it’s in a smaller pot) and that has the least of the orange hairs so I don’t think it’s a burn. Unless could worm castings burn? I put the dose it said before the last watering. Do you think light burn could do it? They got a little much for a day but then again I see these orange randomly from top to bottom not seeming to be stressed from the top

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I wouldn’t mind a little bit of seeds like that im just hoping I’m not missing something that pollinates this whole early flower tent.

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Definitely not light related, but earthworm castings are heavy in nitrogen so that could totally be the cause. Gonna hope that and not herms but I’d definitely check some of the flowers. Sometimes the ball(s) are buried inside there and you cant see it just from looking at them.

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Oh man ok I didn’t realize I could burn with the castings, the only plant I didn’t give castings to, seemed to have less. The lights are off right now I’m gonna look closer tomorrow that might be the case and I hope so! I’m gonna look close for all of this. I wish I didn’t even put the castings on cuz I was planning on giving them some nutes soon

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Some type of little Siamese twin here??
Danger fruitz (tangie zkittles x sour bubble bx2 F2)

Always trouble uploading pics out here in Amish country. I hold my phone in this one spot in the air for like 15 mins lol