Weedison’s room

The difference in these two TriForce phenos has me excited to compare the buds in the end! They’ve grown so different the one in the back has stretched and stretched with the budsites more spread. The one that is stacked more, has not stretched or spread at all. It grew a little bit after the flip but I have it lifted and it’s still a bit too short compared to the other pheno in which it’s sharing a light with. I’m able to keep it where I take the par meter and get between 900-1150 for all the tops on the taller plant and 750-950 for the tops on the shorter one. The number I like is 1000 or at least not hitting 1100 because I don’t add co2, which I want to do that but I’m not sure how efficient it could be In tents that constantly circulate air


Also a funny thing here is I’ve never seen seedlings that start out with these 3 leaves and now after the danger fruitz last week, I pop some of these testers from be leaf and one of them is like that to. The beleaf seeds I got for free were trich or treat. They are platinum punch X truffloha which does not sound like my kind of smoke personally lol but they were sent for free and for my photographer buddy to hopefully get some pics around Halloween at least of the plants if they aren’t done. People like the beleaf stuff so I can’t grow just what I want. However the TriForce was possibly a favorite of most last time. I’ll forsure be running more of those seeds as well soon as I rotate all these.


That triforce is praying. Looking great. I just finished the last joint of Rucker, the triforce was the first to be smoked. Hope the outside garden is kicking ass brother


Yea I’m happy how this soil going. Glad to hear it! All your stuff was fire but that ssdd is probably my favorite. Medicinal benefits forsure. And I smoked a joint of your outdoor last night! I had some set backs with outdoor but I got em going now I’ll post some updates of them on here soon


So I’m thinking my early flower soil tent is pollinated all over so I’m sure my late flower tent is as well. I’m really looking g hard and see no pollen sacs I think it would have to be that grand master chem that hermied, especially because these are just over 2 weeks in flower and I can break off bracts with like early formed solid seeds already. The black strawberry preserve that flowered a few days later seems less pollinated and one TriForce seems like the tops aren’t pollinated at all but if there’s pollen I’m not finding I’m sure it’ll all get filled with seeds. Can’t believe this stuff and I spent so much on those grand master chem seeds I need to not buy pricey seeds like ever again. My most expensive seeds have been the worst besides the Catahoula. I’m debating maybe gonna probably pay a good hash maker to just process all this in the end into hash rosin idk. I would wanna freeze in that case but if it’s not pollinated I don’t wanna freeze it ugh haha. Especially the Catahoula probably wouldn’t wash well. Not sure about the TriForce either.

Here’s some pics
This is the black strawberry preserve that started flowering a tad bit later and seems to have most bracts not pollinated as of now

This is a gorilla monsoon top clearly pollinated the the worst looking one on this plant as far as pollination and it’s next to the fan. The BSP top next to this doesn’t look pollinated

The next two pics are tops of the TriForce not looking pollinated towards the top. Forsure some lower bracts pollinated but also some lower bracts not pollinated and I don’t see any tops that se m pollinated, again, as of now. And I’m truly searching hard for pollen sacs and bananas im seein nothin.

And the last pic is what most of the this TriForce phenos tops look like but just a tad bit behind. I see the orange tips tho and seeds really developing for two weeks in on the bracts I take off and bust open. Thus TriForce seemed to start to flower like two days before the other one. So I really think it would make sense if that one grand master chem I removed was what did this because it was removed right when some of these were starting. If these won’t wash I don’t want to pay for that to happen but I can’t sell to them and o the usual people when they’re full of seeds. They seem to be growing phenomenal besides that but im bout to just spend money on cuts tested from the Massachusetts labs or somethin cuz I can’t deal with hermis this is fuckin so much up for me

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Didn’t put the last pic for my last post here it is the more pollinated TriForce which is the more vigorous growing one.

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Man that fucking sucks bro :pensive: I’m sorry for what you’ve been having to go through lately… rough!

Usually it’s the lower branches, first 3 nodes that will throw balls. Sometimes they’re sneaky and on the bottom side of the bud. I’ve seen some other’s grow balls inside the flowers that look pollinated. Maybe take one or two off on the most suspected plant and pull them apart to check for anthers. Otherwise it was probably that plant you pulled. Ugh. I hate running new genetics for that reason. First 3 weeks and I have to be in there like

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LOL exactly that’s probably how I’ve been looking all morning. I keep tryna tell myself to be thankful it’s hermis rather than some type of pathogen or shit the power outage you just had. My mothers are good and who am I kidding poppin beans is half the fun I’ll neva stop! :laughing: and it was indeed on the lowers of that one grand master chem. If the black strawberry preserve and one TriForce keep looking good and not pollinated like the others I’ll feel safe to believe it was that grand master chem. It’ll even be hard not to pop some of these with difffeerent grand master chem fems If that’s what those seeds would be. This one grand master chem female that’s still going is looking and smelling nice. Not vigorous but my kinda smell the look of the nugs is like this fossil fuel dominant cross I grew a couple years ago

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I’m realizing even the bracts that don’t have orange hairs have solid sized seed developed in them. I’m hoping maybe the pollen was early enough to maybe not have pollinated all the budsites. Or all bud are gonna be full of seeds we’ll see. I really hope the black strawberry preserve isn’t cuz I’m supposed to send that in to skunk magazine

So both of these happy flower tents with smells are completely pollinated like every budsite j break open is partially developed seeds. I’m 100% gonna finish the later flowering tent but I’m really 50/50 rn on the early flower tent. I wanna be able to predict how the hash will come out but I also don’t have people that want hash like flower. all the plants look so happy but ALL budsites I have removed and taken apart have been full of developing seeds.



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They look so happy too :cry: man… still think it was that one you pulled out earlier?

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I think it was because I can’t find anything else and I’m looking hard everyday. I think it would make sense that it seems they were both pollinated the same time like the same age of seeds in the tent that’s week 3 vs week 7. Week 3 seems like the buds would all be 100% full of fully developed seeds in the end where week 7 seems like there will be some usable seeds in the end I’m sure but I think a bit of underdeveloped ones


Hmm… damn. Well if you do take things down I would definitely spray down everything in there to destroy any pollen that might be left over. Pollen can stick around surprisingly long.

Week 3 you’ll have fully developed seeds at the end. If no more pollination happens you’ll still have some flower too but gonna be like dealing with brick back in the day… week 7 pollination would just piss me off.


I took stuff down in there and was gonna move those plants in there to veg still for another 2 weeks probably before flipping. I was either gonna spray them and the tent with sulfur or zerotol Hc. Is it important to spray before I move these plants in there, even if these are gonna veg a bit while I spray in the next weeks ? If it is important I have no problem doin the extra step I just figured residual pollen and veg wasn’t a worry

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if its all in veg it shouldn’t matter… Decently high humidity would probably take care of any pollen. Any type of moisture/water will deactivate it.


Good to know, looking back when I found the hermi in the other tent I should’ve sprayed this one down it might’ve prevented this. But I’ll sure be spraying stuff down If it happens again

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I just mean if I find another herm In the future I should spray down stuff that night as well

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Day 1 of flower, Alright went through some struggles after chopping the herms and trying to get soil quickly to transplant these but, the two in the front are two new black strawberry preserve phenos and the one in the back is WTK (the white X tk bx3) really hoping the clones I took off these last night take well. I did rapid rooters for the first time in a while and I didn’t wanna over wet them so I just sprayed the rapid rooters but they seem droopy I’ve sprayed a little more idk tryna feel it out. But I’m gonna not keep spraying and see how they look later or tomorrow after staying in there today as well
Today is a heat wave here and was gonna be the last day before harvest for my catahoula and grand master chem (look and smell nice but got pollinated a little) I’ve heard of people doing lights off for the last 24 hours before chop and imma try it….just for the fact of how hot is today lol


My first attempt with roots organic was going great until the herms. I’m gonna be extra on top of light leaks and hope this shows me why many people love soil. I will say feeding half the amount has been a help especially since I carry my buckets and shop vac up and down stairs every day lol