Weedison’s room

That’s Dank :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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So the first pic shows the tent what’s left after taking out the hermie. 2 on the left are black strawberry preserve. The bottom left plant for some reason started flowering a week later. When I noticed it wasn’t flipping I redid all my timers, made sure there wasn’t a light leak and she started flowering sometime after. Weird because the back two plants of different strains had no problem idk if there was a light leak or something because one hermied the other transitioned late idk. But because of the late transition this plant got too big and hard to keep from light burn and also got a weird feeding because I make batches for each tent and I don’t have time to do another batch everyday for the one plant because it takes the same amount of time. So the tops look like light burn/idk weird. Going down the branches looks like some nugs that woulda been nice if there wasn’t problems and still could be ok now but not reaching potential. This black strawberry preserve smells WAY LOUDER than the other one and it’s a week behind but I didn’t save a cut of this one which is too much to get into on this post lol I think it will still finish to 3-4 ounces of dried bud so I’m planning on running this till the trichomes are amber,freezing and trying live hash rosin because I like to have pretty stuff for peeps so this is a good first. Time To try the live stuff with how dank these weird nugs are seeming
Smell is strawberry sweet and kushy

This black strawberry preserve(only one I saved a cut of) is the one in the back that flowered on time but for whatever reasons in this mistake filled grow she was stressed I believe early flower and these buds aren’t huge but are finishing beauirifully! Crystals colors and sexy. But the smell on this one is not as loud as the other pheno. Very different of a smell DEF has some lime to it and these nugs are ROCK HARD DENSE. But not insanely loud like the other. I’m hoping to run this one again and get the smell out more or maybe it’s the type of bud where you break the nug then the smell explodes. I love how this plant grows and looks and the way it smells is very unique but I’m hoping just a little bit of a louder smell and bigger buds next time I run her without the big mess ups. One cool thing is I was keeping cuts of this in a cup of water by the window till I was doing clones next but I kept changing the water and she rooted in the cup and I put her in coco and she’s a happy rooted mother in my veg tent right now.


Thank you!!! :v:

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Way to grow :muscle:
A few seeds never hurt, at least for me…I consider it a win win


Great job buddy congratulations

Just got through you thread

I enjoyed the read



True that, they could be the golden treasures one day!


Thank you very much!!


Cool lookin Lawrence Taylor leaves early on
Lineage is (runts X fritters) X Ice cream cone


Alright some good and some bad. One ofnmy mendo Purp X forbidden fruits had pollen sacs coming out all over the tops a little over 3 weeks in. while smelling great and looking big I know it could be my fault but the plants are happy I don’t think there could be a possible light leak because there’s no light in that room to even go in it if there was. Every other plant in there is doing great. I think I got rid of it in time but this sets me back. I was planning on trying out organic in my 4X4 with all that ready but I may need to push it back and throw some big TriForce coco plants in here to flip quick so I can keen up with my stuff because I had a couple hiccups. Also looking to get a solid size good quality led to fill the 5X5 for those Lawrence Taylor’s when they’re ready and the mendo / OGers are chopped.


Alrighty so pushing Back organic to catch up, about to move these plants in the black circle to the 4X4. All the way to the left us Tk X donkey dawg from origins. The next two to the right are tk looking TriForce and then the one below those is a TriForce that grows way diffeeent and is tall in a solo cup I’m gonna see how that goes putting these in 5 gallons tomorrow or next day and flipping when it seems they’re rooted thriving and happy
@HolyAngel these are the ones I’m flipping now but I have at least another 6 females here I’m trying to run through wanting some more space soon.
Gonna post a photo of the leaf of the one in the cup, looks different and cool any spots you see on it are canncontrol


Oh man :heart_eyes: I think the TF on the left, in the middle of the row of 3, is gonna be it! The right one looks really damn close too but the fat little blades on those leaves makes me think of the 89NL. May not matter though. Should be interesting to see how the 2 compare! and then both to the donkey dawg too!

The bottom one reminds me of the Kryptonite, NL2 leaner would be my guess :thinking:


I’m pulling up a chair for your grow. everthing looks super clean and organized. nice even canopys. Kudos. looking forward to see whats next

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Super excited! I was thinking of throwing a kryptonite in to see but I’m worried with how much these stretch that one spot would be way lower in the canopy

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Thank you very much!!

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Alright the bottom right is the TriForce that was in a solo cup I put that in a 5 gallon today. The top left is the Triangle dawg. The other two are TriForce. I will transplant the rest of those tomorrow and flip the tent when they all seem thriving and happy after the transplant hopefully all smooth!


Alright transplanted all of them yesterday the two TriForce that were in 1 gallons look happy and great, the triangle dawg looks ehhhhh a little droopy but right after the transplant. The one that was in a solo cup is really droopy two days after transplant. For years ina situation like this is just clear the droopy plants, aggressively veg then flip the bigger ones but I’m gonna try and stay patient and calm for a couple days and hope the one that was in the solo cup can recover and the triangle dawg doesn’t get worse. When I stayed patient with overgrow homies helping last time same type of thing lol. it went great and I harvested like 1.5 in that tent in the end so I’m hoping they recover! But man it’s a real
Droopy one :grimacing:

One thing is with this problem before I’ve either made the mistake of waiting too long to let them dry out and get better or I’ve kept watering too quickly. I don’t remember which was right or wrong it’s 50:50 coco perlite and I usually water once every 24 hours. That really droopy one was a in a solo cup for a little too long before this


Worst comes to worst and I’ll veg those two happy TriForce big and flip. When I ran my catahoula, originally I had like 4 phenos but they all got shocked and fucked so hard when I transplanted, I pushed it back. Had my one Catahoula girl sitting upstairs outside my grow room for weeks in a 5 gallon. Took cuts then ran successfully and it was the best I ever grew lol funny story.

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Alrighty so the triangle dawg in the back left made a slow recovery but the triforce that was struggling got worse and worse. I took it out the pot and the roots looked like they were just starting to spread. I stuck it in a cup and 2 days later that little triforce is happy again so I still have that female in the veg tent lol but I replaced that plant in my 4X4 with my Garland X mother that had big roots and spread her since the garland X did so well and people ask for more. She’s a bit taller than the other plants but it seemed the triforce in @HolyAngel garden shot up pretty far so I think they’ll get close to even in flower and I’m a trainer so we can make it work haha. Within a couple days when the garland X and triangle dawg seem close to as happy as those 2 triforce I will flip. The triforce in the back right is taller than it seems in the pic and it seems like a more stretchy pheno than the other triforce in here already with also the nodes spaced out a lot more. I’ll get side pics tomorrow.


I got some sad news that some may not understand on here. I had that powdered mildew break through after taking in dirty clones and began to spread quicker and quicker even with certain steps taken. I know the sulphur and such is some more stuff to try but you have to wait to spray that since the other stuff I have and it’s important I don’t have any problems like this at all. This stuff doesn’t just get smoked by my household or local homies. This is long term stuff important that it gets looked at under scopes and macro shots taken. I never ever want to push shit cheaper cuz of problems like this . I’m chopping everything, mid flower, seedlings, mothers. Fresh restart and complete clean out of everything is important to me. I have 3 triforce beans saved to drop and other seeds to look through and choose. I was very low and angry about this but I’m young with a specific goal in mind and this is the way I gotta go about it. Some of you may think I’m dumb and it’s an easy fix but I play this stuff safe. I want lab tests later this year to say what the people want to see.


Also I have to wake up, it’s not south Florida anymore and I need to get a nice humidifier.