Weird idea would like opinions

Why hasn’t anyone started selling hemp cigarettes?
Not cannabis…not thc but cbd cigarettes?
I have some Lebanese with low thc I like to smoke especially if I have a hangover or feeling a little off


Whoever gets to market with the PBR of weed cigarettes is gonna make a billion dollars. Mark my words. Doesn’t even have to be strong shit, like 10%, but cheap and with a filter etc, just like a cigarette. Have it be like a $15-20 pack, everyone will have a pack or 2 at home and it will appeal to light tokers since it’s not going to kick their ass if they don’t smoke much. Have them in every corner store in every city . Menthol and non to appeal to cigarette smokers too


They DO! In Hawaii & other states…



Good idea to make some green with green

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Have not seen it in Oklahoma yet…who markets them I wonder?


Here’s what I found…


I haven’t bought any but I’ve seen them around in the Chicago area


Marijuana lights aka CBD. Full flavor aka THC. :grin:


There are a ton of hemp cigarette brands. They had a boom in Europe. Mostly advertised as a tobacco alternative.

I think the smokeable hemp market is going to stabilize into mostly a niche market where it is primarily sold as flower. The thing about smoking hemp, is that the only people that are going to do that are people that have an appreciation for hemp flower to start with. Otherwise they would just vaporize CBD pens or take it orally.

So it will primarily be a market of whole flower. Prerolls still sell well, as in traditional Cannabis dispensaries, but Cannabis degrades fast after grinding and they are lower quality. That is in small state economies, let alone if a large brand is distributing them across the country/world.

I have been working in smokable hemp since 2016.


Isn’t tobacco much the same? The fresher the better?

I’m curious, I’d love to work in the industry. I’ve been applying all over trying to get a foot in the door.

The legal issues are debatable and local jurisdictions can outlaw smokeable hemp.

Federally it is broadly accepted all flower with under 0.3% total THC (THC% + 0.87xTHCA%) is completely legal.

It is debatable that flower which drifts above the 0.3% limit is also legal as long as it tested under 0.3 at time of USDA mandated field testing, as those are the current regulations that define hemp, not post-harvest sampling. That said, Oregon (my location) requires post-harvest testing for smoked flower.

Check out Rod Kight’s site for legal viewpoints:


Sort of, I am sure fresh ground and well stored tobacco is best. But the nature of trichome heads breaking and the oxidation of resin is different than tobacco. Or at least on a more significant scale that is more directly correlated to the organoleptics of the product.


Is it just about how freshly it was prepared, regardless of storage? What’s the shelf life after prepared before it significantly degrades?

Like say I have a beautiful 6 month cured nug (I do), and I want to roll it into a cannagar to be smoked in a week or 3, what’s the best method of storage?

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Virginia has the Marboro hemp nasty stuff.


Thanks for that post.
Good read, and interesting nugget in there was this reference:

A double blind study showing a 40% reduction in smoking is huge. OK, small sample size, but a clear indication… :thinking:



That’s loaded. It depends. I would estimate best practice would be well dried to ~<10% moisture/<0.6 water activity. Then cold down to 4 C and no colder.

I have heard people say it will store better untrimmed on the stem. Kevin Jodrey described a technique where growers would bury 55 gallon drums of Cannabis on the stem underground until they had time to trim it up and/or sell it when prices were high in the Spring and early Summer. This may also be true because trimming similarly ruptures resin glands, albeit to a much lower extent than grinding.

It also used to be common old school practice to jar cure and burp flower for 6+ months. So some oxidation may improve some flower.


@blueridge, Blue Ridge Hemp has Blue J’s. :rofl:

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That’s this nug, 6 months cure; burped daily to 65, weekly to 58, then a few times since then.

Smells and tastes amazing in a doobie


Ahh nice I take it your in va? I haven’t tried blueridge hemp yet. Nova hemp is right up the street from me have you ever heard of them? Lol I was looking at logos that’s the first time I heard of them… where are they located ?

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