Weird things I say to my dog

Not today deamon

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i reckon 1 day you might get some of that up in smoke labdadore dog shit for real lol

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Love 'em.

You guys ever have your dog step in his own shit and track it in the house? My dumbass dog does it once every couple months and then it takes a full hour to decontaminate the house. Got our money’s worth on the Bissell machine. Greyhounds also can’t really squat to pee like most dogs so mine pisses on his own paws about every other time. Ugh. Foul foul creature, I’m a clean freak so it’s pretty bothersome but he’s a good dog so I’ll let it slide.

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Leave a packet of baby wipes outside the front door and trash bag clean their feet everytime I walk them I live in an apartment so I have to take them out,but I live near golden gate park


I live in a condo so the corridor carpeting is my dog foot washer. Barely even need a towel :dog2:


It’s the condo’s problem now lol hallway is their jurisdiction.


Yeah they vacuum weekly whether it needs it or not so I don’t feel the slightest bit bad. It actually amuses me :shushing_face:


He does bark at the elevator because it’s an exciting new room with new smells that comes out of nowhere. It’s a bit annoying but I’m working on it.

Wich ones the elderberry vitamins and wich ones the hip and joint treats for dogs

Past few weeks I have been honored to take my vitamins with him the only way he will eat these ones


Top ones are the joint supplement’s, our dog gets them, they work very well. 2 years ago she could hardly walk more than 20 ft, now she can run a bit and she can manage a 1k walk.


Good to know for the future. Our little Celia’s Labrador/Patterdale (*we aren’t sure which one) genes are in full control of her obsession with jumping around on her hind legs like a little muffin but the DACHSHUND in her may result in bad issues down the road… :confused:

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This ol boy a couple month decided to jump out the window going 45 minor damage to his paws but I know he’s feeling it 130lbs


Jumped out at 45?! Harsh! That’s gotta hurt!!

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‘Fuck off’ ‘stupid ass dog’ ‘etc’


One of my dogs takes his brother’s dog bowl and runs around with it and tries to get me to chase him and I chase him around and say “You made a bowl” and it’s a metal bowl and he drops it and it makes a loud noise and he chases after it and leaves it there so when it’s time for dinner I can’t find it.


Yeah it was crazy man skidded across road on his paws luckily he’s a big boy …
I had the car in park before I even stopped
Was taking my car to the garage dropped it off with a bunch of blood in it
…they asked about it on the fone lol