Welcome to the Freakshow

That’s awesome @Freakshow :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :100: :peace_symbol:

High @Papalag , I know what you’re saying, my friend.

When i have used peat in the past i had ph issues.
I don’t add Cal Mag in flower but i do with every feeding in veg. I’ve had zero problems doing this
Since I add Signal to my flower nutes, no epsom is needed. It’s potassium, sulfur and magnesium, basically.
My ph runs 6.0-6.1 and i’m very very happy with that.

this goes to show that you do what works best for you. I found what works for me and I’m running full stride with it


Went to the bar last night and sang some Karaoke. Started the evening with Blueberry Yum Yum. Such great smoke. smooth. not coughy at all. Favor was earthy Blueberry - I’ll be changing the flush for this girl - leaving out the Flawless Finish on the next run. I smoked a j of her prior to adding the FF this past run and i liked the flavor much much more on that j. Onward and upward.

the buzz came on chill and relaxing but not real heavy. Then it matured into a talkative, fun, mischievous high that makes me want to go bug random strangers and maybe get into some trouble. I ran these girls 9.5 weeks and she’s been in glass for 2, almost 3 weeks. such great fun smoke.

finished the night with some Madmartigan . Slept like a baby with some very vivid fun dreams. MM acts like a sativa but I can sleep very nicely after smoking her. She smokes super smooth and tasty. I don’t exactly remember the flavor so stay tuned. If one thinks the buzz is lite on these, well, I was still feeling the buzz when i got up this morning. So I’d say it’s not lite at all. I usually smoke 2-3 to maybe 4 j’s at the bar for karaoke. We did 2 last night

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I’m starting to think the possible Chemdog is actually Northern Lights… Ive begun flushing them…


Off to the store to get some fresh dirt for the package of new genetics I just received. It’s wonderful to have friends.

Peanut Butter Breath
Death Coast

life is beautiful.

Merry Christmas everyione

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ok Harvesting the mystery plants today. I honestly believe they are Northern Lights. Sampled a j Christmas night and man that stuff is nice. Heavy. happy. weird, chill, pain free. Thought they could go a few more days.

I’m headed for New Orleans today. Seeing Blilly Strings friday and sturday night. My son is lfying in to join me. I’m really excited. We have reservations at Emeril’s friday before the show. We’ll be doing both 7 course tasting menus with wine pairings…he’s doing one and I’ll do the other.

can’t wait… y’all have a great New years!

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what a great time. First of all it was great to see my son. It’s been too long. Second, it felt so good to be back in New Orleans. The vibe is chill and wonderful and the food is fantastic. Dinner at Emeril’s was mind blowing and very very expensive, but worth every penny to be able to share that with my son. Billy Strings does not disappoint/ Great show. the NYE show was 3 sets. Did some very old bluegrass tunes (Doc Watson, Stanely Brothers) and covered some Pearl Jam. Great time.

then i wrecked my car on the way home. FML
it’ll take a while to edit all the pics. ill work on it

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You ever run freakshow from hsc? Def sub to your grow!!

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Sorry to hear about your car!

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I have not but I have had my share of Freak plants

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Oh cool just curious as when I saw your name it reminded me of it. The leaves look like fern leaves. It is the consistantly crazy strain I have ever seen with such a unique smoke…anyway look forward to your posts here. Have a great day!!

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@Freakshow…… Who Dat. Im a true fan that has crossed the border. Miss dat good Cajun food.

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I love love love Cajun cuisine. In fact, I’ll put my homemade gumbo up against anyone’s. Period.

flushed the Tokyo Snow and 2 LA Confidential in the flower room with 7.5 gallons of RO PPM readings on the final 2 .5 gallons was 190 on the TS and 0 on the LA. They are all three at 8 weeks. The TS trichs are cloudy and just starting to go a bit amber. The LA are all cloudy. I’m hoping to take the TS in about 4 days. fingers crossed. I’ll get a tester bud in 2 days and see how she smokes.


i managed to get a clone of the mystery girl/ Northern Lights. Just potted it up. I’m pretty excited abouot this one. Gotta get some of the new genetics going first. Taking clones of the Peanutbutter breath and Madmartigan first.


and that clone is not doing well. I think i got a funky bag of Ocean Forest. She’ll be repotted into coco today so I can better monitor what’s she’s getting Got a few other new mom’s yellowing the same way. Not sure why but I bet they’ll be happier in coco getting AN nutes. Once they get big enough I’ll get new moms and put them into Strawberry Fields. I picked up a bag of Ocean Forest from a local place3 and i bet it’s pretty old


How is the strawberry fields? Good soil? Hot?

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High @Argulini , thanks for stopping by/ yes I do prefer Strawberry Fields. It’s coco based not peat based. When Ocean Forest dries out, it’s a bitch getting it re-hydrated. Water runs straight through. Strawberry fields hydrates much easier. I saved myself a 50 mile trip to the hydro stroe by getting ocean forest and now i’m paying for it

ok, I’m going to set up an experiment. My family is going on a cruise next month. i’m at a bit of a loss as to taking care of my garden while I am gone. Usually my brother does it but he and his wife will be on the boat too. So I am setting up an autowater/feed thing using Heavy 16 nutes. I have all the bottles except the roots and that’s on the way and I’m getting the Bud A&B in gallon size. Im not using the foliar. my hope is to get my veg plants to need feeding daily or every other day. So Ive also ordered some smal water pumps and will set up a timer to run once per day for a time I have to yet figure out to get the pots fed with a 20% runoff. I’ll have to figure out a gutter system for drainage and collections system too.

stay tuned


Very cool experiment!! Look8ng forward to your final setup and your feedback once you return🍻

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I’m praying I don’t screw this up. LOL .

Im getting blumat drippers for my mother plants and veg girls. easy system to use. That’ll be pretty idiot proof. The flower room will house a 55 gallon tub with Heavy 16 Nutes, 2 1560ghp water pumps set up with different timers, one for the horizontal LED and one for the vertical HPS big light. each timer will run for about 2 minutes, so i’ll have to get digital timers. hopefully 55 gallons will be enough for the week. I’ll get picks as i build it.

Got fucking seriously twisted last night on the Tokyo Snow. Holy shit that smoke put me on another planet. So good…

well the auto rig i set up worked, for the most part. I’m not impressed at all with the drippers I bought. They don’t saturate with pot well enough. Had a couple plants wilt. I’d rather make my own drip rings next time. other than that, i feel blessed that i didn’t lose anything except a few clones while i was on vacation. I’m thinking of popping some beans soon.

The Heavy 16 nutes are being used this time around. Followed by a round of AN for comparison. stay tuned…