WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Hey brother, wrong pencil :wink: Click the one to the right of the Title, not the one in the post. The one you clicked on is for seeing the edits on the post.

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This pencil…

…is the only one I have available to me.

I don’t have a pencil at the tail end of the title… confused2

What the heck is going on!?!? ROFLMAO

Thank you, brother @DougDawson … for trying at least. I do appreciate it!



Sorry bud, I didn’t even check your status but you are a member and not a regular. When you become a regular it adds that pencil as you can " Recategorize and rename topics" Let me know what you want it to say and I will change it for you my friend.


I cruse through on a regular bases… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:

& oddly enough, I’ve been entrusted with those powers…



I just looked. I don’t think I’ll ever attain that status, according to what I read.

That’s a LONG list of must completes.

Thank you for the offer, my friend @DougDawson!!!

“WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC”

Please? (without the quote marks, please winky)

Thanks, man!






No problem bud, it’s all done. I will always be lurking around my friend so reach out any time. Did you manage to get that sticky stuff off?


That’s a pretty handy ability! I’m not really satisfied with that rewrite either! ROFLMAO It’s all I could come up with on short notice but I knew the previous versions were no longer accurate - untrue. I’m not about untrue winky

No, no luck removing the sticky. I have only tried Rubbing Alcohol, it didn’t work. I was sure it would.

Thank you, again, so very much, my friend @DougDawson.



I’ve been babysitting my mid-back all day today. I must have over done it the other day.

But, something else happened.

I looked at the back of my right hand and I saw what looked like a pimple. A small bump with a white top. I squeezed it out of reflex, not considering at that moment that pimples don’t typically occur on the back of ones hands.

While contemplating what it might be for the next several hours I looked at my left arm and saw this…

One of those is what I saw on the back of my right hand.

The only thing my mind can conjure up to possibly explain it is Heat Rash.

I’ve never had Heat Rash before.

I only know it’s been blazing hot in here - still, I’ve never had Heat Blisters.

Is that what this is?

What the hell is this?



Does it itch? I think it may be just an irritation from heat/sweat. Some days I have to work outside all day, I get those small blisters on the backs of my arms. I’ve never had that many, just a few. But it seems like a pore is irritated and is essentially a pimple at some point. If it’s itchy, maybe bugs. Poison ivy blisters like that but it would be more splotchy. Unless you washed it off well, and it was already starting to get into you.

If it is sweat bumps they go away pretty quickly.

Hope those sticky parts aren’t meant to be sticky. :laughing:


No, no itch that I’ve determined.

It’s probably “sweat bumps”. That’s all that makes sense.

However, while trying to mentally figure it out I did land on MonkeyPox for a second or two! ROFLMAO

Yeah, I have no idea why they’d be sticky. Even sticky after a scrub down with rubbing alcohol!

That’s tough sticky! ROFLMAO

I have not tried anything else on it.

I am going to contact BenchDogs. It’s the weekend so I have not done that yet. I’ll do it tomorrow.

Thank you for the discussions, brother @Rhino_buddy!



Perhaps a non-polar solvent…
Maybe try a dab of lighter fluid or kerosene to see if they work.

Yeah, I thought about making a Monkey Pox joke but ‘scrubbed it’ after 2nd thought…



All Jokes Matter, my friend! tup

Always free to rip a good one! No, not that kind of rip!


I do have some lighter fluid IF it hasn’t evaporated since I stopped using it - when I quit smoking cigarettes - about 4 or so years ago.

I do have some de-greaser here and will try it, too…just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Besides babysitting my back yesterday, I spent an equally inordinate amount of time concerned that I had Flesh Eating Disease!


I’ve been busy!




That stuff is no joke, I had a mild form that started from a minor surface scrape on the leg and within hours, it started up. Luckily I had a good first aid kit handy and got on top of it, then later a course of antibiotics.
You could see the scars for a few years. :smile: and that was just a scrape…
The doc said sometimes your body defenses are worn down and then ‘pow’, the bugs around you take over.



Yes, a real case is no joke. Sorry you had to endure it even in its most mild form. Glad to see you pulled through! tup

However, my Thought Process Machine even entertaining it as a possible cause in my case is HILARIOUS as all get out!

Along those lines, I never once considered Yellow Fever as being a possible cause!


My mind instantly went to a Pox of some sort, after I decided the pimple I popped was not a pimple!



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Garden II Flower day 14

When I went to check pH…

Note that the :heavy_check_mark: is absent…that is where the meter settled at.

pH pre-calibration above…

pH post calibration bellow…:heavy_check_mark: returns.


Res. Temps on the Chiller was reading 69F.

The Vivosun mini-hygrometer is reading…

I didn’t realize I did the above so close to Lights On, the pH’ing and E.C.ing right before Lights On. I would have taken some pictures of the Girls…regrettable!

On a side note: my mid-back is feeling much better! tup

Good morning!

Make it a great day! rockon

Edit Add: Oops! I forgot - iE.C. bouncing 1.8



One of these worked at removing the sticky!

I think it was the 409. The 409 was last of 4 potential cleaners. I also had Windex as the 4th cleaner…didn’t use it. It was sticky free after the 409. Not entirely sure that is the one that worked.

But, I was trying them back-to-back. I may not have given each one time to thoroughly dry before tying the next one. Whistle

I’m going to try all 3 again on the other assemblies with drying time in between.

woohoo I found something to remove the sticky!

Now I just have to figure out which of the 3 it was! winky

Good morning!

Make it a great day, dammit! winky



A thrash at the coolest part of these days! ROFLMAO

A :cool: 90F! ROFLMAO

All 3 of these walls were built up in the Loft. A constantly moving Tetris event! ROFLMAO

Cutting in the Classroom. Assembled in the Loft. You’ll also see that I built the Temp Wall on top of some Temp shims. Once I build the real wall that will leave me room to add a actual Top Plate! winky

That leaves the doorway. I built it the way you see it so there will be enough room to stand on the Loft to open the door, there is enough room to stand there to open the door, like a little porch - a Zipper Door is what I’m thinking. I have the strip of Poly Shield that has the Zipper Door still in it that I used the last go round up there. I am pretty certain I can reuse that for now. IF not, I do have another new Zipper Door. Gotta remember to allow it to open fully, in other words, leave it rather loose fitting.

Again, the lower section is open to facilitate electrical work.

I also have to run the Exhaust for the A/C unit up in to the Attic.

The Wee Ones should be dead but they’re hanging on. I’m not sure I can save them but I will certainly try.

Imma volcano a hit the :bed: !

Good morning!

Don’t make me beg - make it a great day, won’tcha?!?! winky

Edit Add: The Acurite Remote Sensor was NOT in a bad place. So, it was really as hot up there as the sensor was indicating! :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:



How are the plants roots looking? The water is a really good temperature for oxygen levels. Phew, it better be, for that lucre!

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Hello @JoeCrowe :wave:

I haven’t seen the roots since the last time I posted those pictures of them.

They are all Yoyo’d. One I think has about 6 Yoyo’s holding it from the HPS bulb.

I’ve been thinking about how they’re Yoyo’d over these many weeks.

It’s a sort of horizontal LST.

Pulling one of them out would be difficult to accomplish at this point.

I have thought of taking the Yoyo’s off of the Runt to look at its roots but It’s getting big and the Yoyo’s thoroughly run through the Girls, too.

Yes, it is a good temperature for a reservoir.

And, yeah, the financial hit was a big one! I never wanted to lay that much cash out, after the Control Bucket, that is. It’s put me in a precarious financial position. I do have overdraft, so there’s that regards finances.

I always knew that IF I couldn’t control the Res. Temps that I’d have to get a Chiller.

Now, after having laid that money out it is a relief to know I don’t have to worry about Res. Temps.
An expensive relief!

Thank you for the discussion, Joe!

IF you have an idea on how I can easily pull a plant out, being they’re pretty well Marionette’d (except the “wires” mostly run horizontally), I would be keen to read it.

Edit Add: I had thought of trimming the roots. 1) just to get a look at them. 2) to potentially trim them again.
