WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

The female! Yah I’ve never seen anyone sex plants like this, but it’s possible!


Are those in similar orientation? Pointing in the same direction?

I will go look at my New Arrivals and maybe I’ll get a better understanding of what you’re attempting to impart to me!

I do appreciate you taking the time to help, @JoeCrowe tup



The outer weave went much easier than the inner weave, thank goodness!

Without anything to go by, and noticing how flimsy this is, I looked around and found what looks like an old, weathered mop handle or something like that. I cut them to length then cut slots on the ends.

This is exactly what remains of it.

Just so you know, that whatever it was, has been here the whole time I’ve been in the 1924 Schoolhouse. I saw it and kept it thinking it might come in handy one day! I even kept it WITH my wood supply, right next to my Red Oak! smokeit2 It was made for and waiting for this job! tup winky

I’m thinking the upper section will be held in shape by stapling it to the ceiling and this crisscross support will hold the form in the lower portion, maybe!?!? ROFLMAO

Now to move the light and petal it out on top of the cage out and get it stapled in place!



A petaled out Light Cage! crazy winky

It’s late and I haven’t eaten all day. I’m going to call it a day unless I see something that MUST get done beforehand winky .



Save that trim for sure,

If you put them in flower until they show sex, you should not hurt the girls. It takes the male flower a while to mature. You should see the little guys and cut with the time you spend with them,

Ahhh! working with chicken wire. So many memories and frustration, especially if ocd and need it perfect.

:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


That something that MUST get done beforehand winky ?

I found it!


First I did move the light. About 8 inches to the North, left of the through-hole that’s just left of the elbow in this picture… I moved it about an inch North of that hole. I installed that blocking in the picture above the ceiling panel there to screw the hook into. Those lights are HOT! ROFLMAO. I had to hold the light while I unscrewed the hook, then screw the hook in the new hole, all while holding that blazingly HOT light. While I was doing that I got a hint of what a Dry Cleaner’s shop smells like. I was ironing my shirt while it was on me! ROFLMAO

While I was up there I attended to the loosey-goosey A/C exhaust duct. I tried all those fittings you see in the picture (3)? Struggled with each one. None fit. I wound up strapping it to the ceiling joist.

I ran all the air lines, the airstones and plugged the pump in. The 2 farthest buckets (I am going to get the ‘new’ roster before I’m done on this shift! biggrin ), the 2 tallest girls (Saggy Sally - No More and Large Loretta) got their first dose of air at the 4:00am CT feeding. The other 4 start their air injections at the 6:00am CT feeding.

While I was installing the airstones and lines I budged the farthest plant on the left, Large Loretta, the hose on the bulkhead fitting started leaking. I messed with it for a bit trying to stop the leak. I was not successful. Exactly what I thought ‘might’ happen happened. I don’t know why but I kept forgetting it! Maybe it identifies as NOT wanting to be there?!?!

I’m going to tightly Zip-Tie them before I put the cage in place.

Oh, when I made the 18 inch diameter Light Cage on the Festool-ish Multi-Function Slab I never once considered having to put it through the Zipper Door facepalm ROFLMAO . I bent the petals the opposite direction and I ‘think’ it will fit! crazy

Here goes! tup



I gotta say this will be the first grow I have ever followed grown like this. It’s cool. Light cage is a sweet idea.


Im looking forward to seeing this as well. :smiley:


It’s good to have you looking in, friend!

All credit to Prawn Connery on MPG. He was growing Vertical years ago, before he switched to LED - LEDs he later developed and now sells (nice stuff!). He used a Light Cage. It allows the light to stay low below the canopy and the plants can grow right up against it and not get burned.

I just hit another “something that MUST get done beforehand”.

The Doran Dark Room Light-Proof passive air intake. facepalm biggrin

I got down on the floor in there to install it only to discover the cleat I installed the other day to hold the Poly in place is in the way now. I have to raise the air intake up about 1-1/2 inches.

That’s the only reason I’m down here responding! I needed something that isn’t up there already - suitable shim stock (scrap wood the right height)!

But, on a positive note; I feel a little bit better about moving the buckets around now that I zip-tied the hoses on the bulkhead fittings!

Good morning, @LilJonB!



Bout to get Freaky in here! winky

Good to have you aboard, friend!

I saw you have a new thread going, new to me…it came up on the current listing. I’ll get there when I can. I opened a tab on it! All the best with it!

Edit Add: I see now your thread is 30 days in, @Floyd. I will get to it soon!



The Light Cage is in a holding pattern! frown

When I moved the one bucket to get to the passive intake duct it leaked.

From the outside. It’s not as well done as I would have liked, but it’s in and working again!

When I moved the potted plant back to where it was in between two buckets on the right side there was liquid under it. I think it came from the first bucket I nudged that leaked.

I have to fix that before I put the Light Cage in permanently.

I did put it in the grow space to give you all a visual on of how it works.

Excuse the MH lighting :face_vomiting: :rofl: Oh, and the finger. I hardly ever do that! I did lower the light about where it needs to be.

And, I finally got around to hanging the Remote Sensor about where I think it should be.

Again, :face_vomiting: MH picture!

I’ve gotten this far without causing any major damage to the girls until now.

When I moved the bucket to get to the air intake vent I put it right in the bulb. Burnt to a crisp! frown

Damn it!

The branch I broke the other day? It survived. It’s reaching for the light again, broken wink

And, a Pro-Tip!

IF you own one of these, a FastCap Pro-Carpenter Screw Bag, tighten the string before you sling it around!

I spilled about 1/2 of it. The screws are in individual and marked pockets in the bag. Until you spill it out! ROFLMAO

The new roster according to position, starting at the 7 O’clock position:

Tangerine Dream x C99
Tangerine Dream x C99
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) (Large Loretta)
Raspberry Cough
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) (Formerly Saggy Sally - now Crispy Cris) frown
Raspberry Cough

Wee Ones:
Raspberry Cough (Soilless)
Buleberry (Dutch Passion) (Perlite) (I’m not diggin’ the 100% Perlite grow)

I have to go in to town sometime today. I’ll get some proper hose clamps for the bucket end of the hoses then install the Light Cage.

I am going to feed the New Arrivals, then I have to try and get some rest. I’m whooped!

Make it a great day, everyone!tup

Edit Add: The girls are feeding right now. I’m going to see if I can see them leaking!



Okay, one last one before I lay my head down!

It’s nice in there with the Remote Sensor in the canopy about 18 inches from the light.

Very nice!

They are leaking. 3 out of the 6 buckets are leaking. Dripping. I’m hoping it’s coming from the hoses and not the bulkhead fittings.

There is a chance that the rubber gaskets on the bulkhead fittings have ‘relaxed’ to their new shape. I’ll take some Channel Lock pliers up the next time I’m in there and see IF I can put a twist on them.

Edit Add: Screw it! I’m going to safety wire all the hoses, on both ends. Later!

Good day!,


:sunglasses: :+1:




beercheer mate,

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You crack me up.

:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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IF I didn’t take every opportunity to laugh - especially at myself winky - I’d be a whimpering ass huddled in the corner in the fetal position!

Let that paint a picture for ya!


Happy to put a smile on your face! tup

Case in point! Had Phrenology not fallen out of favor, a Phrenologist would have a field on me!

I just walked passed a bracket “I” mounted to the ceiling in the loft just outside the grow space. I know it’s there. I put it there.

Out of the 3 times I walked passed it, I hit it ALL 3 times!

That’s just for starters. I can’t count the times I banged my noggin over the past few days! Or scorched it on that dang blanzingly hot light!

One time a few days ago, I went to sit down on an empty bucket inside the grow space for a moment. I was sweaty. I sat down and heard a hiss and smelled burnt hair! I’m sure IF I could see my own ear it was show evidence of having been put in one of those Quartz heating tube countertop ovens!



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I was away for quite some time. When I got back, I kicked back for a ‘little’ while, the slacker that I am! biggrin I have not been in the space yet today (now yesterday). I don’t know what I’m going to find! wink

When I was going back in to safety wire the hoses and try to tighten the bulkhead fittings I got to thinking about things and IF I’m going to do this I had better do it now…

The sides of the Poly are still being severely sucked in - good and bad.

I tried to pull that tape off the other day to get in there to secure the cleat I put down there to hold the Poly. I couldn’t get it to come off. Granted I didn’t relentlessly tug at it for a day! winky

And, this corner has been there from day one. I did have to tape off some light leaks back then. Now it’s pulled away. It’s held up until today. Man, that AC Infinity 6" Inline Fan is a sucking Mother! biggrin

I’m installing my second Doran Dark Room “Light Tight” Light-Proofed vent on the other side of the space.

I haven’t used that pneumatic drill in at least 15 years. I put some light oil in it and it ran like the last time before I put it back in my toolbox (about 15 years ago). Also, that is the MOST dustless woodworking tool I have EVER used! smokeit2

It’s going here, in the lower left rectangle…

Once I get this installed and I’ll be down there anyway, I’ll safety wire the hoses on both ends AND dump the Reservoir and prepare a FloraKleen solution with some H202.

They say to let it run for 2 hours. I can’t make sense of that with this system UNLESS I take the Controller offline and manually Fill and Drain for 2 hours confused2 crazy

I’ll let that run through until later today. They’ll I’ll scrub the Res out with a Bleach solution, rinse it thoroughly and get some Flower Nutes in it.

Barring any further unforeseen setbacks, I expect to flip to Flower later today.

I will either have to reset the Intermatic DT620 timer I’m using now OR set another “Outdoor” Intermatic HB880R 15-Amp 7 Day timer I have - that’s ‘likely’ what I’ll do.

I’m going to buy another Intermatic DT620 timer and keep one for Veg and one for Flower.

See ya on the flip side when I call it an early day!


smoke ,


I got everything I said above done - EXCEPT for one important matter!

First, there was no evidence of any leaking when I got in there! tup But, I ‘may’ have caused a potentially leaky problem! ‘Maybe’.

Got the framing in…

While the above is for the Doran passive intake, I will do something similar when I get a water spigot up in the loft.

Got the second passive intake in… (yes, I accidentally started the X cut in the wrong spot! “I missed it by that much!”)

I got all the safety wiring done. And, yes, it looks like the rubber gaskets had relaxed. I got at least a 1/2 turn on every bulkhead fitting. Here I’m showing some minor leaking, seeping…not at the buckets, at the Controller bucket. The one on the far right, the first bucket in the line-up was putting some side pressure on the fitting on the controller. I corrected that problem and will keep checking it, at least for a while.

I added another cleat in this corner. That pulled it nice and tight!

I added a support to this corner, too. Nothing is over there. Actually, I have been keeping a empty 5 gallon bucket in that corner for me. To work on things sitting down IF I can. To rest my back IF I can. And, a perch to admire the lovely ladies from! There’s barely enough room for anyone but it’s enough for me! As a secondary benefit, putting that Poly support in there it also put that Poly back in place. All I had to do was re-stick the aluminum foil tape. I will keep an eye on that, too! I do have some minor light leaks. Several staple holes that had previously pulled out of the Poly and holes I poked through the Poly moving the Light Cage out so I could work in there and then again when I put it back in. Not bad, but IF it’s supposed to be Light Tight, then it’ll be light tight!

Then, I did dump and clean the Reservoir. There was hardly any algae in there. In fact, I wouldn’t even consider it algae. It was more like algae residual. Algae carcasses? winky It was just a light, thin layer in some parts of the bottom of the Res.

I did, however, take the Res to the tub. I blasted it with scalding water. I mixed a 1/4 Ultra Bleach to water solution and got inside the Res, head and shoulders and all the way to my waist. I scrubbed it really well! At one point I got to thinking, can a human be overcome by breathing concentrated Bleach? I haven’t looked but it sounds vaguely familiar. Regardless, I had to get in there to get it out.

“Had to get in to get out” winky

Rinsed it out thoroughly with scalding water.

Put it back in place. Added 2 cups of FloraKleen and 2 cups of H202 to 40 gallons.

Gonna let that run until I can get around to dumping that out and refill with Flower Nutes and let’r rip tater-chip!

I programmed the other Intermatic HB880R 15-Amp Timer. She’s ready.

About that ‘potential’ leak I ‘may’ have created?

I started with the safety wiring and tightening the bulkhead fittings in the back left corner. I got to the 3rd or 4th bucket and decided to see if I could get some more twist on that first bucket. I popped a thread. I over-tightened it and heard and felt it pop the thread. I re-tightened it as much as I felt was possible without further damaging that bulkhead fitting. IF it leaks badly I’ll have to remove and replace it.

I got the Light Cage installed.

However, as I was stapling it to the ceiling I started smelling something. I automatically looked at my shirt to see IF I was steaming ironing it AGAIN - nope. The only think I could think of it possibly being was that X brace I put in the cage to help it hold its shape better, since the bottom is unsupported and open. I’m pretty sure the wood was heating up! I will still use it, I’ll just have to keep it farther down the cage, farther away from that blazingly hot bulb!

Now, that ‘important matter’?

As I’m standing above the Reservoir admiring my work, I realized I had NOT pH’d it!

I have to go do that now, before the next feeding in 14 minutes! Gotta run!

Then I’m going to try and get some rest.

Make it a great day!

Edit Add: I got the pH adjusted to 6.1 before the Fill pump started. It only had one feeding at a higher pH. I don’t know where it was. I’m regularly seeing anywhere from 8.1 to 7.1 coming out of the tap. I had not tested that first Reservoir. And, it was only the one feeding that they got that was higher, whatever it was.

Laters! 48



You are one busy :honeybee:


Looking good good WHAB!