WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Indeed, friend - about to get to it, too! smoke

Once I get up there and make sure what I did earlier didn’t kill them. that is! shocked biggrin



Thank you,@LilJonB! I appreciate the kind words! tup



As near as I can tell it’s Veg Day 48 facepalm rolleyes smokeit2

I know for sure it’s Flower Day 1!!! woohoo

I’ll have to monitor the temps and adjust the environmental controls accordingly.

Bucket #3 that I know I popped a thread on is not leaking! tup

I dumped the Flush Solution, Rinsed the Reservoir with Scalding water (again), using a 1/4 Ultra Bleach to Water Solution I scrubbed out the Reservoir (again) (body and soul - again winky), rinsed that out with scalding water again then put the res back where it belongs.

I filled the Res with a few gallons of water and mixed in Mega Crop Part A … at the Early Flower recipe of 2.5 grams per gallon. 40 gallons. 100grams.

Then Part B … at the Early Flower recipe of 2.5 grams per gallon. 40 gallons. 100grams.

I only put a few gallons in the res so I could better thoroughly mix the components making sure they are in fact broken down and dissolved in the mixture instead of trying to get it done in 40 gallons.

I added and mixed these components separately, heeding @Purple-N-Hairy learning curve. tup

I’m glad I hit on using a paint mixer to get this done. It works amazingly!

On top of that idea, I also started using a corded drill and it works twice as well as the cordless drill!

The other day I recalled I have a larger paint mixer that I use for making Ice Hash. I’m pretty certain I know where it is at (about 15 feet from where I am sitting - in my soft-sided tool box (a suitcase my Mom bought for me to carry my tools back to California when I came to Missouri to remodel her bathroom and re-roof her house - I bought the tools for those tasks. She gave me a way to carry them “home”.). I’m going to put it to work next time! biggrin

I adjusted the pH ‘this time’ winky to 5.7.

And an E.C. of 1.6 (800ppm on 500 scale).

Now the girls on Veg Day 48, Flower Day 1 (I’m probably going to just go with the next perspective instead on this one, the lower portion of the setup.

The upper portion…

Note above, I did change the MH bulb out for a HPS bulb I got from Roots (a MPG member)! It is a Xtrasun 1000W, 200,000 20,000 Lumen High Pressure Sodium bulb.

(THANK YOU, again, man!) (I tried to use one of the sockets you sent me but it doesn’t hang from a hook in the ceiling in the way this socket does. Again, I do have a Vertical Hood up in the loft I’ll use it on).

@LilJonB, I think I hit on an excellent vibration isolation method! winky J/K, the sound isn’t bad. The vibration is being amplified by the structure of the loft. I ‘think’ I’m going to come up with a way to hang it from the ceiling. Keep it low but strap it to the ceiling, maybe…

Also, I knew this whole time I was going to use the Light Cage I’d have to have access to the bulb, to change it out and/or adjusting its height. I did raise the bulb about 4 or 5 inches from where I had it with the MH. I cut a Access Panel in the Light Cage in between buckets #1 and #6.

Then I swapped out the one Intermatic Timer for the other (I will keep one for Vegetative and one for Flower Stages).

Now, I’m presented with another dilemma…

HOW THE HECK am I supposed to stick 8 more plants in there?!?! confused2

I think I’m going to have to set up a second area in the loft and move the cloning/rooting area. I don’t know yet where that ‘might’ be, possibly under the loft where the Res is now. I’ll start figuring that out in the next couple/few days.

One thing left to do with the new Ebb & Flow system is to upsize the Fill hoses and fitting in the Controller and the Res to 3/4 inch. According to the tracking information, they’re due in Tuesday.

Still have to attend to some minor light leaks.

And, I forgot to add H202. I’ll get that done right now!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup

After adding the H202, it’s time for a volcano !

‘maybe some food?!?! actual food?!?!’ confused2 wink

Edit Correction: Strikethrough Above! facepalm biggrin

48 ,


Good Morning WHAB!
People like to hang there pumps with bungee cord. Keeps the vibration from hitting the rafters or whatever you might hang it from.
Have you covered up you res. to keep the light out for Algae prevention?


Thus always makes me think of quantum theory, Schrödinger’s plants.


I made a mistake. I was joking. “I” screwed up the joke! biggrin

It was intended to be (with the picture I failed to include) …

@LilJonB, I think I hit on an excellent vibration isolation method! winky

J/K, the sound isn’t bad. The vibration is being amplified by the structure of the loft.

Using the $400 Controller Bucket as an isolation pad!

That was the joke and I screwed it up!

I"m a Ding-Dong! biggrin



Ahhh. Lol. Okay. I’m glad it’s not that loud for ya.


Hey there,@ReikoXwavy

Are you saying the ladies ‘might be’ alive or ‘might be’ dead, or both alternately?




I forgot to answer your question. My apologies.




That’s exactly what I think, before you observe it they are both alive and dead. :grin:


“We’ve got to get in to get out”.


1 Like

Now that is a oldy but goodie :grin:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


The act of observing causes a quantum wave function collapse into the Eigenstate of the operator, a change which is not time-reversible?

Damn!.. good sativa… :star_struck: :rofl: :+1:

Meanwhile, in a different eigenstate… " BANG!.. BANG, BANG… Yup that cat IS dead"



Ebb & Flow - Flower Day 3…

Temps are 74.6F in there now. I increased the temperature the plants will see. It was a little on the chilly side during Lights On and Lights Off.

E.C. bouncing between 1.6/1.8 = 1.7 (850ppm on 500 scale).

pH of 5.9.

I’ll bring the pH down a tick or two and bring the E.C. up a tick or two.

Both these pictures are from the North wall looking South. The first from the North West side and the other from the North East of the space.

The roster, again. Clockwise starting at the 7 O’clock position, the Controller being at the 6 O’clock position.

Tangerine Dream x C99
Tangerine Dream x C99
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) She’s hitting the ceiling now.
Raspberry Cough She’s about an inch from hitting the ceiling.
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) (Formerly Saggy Sally)
Raspberry Cough

Wee Ones:

Raspberry Cough (Soilless)
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) (Perlite)

Long day, going to bed.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup

wavy ,


Good Morning WHAB! They look very nice. Good thing you don’t have to get in there to do change outs! Lol. Have you thought about what your going to do to get in there when they really take off? Or do you just plan on leaving them be.


You are looking so good. You got this. :+1:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Hello @LilJonB! :wave:

Thank you!

Yes, I’ve been thinking about DWC this whole time and I am glad I don’t have to get in there to change out the nutes!

I plan to get in there one more time to place Yo-Yo’s, the kind that hold limbs up, then I plan to let them go. IF for no other reason than to know what happens and use that information the next go round.

While the Light Cage isn’t portable (easy to put in or take out or move around) I could remove it IF necessary and then remount it. It’s just several light-weight staples holding it in place.

Checking their trichomes will present a problem! I will likely have to rely on checking the accessible plants and base the others off of that.



Thank you, @G-paS! tup


1 Like

The 3/4 inch materials to upgrade the Fill/Drain lines came in today - a day later than originally estimated.

When I went shopping for 3/4 inch elbows I found some for about $1.80+, individual pieces. Then I found what I thought was a multi-pack for $8.20. I thought the Amazon listing was faulty and they weren’t showing the actual quantity - as many descriptions are lacking in one way or another - and surely it was a multi-pack.

I received ONE 3/4 inch elbow. shocked unhappytdn

Reflecting on that fact, I then realized I really only ‘needed’ 1 elbow. It is the Fill side I needed to increase the capacity of. The Drain side can take as long as it wants as it will be 2 hours before the next time it will be needed.

The nutrients are only spending a short time in the buckets (total 12 minutes Fill & Drain, it takes about 7 minutes to fill and equalize), I wanted to increase the amount of nutrients by getting them to the buckets quicker than with a 1/2 inch hose.

I used the step drill I recently bought for the Ebb & Flow buckets to open the hole in the top of the Reservoir and the Controller Bucket to receive the 3/4 inch hose in the Reservoir and a 3/4 inch grommet and elbow in the Controller.

With the 1/2 inch hose I used a 1/2 inch straight fitting on the Fill side hose anchor (a glass jar filled with water strapped to the Fill side hose) to prevent collapsing the hose in the hose clamp.

I didn’t have a 3/4 inch straight fitting for that purpose, I have not bought any. I did buy 3 3/4 “T” Fittings when I thought I was going to run the Fill/Drain lines a different way. I used it as part of the new Fill anchor.

The temps in the Res have reached 72F. This little fan does seem to help. I’m going to start working on the DIY chiller soon. I’ve kept that clamp-on fan for years for this very purpose. The time between the last time I used this system and now has been filled with ideas on how to improve it. Everything you see me doing now has been in my Thought Process Machine for a very long time. biggrin

The clamp has been broken forever. In fact, I had to service this fan just to get it to work at all. It was frozen, the blades wouldn’t turn at all. I took it apart and lubed up the innards and it’s working great now!

I also shielded the hole in the Res from the light it ‘might’ see where the fan is now occupying.

Here is the flow with the new 3/4 inch Fill hose.

Now, where we’re at today (Lights Out) - Flower Day 4.

I did bump the E.C. up a tick or two. It’s at 2.0 (1000ppm on 500 scale).

I did take the pH down a tick or two. It’s at 5.6.

I also added nearly 2 cups of H202 today.

Here’s the ladies a short time ago. Btw, from the top of the black buckets (also approximately the top of the clay pebbles, coincidentally) is exactly 45 inches. 2 plants have hit the ceiling, #3 and #4. Another isn’t far behind!

Tangerine Dream x C99
Tangerine Dream x C99
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) (Large Loretta)
Raspberry Cough
Blueberry (Dutch Passion) (Formerly Saggy Sally)
Raspberry Cough

Wee Ones:
Raspberry Cough (Soilless)
Buleberry (Dutch Passion) (Perlite)

And then a curious happenstance! (@LilJonB)

While I was working on the $400 Air Pump Vibration Isolation Pad (the Controller Bucket) winky , I unintentionally laid the Air Pump on the floor on top of one of the Light Cage cross-supports. It made the vibration nearly negligible. I’m not sure how or why but it did! tup

Keep it Green! tup



I would send it back and get the one, If you can get it at a local hardware/box store. I hate when they mess up the description.