WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

I get your point, friend … but, it is already in the system. I needed to use it now.

The descriptions are incoherent or misrepresented often. Most seem to be written by non-English speakers. I understand products come from all over the globe BUT, IF they’re going to write a description that is supposed to be in English they could hire a English writer, at least as a proof-reader!

@G-paS wavy



One problem I was anticipating, one I was not.

I was finishing up on fixing the minor light leaks and screwing in that last ‘splinted’ 4x4 (still have to install that last floor to ceiling stud at the North wall - I just got a measurement for it. I’ll cut it later today when I get back from town). This corner is the last bit that needs to be finished.

I was up on the ladder and noticed something was leaking, dripping down from the loft to the main floor and on top of the Reservoir. I traced it back to the built-in drip line on the A/C unit. I’ve been anticipating that happening. That’s how A/C’s work. They are dehumidifiers. I was a little surprised it wasn’t pulling moisture out of the air sooner. I did notice when I was in the grow space earlier that there was condensation of the A/C outlet vent on the front. I didn’t think any more about it…until…

But, I’m up there working on that last splint and taping light leaks and I noticed the Poly was sucked up tight to the back of the A/C unit. There is a LARGE filtered intake screen there. I’m sure that is affecting the operation of the A/C, I’m just not sure how, exactly. I pushed the A/C in to the grow space from my spot on the ladder, from the exterior…that’s when I heard the dripping and investigated it. I did get some separation of the Poly from the A/C but, not enough, I’m sure.

I will have to get that last stud in place and get the Poly attached to it. I ‘think’ I’ll add a Poly support there like I did in the other 2 corners. I think that will help a lot. That is, IF I can’t staple to that stud, which should be possible.

But, that water leak was coming down at a good pace. There is a fitting on the back and bottom of the A/C unit. I only have a few sizes of hose here. The 1/2 inch hose I picked seems to be too big for the nipple and too small for the threaded part of the nipple.

The last place I used this A/C unit in I ran a hose outdoors for it. I can’t do that here, practically. Unless I can think of a way to do that, I’ll have to keep a container to catch it and dump it when it needs it. Unless it is dripping from within the unit and not out the drip line… confused

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



Where can I get one!
That’s terrible. All the little kinks in your program. You will get them all figured out. Best of luck to you.


You might want to collect the water, it should be close to RO water (barring any interesting gunk that might grow in that environment…)



Looks like the Tokyo subway in there


:laughing: :+1:



At the $400 Air Pump Vibration Isolation Pad gettin’ place!


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Yeah, looking at the drip port last night I can see it could use some attention!!!


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I can’t screw the top of the last stud to the rim board (ribbon board?), a board on edge that lines the top of the wall on all 4 sides. I think it is hitting concrete, or brick. It is pushing the 2x4 and the rim board away from the wall PullHair

I’ll have to try some 5 inch Tapcon’s when I run across some here or pick some up on my next trip to town.

The dripping, leaking shows over a large coverage area! It even extends farther to the left of the picture. I didn’t see that until after I took this picture.

When I moved in here there was a netting slung across the ceiling under the loft. I started keeping clean socks and underwear in it. It’s catching most of the water biggrin A bunch of fine cotton/polyester mix makes a fine absorbent material! ROFLMAO

My helper is out of town. It’s going to be tough jacking (lifting it) that A/C unit up by myself and shim it at the same time. Last time I did it I had full access to unit and just lifted the heavy beast straight up. Now it is essentially piled in the corner, feed lines (nutrient, electrical…etc.) run right to the right of it, the North wall to the left and the Controller Bucket right in front of it frown . I don’t think I’ll even be able to stand right next to it.

I ‘may’ be able to rock the unit (lift up one side, then the other) and push in a shim, maybe.

I need some Rocket Fuel. I was denied it all day because of the Stress Test I took today…

After I get a fill up - here goes! winky

48 ,


It went about as I thought it would. I shimmed the one side and as I’m lifting the other side to shim it it fell off the other shim! Whistle

Got it done, though…at least for now. Once it dries out I’ll get something more permanent done. Water is pooled up up there. There is a lot of water laying on the underlayment. I grabbed some more clean clothes to sop it up! ROFLMAO

It looks like it may have been dripping off the bottom of the case because the drip nipple wasn’t completely open. I fooled with it for a bit and it started dripping from the nipple.

I was also able to get a hose to fit over the threaded end of the nipple. I used an old 1/2 inch hose that was stretched out from previously being on a 1/2 inch barbed fitting. It stopped dripping from the case while I was looking at it! wink It’s snug but it’s just laying there, though. I’ll have to safety wire on once I find a hose or combination of hoses to get me to the floor, at least.

When the lights come on - 12am - I’ll get the Poly stapled in place from floor to the ceiling and get it off the A/C intake ducts.

Then I’m going to try and figure something out the the Cloning Machine II - I’m eyeballing moving things around under the loft where I have a Cube type clothing storage unit (not sure what I have in my Thought Process Machine will work winky). And possibly a temporary Veg/Flower up on the loft under the LED T5s due in tomorrow. I can’t fit another plant in there with the 6 in buckets in there now.

The New Arrivals are ready to burst where they’re at now!

I hope you’re all making it a great night! tup

smoke ,


Yikes OSB does not love water, that’s for sure! Something blowing on it might speed up the drying process like a fan. Watch out for OSB warp’age.
edit: OSB oriented strand board

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Yeah. Most of what I put up there is plywood. I added 11+ inch OSB strips along both sides, mostly under the buckets to make the space 6 foot x 6 foot. I had to put that piece there so the A/C unit wasn’t tilting backwards, it was part way on the plywood and part way off. Although, in retrospect, tilting backwards may have been favorable after it started dripping! winky

I have a oscillating fan up there now. It’s running all the time (except when I forget to turn it back on because I don’t want it blowing on the back of my neck while I’m in there! wink)

IF it goes bad there is some more partial sheets of OSB here I can use.

Thanks for the warning, @JoeCrowe !


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I tried looking at a couple plants but I can’t hold it steady enough to get it into focus and not have it move on me.

Do you check them removed from the plant?

rollitup @JoeCrowe



yah I used an x-acto to cut off the little bump, it’s pretty finicky work when the thing is 200 microns long.


And you’re trying to focus in a tiny microscope while trying not to rip the plant apart! ROFLMAO

Thanks, man!

smoke, @JoeCrowe !



The A/C unit is dripping outside the drip pan I put in yesterday.

The gallon jug I had the drip line off the A/C unit overflowed.

The drip pan needed to be manually emptied by siphoning it out with a hose.

Need a better plan!!!

At $16.28 this looks to be a quick solution! I’ll try and run a hose from it to a 5 gallon bucket under the loft as it has been proven that a 1 gallon jug is not sufficient! I ‘may’ be able to tie into the septic line, maybe. It is under the floor where the mechanicals enter the 1924 Schoolhouse (under the Service Panel I have shown in the pictures), I’ll check it out AND loft support piers once I get access to the area. Btw, I don’t expect to see support piers for the loft under the floor. BUT, IF I can move the 4x4 posts I will move them and put proper piers under them, at least in the areas I have access to. There is a knee wall that runs North to South under the floor that prevents access to most of the West side of the crawlspace that isn’t a crawlspace. Where there is access, it is barely tall enough to wedge your body in to (from memory).

Drain Pan 0001 05212021

I put another article of clothing under the errant drip! winky crazy

With that done, for now, I turned my attention to the under loft area.

I am going to put the Cloning Machine II there and I’ll Poly off an area in the loft to Veg and Sex the New Arrivals there…at least sex them there.

I’ve moved the Cubed Closet thing. But, IF I’m going to try put it AND the mattress in the “IS condition” space, it’s going to be tight!

I am pretty sure I’m going to have to move it again - once I move some long storage boxes now occupying that space, which means I need to get that shed in order SOON!

There is a 3 cubby cabinet that’s been here since I moved in (it’s nearly completely covered up in most pictures, it’s North of the Reservoir (to the left of the Reservoir in the 1st image). It was in the loft. It’s a IKEA type cabinet but it is good for minor storage.

I bring that up because most of what I’ve talked about the loft has to do with getting under the floor. The “hatch” for getting under the floor is under that cabinet.

I’m going to move it to where the Cubed Closet was and put the Cloning Machine II on top of it.

It’s slow going but I’m making progress.

The new T8 LED’s came in today. I need to make a frame to attach them to for the plants that will remain in the currently open portion of the loft - a quick & dirty frame - nothing extravagant. They’ll get the new lights and the T5 lights I have above them now will go above the Cloning Machine II under the loft. I do like the idea of having the cloning machine there mostly because it will be nearer to the water source and drains (window and/or tub).

I plan on getting all of that done today Whistle wink

The WAS condition…

All around this place is expanded spray foam that was never trimmed off. I used a large Hyde Knife to remove this much of it. I’ll get to the rest when I’m down on the floor in those areas at some point in time - when I’m down there doing something else.

I had to remove the legs of the Cubed Closet just to get in under the support beams for the loft. I’ll try and put the legs back on soon, IF I don’t move it again, that is. Those things are not easy to move! It keeps coming apart! It ‘may’ have been easier just to take it apart, move it and put it back together in the new location.

The unfinished IS condition…

I need to get back to it and it’s almost Lights On (12am), I’ll check the ladies before then.



Had a bit of an emergency that slowed me up. That leakage was dripping on emergency materials. It was dripping on that cabinet that had emergency materials in it! nonofinger

With that matter resolved, I did get done what I had hoped to get done - all except finding a place to lay my mattress down (besides a bed frame which is on the to-do list - gotta have priorities! ROFLMAO ).

I had to halfway stand that cabinet up on its side to get it out of that spot. I couldn’t actually stand it on its end as it is longer than the under loft is tall.

The straps are just a test. I will likely have to install latches on the Cloning Machine II. In the meantime, I do want to use it and will do what I have to do to prevent it from leaking down the lip of the lid. I won’t know if it will do that until I get it running. I’ll do what I have to do to possibly included strap it down. I have some light weight straps I’ll use instead of these fairly decent ratchet straps - it’s what I had handy.

The old…(T5s)

The new…(T8s)

The new home of the Cloning Machine II under the ‘old’ T5s.

The Flower Girls are doing fantastically! I was too late to get pictures before the HPS light came on. I’ll get some at Lights Out at 12pm.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup

volcano ,


Good Morning WHAB!
Things are looking very nice. They seem to like the new lighting!


Good afternoon,@LilJonB! wavy

Thank you! They also get some more elbow room! It doubled their acreage, too! tup



Thirsty Girls!

First - the Grow Space produced about 5 gallons of water extracted from the controlled grow space and in to the Drip Bucket!

Then, I just mixed up 15 gallons of pH’d Mega Crop Parts A&B to a Early Flower+ recipe, bringing it back to 40 gallons. I bumped it up a tick or two. I also added nearly 2 cups of H202.

I grabbed the wrong Remote Sensor screengrab - deleting this one, it’s from yesterday - can’t find the one I just grabbed

E.C. is bouncing between 2.2 and 2.4 = 2.3 (1150ppm on 500 scale)

pH 5.5.

The Girls are starting to fill out nicely! They’re acting like the ceiling isn’t constraining them at all! They’re a little droopy nearly half-way in to their rest period but during Lights On they stand at attention awaiting marching orders! winky

The only thing I can foresee is fan leafs pressed against the Light Cage blocking light. It is not a problem now but could be.

Need to get things buttoned up around here and get started on the DIY Water Cooler to Reservoir Chiller as soon as possible - I have to get my mattress setup fixed first - hard to navigate that pathway! Where it is now is not going to work!

I never wanted to block the windows but, for now that looks like the best place for the Cubed Closet. Most of what you see is long term storage (clothes I need to go through but just don’t have time right now). And most of the rest is Winter Bedding - comforters, thermal blankets…etc.

Here’s the New Arrivals spread out under the new light. It looks like I’ll have to top them before sending them to Veg, which is on my ‘new’ to-do list after I put some Poly up around them. I will also prop up the littler ones while I’m at it.

Oh, and take clones from the Flower Girls!

Busy, busy!

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