WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Scoped out grow sites…

With all I have to do I saw a break in the rain - we’ve gotten 6+ inches so far this month - and thought I get some mowing done - it needs it! I drove the mower out to the yard and the first thing I saw were several puddles. No mowing today.

I did take an opportunity to see how the Sun actually falls on the sites I have looked at.

It was nearly Sundown at the area I was looking at and it does have Sun falling on it.

In the first picture I’m showing the rise in the terrain before you get to the pocket I have mentioned before. It would get full Sun up until 1:00pm or so. The Sun comes up behind my right shoulder.

Where the Sun falls. The pocket is right there where the Sun meets the horizon (Red line).

The pocket (straight ahead in the picture below, right in front of where the grass gets taller) is covered on three sides by trees and this open side that is protected by the hillock in the picture. You wouldn’t be able to see it from the road to the South (left in the pictures).

Walking up to the pocket but also the entrance to through the treeline. The pathway is where you see the split in the tall grass. I have mowed it once, all the way out to the site and a wide area I’ve been looking at.

Pathway to the Enchanted Garden! winky

Nearing the clearing.

Sun-fall. I mowed around the 2 trees in the center/right of this image.

Left side of the double circle clearing.

The right side…

My long shadow in the clearing showing Sun-fall.

While observing the clearing I noticed a large patch of Sun hitting a spot just the South of the double circle clearing.

Next time I mow I’m going to mow that area and get a better look at it. It ‘may’ be a better spot. However, it may be less open to the East, larger trees blocking it. I need a better look at it.

The late Sun sure hits the spot better then the double circle.

I need to get something out there quick! I really wish I knew the sexes of the New Arrivals, they’d be the first to go out there. I am thinking about putting them out there until they show their sex.

Any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations on putting those unsexed plants out there until they show, anyone? They will be far away from the Girls in Flower now!

Again, any thoughts, suggestions or recommendations are welcomed.

Keep it Green! greenthumbdude



I usually put em all out then when the males show I cut em down. The males always show early, so they can be cut down before the sacks open.


That’s what I wanted to hear!

Except for a wee sprout in my early teens that didn’t amount to anything, I have zero experience growing outdoors.

Thanks,@JoeCrowe! tup,



They shouldn’t flower right now right? 6 to 8:30. Looks like your getting an extra 2.5 hours.
Why don’t you grow in that field? Too high traffic? You live in a beautiful area. Must be nice to be able to step outside your door and be able to go for a stroll in the woods.
Thanks for stopping in! ROFLMAO

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As I told you in pm, put the young ones into flower just long enough to declare sex, dispose of males and put out females and they will revert back into veg mode.
Any spot with 6+ hours of direct sunlight will work for you, of course the more the better.
Hit me up in pm and I will give you a recipe to deter most bugs.


That is the “yard” (the maintained portion of the property). You should see the “field”! It gets “hay’d”! ROFLMAO

It is quite beautiful, yes…thanks!



My apologies for not responding sooner, brother! Been very busy reorganizing.

I ‘might’ be able to squeeze 1 plant in there, maybe…but, I doubt it. There is no way I’m getting 7 plants in there.

I have guests today. I’ll get back to you, my friend. Thank you!



Take clones and once rooted do the same, just make sure you label both donor and clone.
Those plants are under light now correct? You can just change that light schedule for flower also. Other then these suggestions you can only plant them and weed them out when the time comes, and that will be months from now.


Yes, they’re under the new LED T8’s. I don’t have it partitioned (Poly’d) off yet. I will get that done soon.

You’re saying take clones from those plants still in rooting stage or from the Flower space?

Thank you, brother! I really appreciate the help!

Guests await…gotta run. I’ll be back!



Take clones from the unsexed plants and then once rooted you could put them in your flower room as they will take up little room. Label donor plant with 1 or A or whatever and clone same and once that clone shows its sex you will know the sex of donor plant. But if you put up your partition problem solved.


Excellent plan!

Going to try and get that all done today. I have all the pucks and netpots scrubbed up and ready to work! (I have new pucks and netpots but I’ll reuse these and see IF they burn me! biggrin)

I haven’t found its pump, though. I know it is here and I haven’t organized a dedicated search for it but I have been eyeing the place in hopes of seeing it. Not yet!

I do have to run to town tomorrow, early - so I’ll do my best to knock that all out today!

Thank you, my friend!

Keep it Green!



I just did a pretty dedicated search for that pump. I can’t find it!

I just used it testing the Cloning Machine II.

I’m sure I put it somewhere I’d easily find it when I needed it! ROFLMAO

I have a memory of putting it in an empty 5 gallon bucket but, that may have been the time before I last used it! ROFLMAO

The only place I haven’t searched is the loft but, I last used it there to empty the cloning machine to bring it down from the loft to modify it…I’ve used it since that time!

facepalm ROFLMAO

Edit Add: I found it! It was about 4 feet from where I am sitting ROFLMAO . In my defense, it was intermingled with another pump I was not interested in so I walked by it a dozen or so times! ROFLMAO



Mr. DeMille, I’m Ready for My Close-Up…

It’s been more than a half hour, no leaking out of the top, dripping off the lip! A successful inaugural run of Cloning Machine II! party-smiley-048

Now Poly (going to try and reuse some of what I removed from the loft and save the unused Poly for the partitioned space planned for the Veg area) (will buy some Panda Cloth when as soon as I can).

Then, cut, cut, cut! tup

Note: I have taken on a student of sorts - they’re keen to learn as they are having less success than they had hoped. I will be showing them different ways to clone. In a cup of water and in the machine.

Also Note: I have shared with them some of the genetics I have gratefully received (4 each, Mango Dream and Tangerine Dream - THANK YOU!) to include instructions and with simple and easy to follow links for when I’m not there.

OverGrow the World! fly2

Back to Work! tup

Edit Add: I"m relocating Cloning Machine II to the right bit. That cabinet is screwing up Poly because of its length in that space. There is a 4x4 and Floor Joist where I want to apply it to but that cabinet is in the way. I’m going to split a 1/3 of that cabinet off (it is modular in that way, ‘may’ need to make legs for it) and put it next to the Reservoir and Cloning Machine II will have its own 2/3 section cabinet.

smoke ,


Well, that was a right pain in the ass!

There has only ever been 1 screw attaching that 3rd module. Of course it was in the back nearest the wall and my tool was not sufficient to the task without the Lever and Fulcrum! I finally had to cut the screw and then reattach the shared leg to the main body, better attached than it’s ever been since I first moved it (it was in the loft frown). Junk cabinet but, I can always use some extra storage!

Now, where were we?!?! wink

I have to make a makeshift leg for that separated 3rd module, where it was sharing a leg. Of course it’s not a easy measurement. It’s not just stick a 2x4 on edge there. It’s 4 inches.

Then I’m back on track!



Clone Day 1…

Killer Queen.

Mango Dream.

DJ Shorts Blueberry.

Note: This is also intended for a new grower. They asked for some instruction. I really, really like photographs so expect them! Some will be redundant to others

They were labeled coming off the donors and relabeled as they entered the cloner (and cup). Showing two different methods.

Thanks @Oldjoints for that advise!

Both the glass of water and the cloner are pH adjusted. The clones were cut at a 45° angle. Stems were gently scarified with a clean razor blade on 3 sides. All were dipped in Clonex Gel.

Once they perk up I’ll trim the fan leaves just enough to get a humidity dome on them (those plastic cups).

I have never cloned using humidity domes. I’m familiar with the process, I’ve just never used it.

I have read that you should run straight pH adjusted water for 2 days before you take clones from Girls in Flower.

Does anyone have hands on experience with doing this?

Is it necessary? Does it really produce better clones?

Any opinions, suggestions or recommendations are welcomed!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



I used to clone them all the time in flower until I got tired of revegging. Depending on how far into bloom they are, it’ll probably take that amount of time to get over the dose of bloom hormone. I never did anything special before cloning. I never use domes for cannabis cloning.
edit: love that apparatus on your lithium driver, it’s the shizzle.


Ebb & Flow Flower Day 8…

E.C. bouncing between 2.2 and 2.4 = 2.3 (1150ppm on 500 scale).

pH 5.8.

This is from the other corner but it is really tough getting in the to get in a position to take a picture.

I am including this one just because I like the effect :wink:

I trust you’re making it a great day! tup

smoke ,


Thank you,@JoeCrowe…that is quite helpful!

Yes, I agree - quite pleased with it, thank you! It can do things no other drill/driver can do. It has gotten the job done where others fail. Especially that offset head.



The clones are already responding favorably just hours after the cut!

Earlier this morning…

A few moments ago!..

One looks to be self-training! biggrin

Haven’t done much of anything else today, except view the clones! innocent

smoke ,


What are you going to do with all your free time once you finish everything?
I know you got some other projects in that old noggin floating around.

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