WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Here’s my dilemma, brother. My brother winky My brother is THE Culligan Man.

I’m assuming what is under the sink is an RO system. He installed it. I walk a bit tenderly around him. I don’t want to offend him by questioning his work.

IF my assumption is correct and it is an RO system why would I need another RO system.

I’m just trying to understand, my friend.

Please, don’t think I’m discounting your advise, I’m not. I do appreciate our discussions. Thank you! tup


You haven’t overstepped anything, friend. You have been nothing but helpful. You’re free to speak your mind around me.

I will take your suggestions and attempt to find answers.

This “why would I need another RO system.” was supposed to be a question. I forgot the squiggly line… winky

IF what I have is an RO system why would I need another RO system? I’m not understanding the recommendation.

I appreciate ya, man! tup

Thank you, I fully reciprocate, my friend!


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@Purple-N-Hairy Just tested the system. Tap water through water softener 207ppm. R.O. water 12ppm.

As I understand it, 12 ÷ 207 = .057 rounded up to .06 = filters removing 94% of impurities. Filter are good for now. I was informed filters should be changed around the 80% number.

Does that sound right to you? I have no experience with this information regarding tap or filtered water. My only experience is feeding the plants, not with system effectiveness.

Thank again, friend! tup


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I change my filters based on how much water I’ve run through each, and I change my membrane if it registers anything above zero. But you should probably just rely on what your brother tells you. :ok_hand:

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Understood and thank you! I do, certainly, appreciate your experience and your willingness to offer it up!


New Arrival clones day 8.

Most of those are ready to move. The only one slower to react is the DJ Shorts Blueberry (second from last picture), but it’s coming along fine!

I plan to transplant them in to soilless since I don’t have a second hyrdo set up. I would set up the 2 gallon buckets BUT I don’t have another Reservoir for it. I have been shopping for one. Some of this I’m playing by ear…scheduling/timing of things is something I’m having to reconcile wink

I have offered them up just minutes ago IF they want them.

And, in full disclosure, the Cloning Machine II did develop a dripping leak on the front left corner…a relatively bad leak in that I had to dump a small coffee can (large chili can) about twice a day - I only did it one day so it’s hard to tell. When I opened it up the bulb-seal was full of water. I did not anticipate that occurring. I bought clear silicone but decided not to use it on those corners IF they didn’t leak. The next chance I get I will apply it to those overlapping Butt&Pass joints.



The Girls as of about 3 hours ago…Lights Out.

Flower Day 17…

E.C. still pegging 3.6 (so 1800ppm or more) confused2 biggrin

pH is 5.7.

From Northwest corner looking South…

From Northeast corner looking South…

I’m moving some of the New Arrivals in to 5 gallon grow bags. I only have 5 5 gallon bags. What I don’t share - which is scheduled to happen this weekend - will go in the ground, not grow bags.

I could use some advise on plant supports. Homemade plant supports. I did not think of supporting the leaners until just now facepalm biggrin

I’m not satisfied with what I’ve come up with. I packed the soilless mix as tight as I can and it still wants to lean. I can’t think of anything I have on hand that would. The best I have come up with is old, new telephone wire - I have tons of it dating back to ‘dial-up’ days! ROFLMAO

Any ideas would be great! tup

Here’s the first one - Mango Dream…

I’m going give it a good watering and put it back under the lights in the loft until I move them, I’m going to try and do that tomorrow - trying to arrange a mode of transport.

Homemade plant supports are desperately needed! I suspect the other plants up there will be needing support as well.

Thank you @Oldjoints ! tup



2 more up-pots…

I’m hoping to get some more cuts of this one - DJ Short Blueberry.

And, Killer Queen…(I didn’t know until just now that the root picture below was blurry - apologies!)

I also didn’t realize until just now that I didn’t take an after shot (picture crazy me forgot to take the glam shot! ROFLMAO)

These are both back up in the loft until I can take them outdoors…having been given heavy watering. I’m really hoping the DJ Short Blueberry is a Girl! We’ll see!

That’s all I’m going to do right now.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup,


Gardening velcro works great with fabric pots! The velcro sticks right to the pot and can easily be readjusted as the plant grows.I love this shit.

Gardening wire and binder clips works well too.


Hello friend! wavy

Those all look great, the first two anyway - the third see below wink . What I’m lacking is the gardening sticks. I’ll try and get some today - but today is scheduled to be a very busy one. I do really like what I’m seeing with those Green Soft Twist Ties.

I am very curious how the last listing is used in growing. Are the clips attached to the grow bag and tie off your wire-wrap or string or whatever from that?

I do appreciate you taking the time to engage, @ReikoX tup Thank you! smoke

OH, and, I’m Shit OoL! winky Apologies!



That exactly. :+1::seedling:


Thank you for that! Sounds like a great idea. I’m sure I have some laying around here not doing any work at all! winky

But, I’m still Shit OoL!!! I do apologize!



I was read the riot act a few hours ago regards me, my growing and my brother’s property.

I have been sharing my grow and experience with family members over these last few months.

It seems he has gotten word of it and let me know in no uncertain terms I can’t grow for others (caregiver - even if a legal caregiver). I can only grow for me and me alone and I must adhere strictly to the law. I can’t massage the numbers. I can’t massage the methods.

IF he catches me stepping outside the legal parameters (as he understands them) he’ll kick me out. Even though being a “Caregiver” is legally covered. He doesn’t understand the law and doesn’t care to be informed on the law.

I originally came here because I really love the place - a 1924 Brick Schoolhouse, where I could do some woodworking. Legal growing did not enter into consideration.

I must respect his demands. It is his place.

I’m moving forward, but with less massaging winky

By most standards, Missouri Medical Cannabis Cultivation allowances are quite liberal.

As I’ve mentioned in the past day or two, I had already planned to reduce my numbers. Especially in light of not being completely set up to handle what I have, or what I have coming up. I don’t have an appropriate Veg space. These astronomical material costs have really put a literal crimp on things.

Again, what most people - non-growers - don’t understand is … I can go through these months miraculously saving a grow that looked to be heading towards certain failure and in about 30 to 60 days from now lose it anyway… That’s why the backup numbers…they just don’t get it!


Keep it Green and Overgrow the World!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



In the interest of moving forward, marching on. I received a batch of new gear (yesterday now)!

First up, for @LilJonB and others looking in…

Boruit Headlamp…


Less so…

Then the main reason I picked this particular headlamp…

That was with the charge it shipped with. I have since charged it up completely…I think it’s going to fit right in here, indoors and out. winky

Then…the PG2700-S Submersible Pump (great shipping time!)

However, something slipped my attention.

I did not realize the output side of the pump I wound up buying. My first selection was the 1600 GPH Submersible Pump that came with an output fitting of 3/4 inch - the size Fill hose I am using now.

This one, the one I bought in a quick decision to upgrade to a one size larger pump, comes with an output fitting of 1 inch O.D. (approximate).

It looks like I’ll either have to step up my current Fill hose to 1 inch I.D (and one 90° fitting in to the Controller Bucket), or reduce the output of the pump (restrict its flow). I don’t like the idea of restricting its flow. Btw, I just recently upgraded the Fill hose to 3/4 inch I.D. in my attempt to increase the rate in which the 5 gallon buckets receive their nutrients. facepalm. bitchslap myself! ROFLMAO Looks like a great pump, though!

Unless some of you fine folk can advise otherwise, that is. Any ideas? Any known and reasonably priced 1 inch I.D. hydroponic hose sources? I found 2. One is 100 feet for over $100 (that doesn’t make any sense). The other is $60+ for 50 feet. I really only need about 20 feet (it’s really about 12 feet).

And, lastly…

These really look like a great solution in this grow. I literally can’t get in there now. It would have been nice IF I had known in advance! rolleyes biggrin

I’m considering slicing the 2 sides of the Poly, where I can’t get in to, install a wire across the ceiling and using the slots I cut to access those areas from both sides and tape them back up.

Any ideas on this matter? Anyone? Anyone ever tried to hang these Yo-Yo’s in a too crowed grow space?

They really do look like a great solution to supporting plants…constant upward pressure. Nice!

Speaking of outdoors, though…

A Panorama (my first)…while I was astride a Steady Steed! winky

But, behind me is even better (a little hazing today)…

There is a finger of a lake in between the rise in the road in the foreground and the rolling hills in the background! Sweet place!

Oh, lastly, lastly! More importantly!

They are the BEST!

Make it a great day, folks! tup,


So it turns out I may not know what the E.C. in the Reservoir is right now.

I contacted Bluelab about the slow blinking 3.6 reading.

They asked me a bunch of pedestrian questions, some which I had already answered in my first email, I answered them all and their response was…

“According to your description, it looks like your device is faulty and for that, it needs to be replaced. It looks like some components of the battery compartment are not working properly and for that, you are having power issues. Unfortunately, we do not have a reparation service at the moment.
I am sorry to inform you that the Truncheon has a 5 years guarantee period, although is designed to last more. You did really good maintenance of the Truncheon and this is the reason because you could use it for more than 10 years. However, the useful life of the device is finished.”

It looks like I’ll be spending another $100+ on a new E.C. Truncheon frown.

Had I known in advance I’d be buying new meters I would have stepped up and bought the constant monitor.

I just mixed and added to the Res a new batch of nutes. Mega Crop Parts A&B and Bud Explosion. What the E.C. of that is I don’t know. Just going by the recipe +. Parts A&B at Early Flower recipe + a little. And Bud Explosion at 1 gram per gallon (5 grams per each 5 gallons I topped the Res off with).

After a good bit of research, I did find the 1 inch tubing (20 feet - they sell it by the foot tup ) and grommets and elbows I needed at BGHydro but, the cost of the items came to $35+. Quite reasonable. Shipping is $23+. Not reasonable at all. I left it in my shopping cart. I might have to reluctantly complete the purchase.

I just this moment adjusted the ‘fittings’ total (to 1 each instead of 6 each) and got the total price down to $52.03 and pulled the trigger

This came in, too.

I didn’t know IF 1 can would be enough so I bought 3 and still not knowing IF that is going to be enough! ROFLMAO We’ll see!

I am going to try and time it so I have the DIY Water Chiller out of the Res applying the coating, changing out the Pumps to include upgrading the Fill side (hose, grommet and elbow) to 1 inch and cleaning the system again.

Now that I have the Res temps under control, luckily! … (it got to 70F today up from 65F the last time I look at is yesterday) I am confident I can get to harvest with this setup - barring any unforeseen dilemmas! winky Of note: the chiller was barely in the nutrient solution with it down 10 gallons.

Make it a great day! tup



In a rush to cull frown

Outgoing New Arrival (unsexed) Clones Day 11…(was done as instructional aid, I never intended to grow - going to another patient was always the intent). Very nice looking roots, though…even if I say so myself may be biased! winky

I just got back from town right before starting this process. I went to town to buy Solo Cups, naturally. I wound up only using one of the solo cups as all the others exceeded the capacity of a solo cup! ROFLMAO

The second to last picture is a Mango Dream that has only just now sprouted one actual root and a few nubs.

Last picture above is DJ Short Blueberry I was hoping to Veg out and potentially sex and potentially Flower… frown I’m going to try and get at least one cut from it before the new grower sends it to Flower, hopefully. :crossed_fingers:

And then, below is a Mango Dream that was cut with the others above but is the one that self-dunk twice. It formed this same whatever it is after the second time it dunked. I took it out and wiped it off with my fingers and changed the water in the cup. After adjusting the pH I put it back in and it’s doing the same thing.

What is this? What is going on with it?

I’m fairly certain I have never seen that before.

Does anyone have any ideas on it?

I hope you’re all having a Great Green day! tup



You may be biased, but those are some nice healthy looking roots! That last one toss it. That’s a fungi/mold thing. Its not good I know that. Someone else may know what it called, but not good.


I bet that the stalk of the plant is limp like a noodle and decomposing. In most cases I find some kind of micro organism living in there eating the stalk. wiggly gross things.


Yeah that! Very scientific explanation. Just joking, its bad gross shit right. lol

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Hey @WhiteHotAfterburner. Sorry I haven’t been much of a presents around here lately. I do pop in and out to read what’s going on.
I will be looking into some green lighting. The head lamp looks like it would most definitely come in handy.
Please be careful bringing in clones from the outside the grow bud. I would hate to see all that work you put in going south. We just had a member scrap a grow from the mites.