WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Yes! I just read about our friend getting mites. I made the mistake of taking cuts a from my plants outside and bringing them inside awhile back. I was lucky I only brought aphids in. Very lucky and lesson learned. Never want the borg!


Except to put it in the puck (something I should have thought of sooner! biggrin, I haven’t touched it all since then. It was obvious after it dunked itself the second time I knew it wasn’t going to make it. And, yeah…it was loosey-goosey for sure winky

Thanks, @JoeCrowe tup

Keep it Green, man!



Thank you, friend! tup

Yeah, not good at all. I’ve never seen it before. It looked like some sort of futuristic Force Field! biggrin



Apology rejected! winky You need not apologize to me. I know you keep it hopping! Busy is a good thing, friend! tup

Thanks for the reminder about bringing in someone else’s problems. tup IF it is done things should be embargoed until proven safe!

Sorry to hear about the mite problem!!! Bad situation!



I suspect it to be some kind of paramecium. It might look like a blob in the photo…but it was moving like a gross icky thing!


Good morning,@JoeCrowe wavy.

Thank you for that!

What I found most unusual, and it happened both times, is that this ‘thing’ formed in the same way.

IF I were to describe this formation I’d say it looked like a translucent condom. An elongated formation about the length of the stem. Weird, to me, maybe not to you! winky

Thanks again, Joe! tup

Make it a great day!


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One of the plants I relocated is a male. I never saw it until the receiver of the plants pointed it out. It must have been in the back row, behind the other plants.

I did not closely examine (I should have) the sacs to see if they popped or not. In one of the pictures it looks like at least one did. I did not notice any dusting or anything obvious like that.

Question: IF it did drop its load does it require a lot of air movement to travel distances? I ask this question because the New Arrivals never had a fan on them.

I also asked the receiver to let me know what the tag on that plant says - I forgot to note it.

I also asked that they let me return to take cuts when I can, and when I can fit new cuts in to the strictest interpretation of the MMJ program here in MO. They were fine with that arrangement.

Make it a great day! tup,

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It doesn’t take much to get pollen airborne. Cannabis is a wind pollinators so just a slight breeze will do it.


Hey @ReikoXwavy. Good morning!

I’m pretty sure it had to be in the back row, farthest away from the path (about 4 or 5 feet in distance) to the controlled space. The only breeze it would see is me walking past the group of plants (again, it being the farthest away from me). Still possible under that circumstance?

I’m not concerned about the Girls, I’m just concerned about the plants I just moved. IF I were to guess at the amount of breeze up there in the loft I’d say it’s near zero, except for my walking past that group.

Except that they spent an hour long drive together with me in the car shocked frown

I don’t think they popped. I hope they didn’t!

Thank you for contributing to the discussion of my dilemma, friend! tup

I’m really surprised I didn’t see it when I put them in the car…


I would cull the male. Yes walking by can make pollen float around the room.

I informed the person, they weren’t near the plants at that time but ensured me that would be the 1st thing they would do when they were there.

Thanks a bunch,@ReikoXtup. I do appreciate ya!


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The above New Arrival that was sent to a new home that is a male had a male companion along for the ride, it turns out.

The above was a Mango Dream.

This one is (should be was by now) a Killer Queen…

I advised the caretakers that after they put the blade to them (a metaphor biggrin) to then hose down the rest explaining to them that water kills pollen, and to keep a close eye on the others at least until they show their sex and hope they’re un-pollinated Girls! :crossed_fingers:

I hope you’re ALL making it a great night! tup



Mist or fog is pure Kryptonite to pollen.
Mist the girls, mist the boys, mist yourself.

As soon as you see open petals - they are dropping pollen.



You’re telling me - Mist-er!




Wow! Hard to believe - Flower Day 24! I don’t have any numbers to post - except to say, the Girls have been hot up there. I saw 84F today BUT, I forgot I turned the A/C up several days ago when it was getting cold up in there any only adjusted it down about an hour ago. I have not checked E.C. for previously stated reasons, nor have I even checked the pH of the Res. I do know I saw those temps reach 74F today. I added nearly 2 cups of H202 the day before yesterday in anticipation of increased temperatures. Since I know I saw 92F at my desk today, it’s doing pretty well, considering!

We have a several more days of high 80’s ahead then steadily low 80’s after the 15th, for as far out as Accuweather forecasts. I hope it’s true!

First I had to deal with a bit of a light leak winky. This is the second time the right side has come loose. The left side came loose the other day. Both times I was successful in re-adhering it - until today. I’m sure today it came loose because of the heat - I melted a little bit myself today! ROFLMAO

I’ve been trying to find staples for my Neva-Clog stapler.

It’s the only office type of stapler I’ve ever owned. But, I can’t find the original staples - J-30 - for it. I finally found an alternative a couple of months ago and only recently fit it into the budget. Good timing for this matter. It should hold from here on out!

Then, I haven’t even looked at the Girls for a few days. Getting cramped in there! It doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get in there to hang the Yo-Yo’s.

I had to manhandle the girls just to get the new growth out of the Light Cage. I only went in the make sure new growth was outside the cage.

Awesome aroma in there! And, STICKY! tup

They’re all still reaching for the stars! Amazing!

Crappy pictures, first 2 without flash then 2 with flash (take your pick!)…all from Northwest corner looking South.

I should have closed the zipper for picture day! Next time I will - AND, preview the pictures before I come down! winky

This is just one branch I had to pull back through the Light Cage and I had to break it off! frown

From the top of the bud to the bottom leaf is 5-1/2 inches. The curly brown leafs were closest to the light. I need to get in there more often to prevent that in the future. I did buy a new hand-held microscope with a smartphone adapter a while back (I bought 2, one for me, one for someone else).

I’m going to have to work with it a bit more… winky, but once I do I will be posting some Trichome pictures. Those devices are TOUCHY! ROFLMAO. What I did see but unable to photograph were all clear, of course. But, I will use that sacrificial branch to practice on! tup

All that aside.

I did buy a new Bluelab E.C. Truncheon (not that it should be needed but they advertise it as a Commercial meter) with the scale going up to 6.0 shocked biggrin. It is allegedly due here tomorrow :man_shrugging: biggrin

I bought a dehumidifier in anticipation of the Late Flowering stage…I bought this one because it is drain line capable/ready.


I bought a WiFi Dehumidifier remote controller for the above.

And, I bought a drip-pan for the A/C also drain line capable/ready to sit in.

Then, the latest clones - off the Girls (about 8 days ago) - all rooted. Very well rooted - but one. One only has nubs on the side I looked at. I’m about to put them in Solo cups. I’ll get a better look at them then and will post pictures of them.

I hope you’re ALL making it a great night! tup



I transplanted all but one out of Cloning Machine II. It’s roots are not as developed as the least developed roots pictured below. Some are just amazingly developed in about 8 days.

I also forgot to take pictures of about 2 of the roots so I did not include the potted ones here.

Also, the rootings below, you can see clearly that most of the roots came directly out of the Scarification’s I made on them, along with dipping them in Clonex.

This one below was the bottom of a top I took when I couldn’t get in there well when I took the cuts. Both are in Flower. I really didn’t think this one was going to root. I only tried it just to see how it went. It went well. Very well! biggrin

These last 2 pictures are of a Mango Dream (unsexed) that was left in Cloner Machine II from the last transplant, so about 2 weeks. I don’t remember now why I left it in there! winky

And, with the temps in Cloning Machine II, I wasn’t sure if any would root. It’s been in the mid 80’s in there for about the past week, even with a large fan blasting the stainless steel tank…I thought that would bring the temps down at least a couple of degrees. Maybe it did but it wasn’t noticeable. I don’t believe it did.

For the next run, I’m going to have to time things were temps can be better controlled naturally. Heading in to Winter, or coming out of Winter and in to Spring.

Unless I can get a Reservoir Chiller and insulate the space the Girls are in between now and then I don’t want to chase temps like I have been and I have barely been chasing them at all - I’d just rather cooler temps for them and me.

This Flower stage was put on hold for longer than it should have been - my fault, all my fault!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



Just a test! Still need A LOT of practice!

I only got these shots after I used a key-ring as a standoff, to keep the specimen at a focal range from which I could focus at all…otherwise it was too close to the lens and way too unstable and fidgety!

I learned from this first picture that I had to zoom the camera in before taking a picture.

I may have to invest in one of those digital microscopes - the approximately $40 microscopes.

Practice, practice, practice! winky

Make it a great day! tup



I got one of those off of Amazon… Bluetooth wireless to my iPhone ,gotta say it was worth every penny. The stands that come standard are useless. I’m currently shopping for an upgrade also available on Amazon for cheap. I love this new tool.


Hey brother! wavy

I was trying to hold off on buying any at all - I have an old Carson I’ve had and used for years…the working end is probably smokeable! winky

I bought the Carson upgraded model, with a phone adapter…seen above.

I just bought this one…

BUT, I only bought that one because the 2 other ones - more expensive ones - I wanted and put in my cart I couldn’t buy because they wouldn’t ship to my address. I was confused2

I didn’t realize until after the fact that I wound up on the CA (as in :canada:) site. I took one of the links in a thread here and wound up there. I didn’t realize it until it was too late!

DAMN! I didn’t realize until just now that the one I bought is NOT wireless!!! facepalm ROFLMAO The other ones I was trying to buy were WiFi ready… facepalm

I’ll see what I can do with the one I get and IF I don’t like it I’ll give it away and get another one - from a REAL country! :us: ROFLMAO

It looks like I ‘may be’ shopping around AGAIN! ROFLMAO

IF I can get as good a shot as you’re getting I’ll be happy with that! tup

There is a fella here @Tejas that modified theirs with this…(I don’t know if you have seen it or not)

Thanks for the comment, friend! I appreciate it! tup



Wow WHAB. Gotta keep an eye out for those boys. :wink: looks like you might have some seeds. If you look at your pistols (if possible. I know it’s a lil tight in there) and if they look like they matured more then they are supposed to be for that stage you might have some seeds. That’s boy was really mature.
Everything looks good tho. I like those water heater pans. I might grab myself some.