WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Hey there @LilJonB wavy

Thank you for the reminder. tup I was up close and personal with the Girls for several minutes yesterday and didn’t even think to look!

Yeah, he was leaving no doubt as to his persuasion! I’m really very surprised I missed it. I’m not sure how I did! confused2 I’m actually more observant than that! cantlook biggrin

Thank you, my friend! tup

You rockon good sir!,


OoL It happens expecally as busy as you keep yourself. I can see how it could have been over look. Males mature very fast. Usually if I don’t see signs of sex within a week I feel it’s a good thing.


All I did today was try not to melt! crazy ROFLMAO It reached 94F at my desk. 84F where the Girls are shocked. It’s supposed to cool down a little after tomorrow!

IF these Girls get to harvest :crossed_fingers: , since I don’t think the attic will be done very soon (I am aiming in that direction), I am going to try and build out that space (insulated walls, Panda Cloth…etc.) where the Girls are now better when it’s empty. I’m not sure how the new Girls are going to fit in to that schedule - just going to have to see how it fleshes-out.

Thanks again, brother!



The new Bluelab E.C. Truncheon came today - I forgot to check earlier! biggrin The Inkbird Humidity controller, too.

Still blazing in here! 92F where I’m sitting (it just ticked down 1 degree to 91F (OOPS, it just ticked back up to 92F :sweat:)) and 83F where the Girls are (it also just came down 1 degree to 82F). The Res hit 80F today icon_e_surprised

I topped off the Res yesterday with a 5 gallon mix - Mega Crop Parts A&B and Bud Explosion.

It was 5 gallons low today. I think that is ‘part’ of the reason the Res temps got that high. Possibly the cooling coil was not sufficiently submerged in the solution.

I have a fan blowing on the Reservoir, a big fan. A couple of weeks ago I thought about wrapping the Res in that foil bubble insulation. I’m probably going to do that tomorrow and see what the temps do.

IF I ever grow at this time of year again (my dallying prevented earlier switch) - without insulating the attic and installing a air conditioner (for the whole space) - I’m either going to have to buy a Chiller and/or possibly run C02.

I hope the Girls aren’t fried the next time I see them! cantlook

I just topped off the Res with another 5 gallon mix - Mega Crop Parts A&B (at exact Early Flower recipe - 2.5 grams per gallon - 12.5 grams) and Bud Explosion (1 gram per gallon - 5 grams).

The pH was a little low in the Res so I made this mix at …

Water out of the bathtub…

After Mega Crop Part A… E.C. of 2.6 (1300ppm on 500 scale).

After Mega Crop Part B … E.C. of 2.6 (1300ppm on 500 scale).

Then after Bud Explosion 2.8 (1400ppm on 500 scale)

Then when added to the Res…(I didn’t mix it further - forgot to - airstones and the Fill/Drain (cascading drain) will mix it well enough, this time).

E.C. of 5.6 (2800ppm on 500 scale) shocked

So, it looks like my earlier E.C. readings ‘may’ have been off the scale for real. I’m going to try it side-by-side with this new truncheon and see if it gets any readings on the lower recipes.

IF the problem with the other E.C. Truncheon is just a really HIGH reading due to a very HIGH recipe - and it is otherwise still working, I’ll find someone to give it to.

I’m going to give the Girls a good look-over and see how they’re handling those high numbers. I may or may not bring them down in the next mix depending on my reading of them.

I added nearly 2 cups of H202 to the Res yesterday and 1 cup today.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



My bluelabs does the EC crazy dance if it’s off the charts. The top light lights up and starts blinking like a maniac.


Hey @JoeCrowe wavy.

The old truncheon was slow blinking the very top light but, I do suspect, now, that the nutrient solution was off the chart! I have not compared side-by-side, yet.

Thank you for your contribution to the discussion, friend! IF it helps just one grower better understand then it is always worthwhile! tup



I just spent a little time with the Girls.

Flower Day 26…

One cola on the Northwest side of the space. It’s about 10 inches long and looking lovely!

One shot from the Northeast side of the space. Still forming colas.

The damaged leafs in this second picture are actually the side pressed against the Light Cage.

I couldn’t get much deeper than what you see without damaging things. On the Northwest side I did notice a plant there is self-training. One top that I pulled back was bent over at the ceiling with about 5 inches of lateral growth, with buds growing up from that bent over part (like LST) and they were all still reaching for the stars!

Res is still too warm. frown I have 1 frozen milk jug ready to go in to it. I just filled up 4 other smaller bottles and put those in the freezer and will put them in when they’re ready.

Good afternoon!

I hope you’re all making it a great day! tup



I just topped off the Res again. Another 5 gallon batch. As I was mixing the exact Early Flower recipe of Mega Crop Parts A&B and Bud Explosion I tested each component as I mixed it in the bucket with the old E.C. Truncheon against the new one. It nearly exactly matched up side-by-side.

Of the responders in this thread, who needs an E.C. Truncheon? I feel comfortable offering it up as I’m sure nothing was wrong with it in the first place.

Of the responders in this thread, who ‘needs’ a Bluelab E.C. Truncheon?

To be honest, there are a few that I’d like to see get it.

My old friend @Bostonbud came to mind first, for obvious reasons.

My final decision ‘will be’ biased! biggrin

There is one thing amiss with the unit, something I noticed when I first put it back to work. The contact spring in the cap is loose. I didn’t examine it as to the reason. I just made sure it was in place when I twisted the cap back on.

However, just to let you know, that is the main reason why when Bluelab responded that something was wrong with the battery compartment it was believable.

Good afternoon/evening!

Make it a great night! tup



Looking like a jungle in there man. I love it! How’s the weather out by you. Right now we’re getting severe storm warnings, and it’s raining cats and dogs. The power keeps flickering and my only outlet to the world is wifi. No cell service here. But, fortunately it’s nice and cool. We were hanging out in the rain when it was just starting, and the drops were so cold and refreshing. Hope you’re getting some of this cool front in your neck of the woods. Might not be there yet. :wink:


Thank you, friend! I concur, it is a damn jungle in there. From what I see now - IF I make it to harvest - it’s going to be an amazing finish!

My Acurite Weather Station is saying it’s 92.8F outdoors (on top of the original but broken 1924 Schoolhouse flagpole). Accuweather says it’s 93F outdoors. 86F in the Flower space… frown

We could use some rain just to tamp the temps down!

Looking out over the forecasting page on Accuweather (subject to change), the highest % of rain possible in the next 2 weeks is 25% (tomorrow and the next day), so no rain likely here. The Accuweather forecasting is saying there is a 65% of rain on the 16th - subject to change.

Be smoke, brother!



Well dang. I was hoping you’d have some of this great weather since it’s pretty much heading straight toward you from me. Usually it moves east from here but the past few days, the movement has been mostly south and a bit east. Hope things change, and you get some of this too. So nice to have some windows open again. :wink::crossed_fingers:


Yes, I was hoping we’d see some of it, too! Unless things change, and they are certainly likely to, we won’t see any real chance for rain until the 16th.

2 things about windows: 1) I had relatively no bugs before I opened the windows around here. Now there are UAPs (Unidentified Flying Pests) winky , in the cloning/rooting space in the loft! I had to put up a Fly Trap. 2) I have to close all the windows to go to town. I have too much at risk here not to.

Stay smoke my friend!

Edit Add: A Severe Storm Warning just showed up on my Accuweather app, but looking at today and tonight forecasting the page is showing there is a 7% and 8% chance of rain. confused2


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Well here’s hoping you get some of that cool weather at least. It’s only 68 in my house right now. Yeah windows do mean some buggers get in, but it’s so worth it for the cool temps. I hear ya about the security tho. My basement is a pretty dark dank spot, so I don’t think any looters would even venture down there. Also the overhead clearance to get down there is lacking. I’m used to it, but everyone that goes down the stairs bangs their head. Hahah. I even warn them, usually.

Stay safe friend!


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Can anyone help me identify these pests, please?

They’re small, light green and fly…I need to know what they are to know how best to control them. It seems they really like the lights and the larger Veg plant. I took a picture of that one on that plant but it’s really blurry so I’m not posting it.

I have looked at several sites and I don’t find them.

Does anyone know what they are?

Edit Add: The transplant in the top left corner of the first image is one of the transplants that didn’t make it.


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Looks like a leaf hopper


Yeah, me and the plants aren’t diggin’ it! The Girls seem to be tolerating it better than I am! ROFLMAO.

Natural defenses are some of the best defenses! winky

Come on Winter! tup winky ROFLMAO


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They love light, and definitely prefer to be on plants. I don’t think they’d harm your plants, but I bet hey came in while it was dark out and they saw light inside. Then they found the plants to hang out on.

They can be green, but also can have some brilliant coloration.


While that might be true, they are green and have wings - but, I don’t see a body like the ones in the pictures. I’ll try and get some better pictures when I get back. There are probably 100 in the Fly Trap I put out the other day but with the twist that is in it it wasn’t in a position to be photographed, the majority of it twisted away from me.

Thank You! tup



Yes, that is another observation I have made. They’ve been up there for more than a week and they don’t seem to be damaging the plant.

I only see them as light green, no other colors on them…and, I don’t see a body or legs on them. Will get a better look at them later.

Thank You, my friend! tup



Cool. Yeah hard to tell from.the photo, but they seems to have that basic shape. Maybe with a closer picture we can figure it out. :wink:

Storm has passed and now there’s some great clouds out there.

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