WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

These things are tiny. I don’t know the size of the Leaf Hoppers on a quick read.

IF I had to guess as to their length, I’d say about 3/16ths of an inch - may be smaller.

I do sincerely appreciate the help, brother! tup

Nice picture! Beautiful pillowy clouds!

I gotta hop in the shower and get to town!



Sounds about right for their size, although they do vary a bit. I’d say they average about an eighth inch in length. They are all over the prairie when we’re out there but they don’t really have a preferred place. If you’ve got grass I bet they are around.

Have a safe trip, and avoid the storms!

TTYL friend



From now on I will only accept weather forecasts from you! I ran right into a massive rain storm! At the exact time that I got on the main road to town. I almost stopped on the side of the road to let it pass by, I didn’t - but I should have. There was a bunch of water on the road, too! It was pulling my car hither and yon! ROFLMAO



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Hahah. I win weathermen! And computer weathermen. Lol

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They stacking up nice WHAB. Keep up the good work.


Thank you,@LilJonB! I appreciate your kind words! tup



The non-WiFi microscope was supposed to have been delivered yesterday. I don’t believe it was.

We did have some storm activity yesterday so I looked high & low. I walked a couple of acres looking for it. I checked all the way out to the road, and even gazed across the road. I checked a nearby residence that occasionally gets my deliveries. Nothing. PullHair

I was looking forward to checking things out - yesterday and then today. Alas!

I just bought this one…the T Takmly.

I hope delivery goes better than the previous! It is due here June 15th.



Let us know how that works! I almost bought one a couple weeks ago but decided to hold off

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This is disturbing! unhappytdn frown

I just went up to check on the clones off the Girls and most of them are dead or dying! frown

Went I potted them I gave them a large drink of straight pH adjusted water. The 3 in the top of the picture do not seem to be suffering like others. They are nearest the fan confused2

I surmise the die-off is due to excess heat up on the loft. I have a stationary fan (oscillating function is not working right now. I’m going to fix it right now!) blowing across them but, it is getting very hot up there. I’m hoping that’s all it is and not something else out of my control.

These were the ONLY clones I had of the known females! frown

Also, it looks like my DJ Short Blueberry is suffering as well. I did top it and take some cuts off of it the other day (they’re in Cloning Machine II now). It is -they are - unsexed.

Dang! This sucks on ice! frown

Also, although I don’t believe it is related to the die-off, there have been some winged pests on the DJ Short Blueberry for about 2 weeks now. There was absolutely no observable damage up until today. I don’t think what ever they are caused the die-off. I could be wrong.

I have not been able to identify the pests. I did put up a Fly Trap 4 or 5 days ago. It’s getting a workout!

As I posed the other day, I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas on what they might be? As stated previously, they are light green with wings about 1/4 inch in length (approximate). I’m going to try and get a picture of them with my Carson Microscope with Phone Camera adapter They are the kind that swarm a light. I have not determined if it has a body of the kinds I saw in the searches I attempted to find in Internet searches.

I’m glad I didn’t go ahead and waste time and materials on making a Veg space just to have a die-off. I will do it but IF it is heat related, it will be some time before temps come down naturally.

Dang it! frown



Dang it is right.


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I don’t have a lot of time with my Carson Microscope with Phone Camera adapter.

This is the best I could get.

I couldn’t get the creature within one frame in the zoom function confused2.

These 3 images are from the head down…btw, these looked better focused when I snapped the picture on my phone confused2

IF we don’t determine what these are by the time the WiFi Microscope comes in I’ll try and get some better shots with it (once I spend a little time with it).

I can’t control it without knowing what it is. I only find them up in the loft but NOT in with the Girls (not since I looked at them yesterday). Nor are they on the Cloning Machine II, that I’ve noticed.

I did fix (mend) the oscillating fan - 3 times! ROFLMAO It seems the mechanism likes a little play in the arms/actuators. I had it pegged pretty tight and it kept slipping gears. And it pulled the bolt out. I thought for sure gravity would keep it in place. That hole I drilled out and put the bolt through was once a molded plastic post. There is no room to put a nut on it. I pin with a cotter pin in it might be better.

But, after the first fail, I safety wired it. I cinched it up tight. It didn’t like that at all! I had to loosen the wrap on the safety wire. That worked better but I noticed A LOT of play on the large gear with that arm attached to it was slipping. I upgraded that one screw with a self-tapping sheet metal screw. This seems to be working. I have it back in the loft blowing across the plants (former plants) up there now.

That offset head came in very handy again!

Scrubbed the upper assembly and put it back to work!



Yeah, danh shame! They were the only females I know I had (besides in the Flower space).

I don’t know if it is worth trying to take some cuts now, now that I know I can’t control that environment (as I do think it is heat related)

I don’t see being able to condition that space until the entire space (the 1924 Schoolhouse proper) is conditioned - and, I don’t see that in the near future! frown I mean, I suppose I could buy another portable air conditioner but I don’t see that in the near future, either…frown

I’m going to try and save the remaining 3 (only 2 of which look survivable).


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I think they are lacewings

Good guys…



It’s hard to tell but they definitely don’t look like leaf hoppers in those new images. If they are lacewings, that’s awesome. Let’s hope. :crossed_fingers:


The Fill side upgrade parts came in! woohoo

I’m waiting on a step drill large enough. The pair of step drills I bought before aren’t big enough. The largest of those step drills is 1-3/8 inch. I need 1-1/2 inch for the 1 inch grommet. The step drill I’m waiting on is sized from 6mm to 60mm (2.3622 inch). I’m sure I could have went all Primitive Pete on the grommet hole but I want it neat and clean (clean being most of the reason). I don’t want to chase tiny bits out of the controller bucket. The step drill I am waiting on is supposed to be in “tomorrow”.

First, here’s the survivors of the Die-Off… I put some clear cups on top of the solo cups in an effort to save the 3 previously mentioned.

I put some cups on some of the clones I know are dead, just because :winky: Those clear cups fit just inside the rim of the solo cups. A natural fit!

Flower Day 30…

I don’t have the numbers on the nutrient solution. I haven’t looked at it since I left this morning.

From Northwest corner looking South.

From Northeast corner looking South.

Then this is me trying to take a picture in total darkness…the pictures aren’t very good BUT, IF you look closely, the leafs are starting to get frosty!

Then the light came on…you see all the browned leafs are the ones pressed against the Light Cage. I’m going to have to get in there and clean those up - remove them.

Then I pushed aside the #1 and #6 plants to see inside. These are from the opposite side where that other 10 inch cola is.

And, another reason I have to get access to the plants, besides trimming those dead leafs away, is in the second Flower picture. The back left in the Northeast picture. That doesn’t look right. I did not noticed it until I reviewed these images. Going to have to get in there and see what is going on back there!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup

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I don’t know what they could be. If there not harming your plants I would keep doing what your doing with the tape.

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Are there some little white smooch marks on your leaves like small trails on the infested plant? Looks like a combo of lacewings and leaf hoppers on there. One is probably eating the other.


WHAB’s Failure… Large Loretta is Dead!

That picture from yesterday…

…was my only indication anything ‘might’ be amiss.

I just looked at her in full.

Large Loretta is no more (Blueberry (Dutch Passion)). She’s dead!

From the top to the bottom - the failing top I saw in the above picture is on the upper left of the first picture below. Pictures taken with green headlamp on.


All I can think of is heat. She was in the back corner farthest away from the air conditioner AND the fan blowing its cool air around the space. She looked fine the last time I saw her, when I took the clones.

The only other thought I have on the possibilities is the Fill/Drain is clogged and denied her any nutrients. I won’t know that until I empty that bucket. I do plan to remove the remains…as soon as I get some Rocket Fuel (I think).


confused2 ,


Wow! The beast is reaching the ceiling!! Awesome “problem!” Congrats!


Yeah, she was the one that was growing the best throughout this trial and error, failure and success of a grow. Man, she looked great the last time I saw here alive!
