WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Damn that sucks. Keep us posted when you find the issue. RIP Large Loretta.


Sorry for your loss WHAB. Good thing you took cuts.


This would be my guess as well. Let us know what happens after the autopsy.


Hello friend!

I have not added a second Fly Trap up there but I will the next time I’m up there. The back 3 that I think will survive the Die-Off were doing well under the humidity dome (clear plastic cup fit snugly in the solo cup) when I looked at them last night. tup I hope :arrow_backward: :arrow_backward: :arrow_backward: does not burn me on my next visit up there winky

Thank you for your contribution, @LilJonB !



I have not looked for that, but I will on my next trip.

IF it turns out your scenario proves true then tup winky

Thank you, too, @JoeCrowe !


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I will, @LilJonB . I hope once I exhume Loretta a cause can be determined.

Once I do get in there I’m going to rearrange the remaining 5 buckets to better utilize the space. I actually gave the 2 largest plants some extra space in the back there that I denied their 2 closest neighbors. I expected them to fill the space I provided them and they did until this unfortunate circumstance… frown

Also, regarding that Green headlamp, another reason I was in the Flower space besides checking on Loretta was to trim the light (heat) damaged leaves. But, the Green headlamp is not very good at distinguishing the Brown colors from the Green colors, I discovered. I ‘may’ have to wait for Lights On to get that done.

Thank you, brother @LilJonB ! tup


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Hello brother @Floyd wavy

Thank you for your condolences, sincerely! As for the cuts, most of those died - I believe it was heat related and ‘maybe’ I took them from the Cloning Machine II too soon.

Thank you for your contribution, too, my friend! tup



I certainly will, @ReikoX ! To the best of my abilities or to the best abilities of you fine folks! tup

You’ve all been quite helpful and I could not be more appreciative! tup

Thank you for your contributions, my friend! tup


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This literally just arrived…

It is a BEAST of a cutter! It’s 4-1/2 inches (114.3mm) long. It runs diameters from 6mm (0.24 inch) to 60mm (2.36 inch). Measured against a 6 inch (152.4mm) scale.

I’m actually ‘a little’ concerned about swinging that much weight with a hand-held tool (large cordless drill). That’s getting into fixed tool weight!..ie, benchtop drill press or milling machine! I won’t be spinning that weight very fast or for very long - but DAMN! ROFLMAO

Now I need to initiate my plan; pull the DIY Chiller Coil and Plasti-Dip it (spray), upgrade the Fill side of the system. Do a Res drain and refill during all of this AND get Loretta’s body out of there.

Also of note; the other day, I did start a Pool Shock 56.44% Calcium Hypochlorite regimen at a dosage of 1 gram per gallon to make 1 gallon concentrate, then 6ml of that concentrate per gallon in the Res (40 gallons = 246ml = 13.8 tablespoons).

This did not kill Loretta, she looks to have been dead long before I began the Pool Shock regimen.

However, I topped off the Res last night with an exact Mega Crop Parts A&B and Bud Explosion Early Flower recipe BUT, when I was adding Tablespoonfuls of Pool Shock a bit more spilled in to the Res than I had intended. So, in this 10 gallon top-off it was 6.9 tablespoons of concentrate (plus a little winky).

That taught me to transfer tablespoonfuls of concentrate in to a separate container away from the opening to the Reservoir! facepalm

Loretta looks to have been dead long before I began the Pool Shock regimen, unless when I go up there the next time they’re all dead - then, YES, Pool Shock killed them! ROFLMAO

I haven’t even opened the windows this whole time I’ve been back to the 1924 Schoolhouse! That first, then a tea…the Get Back To Work! tup

Edit Add: removed Home for 1924 Schoolhouse.



Also of note; in comparison, the 1000W HPS is about hip-high IF it were a human. She’s still stretching for the ceiling with its primary light source in beneath it.

1000W Vertical Fill & Drain with Air supplement grow.

1000WVFDwA winky



Still shuttered in and without Rocket Fuel! ROFLMAO I have been busy, though!

I forgot this came in yesterday…

The approximate to actual dimensions are as follows. From the outer edge to the outer edge it is 26-1/4 inches (666.75mm). Hard to get precise measurements.

From flat to flat on the bottom of the inner radius is approximately 23 inches (584.2mm).

It says it’s a 1 inch fitting BUT, I can’t find “1 inch” anywhere on it! ROFLMAO

IF anyone can help me determine what plumbing size I would need to get this down to a drain bucket (until I can figure out a way to get this to the septic service) I would be grateful!. I’ve never had enough experience with uncommon sizes to me plumbing sizes to be competent in it.

I did read the instruction and reassembled the fittings provided! winky

So, on top of my plan to; pull the DIY Chiller Coil and Plasti-Dip it (spray), upgrade the Fill side of the system. Do a Res drain and refill during all of this AND removing Loretta’s carcass while also rearranging the remaining ladies, add lift and set in place a Oatey 34063 Hot Water Heater Pan, Bulk 24-Inch, Black under the Soleus Portable Air Conditioner with Heat Pump!

I think I will schedule this work after the 10pm feeding cycle as somehow the 12am cycle was missed. There is a gap in my feeding schedule from 10pm to 2am. It’s been this way the entire time and I don’t believe I ever mentioned it.

Another thing I don’t like about this GoHydro (Ebiz-Global) Ebb&Flow Controller Bucket, the control unit is on the wrong side. I’d have to twist myself in to a pretzel to even see the face of the controller module, never mind operate it! facepalm ROFLMAO I have never actually seen the face of that controller since I fired it up! ROFLMAO After I realized it misses the 12am cycle I use it to work on things. I don’t have to unplug the unit just as long as I can get it all done in that 4 hour window. A real benefit to my mistake (I’m assuming it is my mistake, it ‘may’ be an actual problem with the programming function. winky ROFLMAO. I can’t see what is going on ROFLMAO).

So, I’ll get some actual dinner, gather tools and materials and prepare for my window of opportunity!

And, again…I could use a hand with determining what I need to plumb the pan out, please???

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and consider my goings on! tup


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Wow! You’re hitting them by the sides!!! NIce!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well, this is proving to be a crimp in my plans. That Plasti-Dip needs a minimum of 4 hours to dry, that’s after you apply approximately 3 to 4 coats 30 minutes apart.

I only just now read the instructions for the product! I suppose I could have and should have looked at the instructions well before today! facepalm ROFLMAO

I am going to have to divvy these tasks up.

The best laid plans…,


Well, this is rather disappointing in one regard and less so in another.

I pulled Large Loretta. She was only partly dead, it turns out. I had no idea part of it was still alive. I already had her out of the 5 gallon bucket and dragging her out while I belly crawled under the Light Cage when I saw she was only partly dead.

The roots were certainly filling the outer bucket. They looked great. What you see here is after dragging her out and across the floor. I took a like bucket (the oddball buckets) filled with clay pebbles and a light block on top of that in with me. When I pulled her out I then put the empty bucket in her place, this was way before I knew she was only half dead… frown

Large Loretta’s Trichomes (first images with new WiFi Microscope).

Why she’s half dead, I don’t have a clue. confused2

I did not reposition the remaining Girls…

I’m going to change out the Res and upgrade the Fill side right now. I have 4 hours. I will try to reposition the remaining Girls after the Res change.

facepalm ,


I would check for physical damage and if that comes back negative then it could be environmental, like it was near something dangerous? A fan?


I will do that as soon as I can.

I already emptied the Reservoir and scrubbed the interior of the Reservoir with a 1 to 4 Bleach solution.

I decided to Plasti-Dip the DIY Chiller Coil while I had the system apart.

Nutrient did get in to both bags I had covered coil in. It looks likes the outer bag did have a small hole in it somewhere. The inner bag had no hole. Nutrient likely seeped in to the inner bag from the outer bag. But as I was taking it apart I could tell that the Zip-Tie really were ‘buried’ in that gooey adhesive foam.

Large Loretta was the farthest away from the fan. That’s why ‘I thought’ it was heat related. That dead side was the farthest away from the fan than what is now determined to be the live side. The live side was intermingled with the live plant next to it. That’s why I didn’t see that part of it was still alive. That and when I took and then looked at those pictures it looked completely dead. Got me again! winky

I did look around just a little bit and I saw a what looked like a ‘weak’ side of one of the plants on the opposite side, the West side. Will have to look better when I get back in there to relocate the Girls.

I know that the fan leafs pressing against the Light Cage was denying light to that side of that plant. That’s was one of the reasons why I wanted to trim the light damaged leaves. I never wanted to thin the plants out BUT I may at this point since I’m going to be in there.

I wanted to ride this one out without trimming and make changes after facts were known.

Thinking ahead; I ‘think’ the next run I do around the pre-Spring season next year I’ll only have 4 Girls in the indoor Flower space and put 2 outdoors. 4 plants, this size, in that space would do better overall, I believe. And, I’ll be complying 100% with my brother’s edict winky.

I do appreciate your taking the time to contribute, @JoeCrowe - sincerely! I do value your experience! Thank you! tup

Btw, as part of the autopsy, I’m going to cut her up and hang her good bits to dry! winky



I just noticed that all the plants I can easily see from my perch are ALL filling in toward the light. Not with the buds or leafs turning toward the light but that whole side of the plant is crowding the Light Cage. There looks to be a lot of space between the backside of the plants and the poly that wasn’t there before.

Dead algae in the bottom. I was just going to suck it out with the transfer pump but soon realized the folly of that notion and gave it a complete and total bleach scrubbing bath.

Showing that nutrient did get in to both bags I had covered the coil in.

Outer bag…

Inner bag…

Applying the Plasti-Dip to the DIY Chiller Coil while I had the system apart. I’m a little more than 2 hours away from the recommended 4 hour dry time. I applied 4 coats of the Plasti-Dip, with a 1/2 hour in between coats. I removed that gooey adhesive foam after I applied the 1st coat.

Reservoir scrubbed out and ready to go back to work!

New 5 gallon batch of nutes premixed and ready to get mixed in with the 35 gallons I will fill the Res to and get it back to work! I’ll pH adjust the Res and I’ll add the mixed Mega Crop Parts A&B at the Late Flower recipe, including Bud Explosion. I’ll add the Pool Shock concentrate once the above is in the Reservoir.

1 inch Fill side upgrade completed, new pump in the Res already, and ready to get back to work, too!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup

smoke ,


Done, done and done!

Filling up while still giving Plasti-Dip the full 4 hours set.

Level reached DIY Chiller Coil about 5 minutes after that timed 4 hours.

Flower Day 33…

pH start and finish (just calibrated)…

E.C. (the lowest, whatever E.C. that is biggrin , I read 200ppm (on 500 scale)) start and finish (finished at 2.2 (1100ppm on 500 scale)…

And, I almost forgot…just under 1 cup of diluted Pool Shock…(prepared AWAY from the opening in the Reservoir ROFLMAO

I even remembered to plug in the new Vivosun 2600 GPH Submersible 120W Fill Pump! woohoo

They feed in 19 minutes! woohoo

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



how do you get the little animated emojis ?


Hello @TheShowMeHomiewavy!,

I saved them in the “upload” file here in OG2’s “Reply” (composition) window. They’re from MPG.

A pleasure making your acquaintance,@TheShowMeHomie!
