WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

To clarify the above statement. I thought about it after I typed the words. Yes, at least one of the girls on the West side is thin on the side away from the light.

I didn’t realize then that what I saw on the East side was mostly because Large Loretta isn’t occupying that space any longer. I can see the Poly all the way in to the corner…mostly I can see the light reflecting off the Poly in to the corner.

Damn shame I pulled her out. I should have cut the bad away.

However, I did look her over last night and many of the tops that are budded out are dead on the bottom. She looks to have been dying from the bottom up. That’s partly why I didn’t see the live parts. Looking at those previous pictures showing the bottom of the plant she looked dead and dead!

Some examples. Pictures are paired up; the bottom then the top of the same branch…as best as I could get.

This last picture is a pretty nice cola that was forming on the end of a dead branch…confused

Had I known, I ‘may’ have tried to cut away the dead and dying and left the rest alone.



Hey what did the roots look like? Or did you get a chance to check?


Hello @JoeCrowe wavy

As stated above, this was after dragging her across the floor of the Flower space, under the Light Cage, out the zipper door, and then across the loft floor…as is evidenced by the dirt and debris.

The last 2 pictures are where I had the inner bucket perched on the edge of a rung on the Modified Ship’s Ladder.

There was no way I was going to be able to hold her and take the pictures by myself.



huh yah the roots are looking fine as well. Really strange part of it died!! Unexplained things…are irritating lol!


Could the roots have blocked the flow in the pipes?



That is suspect. The picture of the bottom of the matted root-ball shows a well developed flat bottom to it.

I probably should have trimmed the roots when I had the chance - I did think about it. Once they reached the ceiling that would have become more of a difficulty, especially when I am lacking another set of hands winky.

What it comes down to is - I need either a larger space or less plants in there. Just thinking it through, next run I make at around the same time as this one (but flipping sooner) will likely be 4 plants in that space and 2 outdoors. In between then and now, I’m still hoping to build out a Flower space in the attic.

And to that end, Menards has lowered their lumber prices.

But, even at that, I went to buy some building materials for the shed so I can get the boxes I had stored in the loft out in to the shed and I had planned to buy 8 2x3x8’s (untreated) and 4 2x3x8’s (treated) and had to reduce that by 1/2 because the total was still over $90. I just can’t justify that cost for shed shelves, even though I’m desperate to get those boxes off the damn floor in here! Everything that was in the loft, that I put up there by myself, is now on the floor space around me, and has been this entire time! frown

I bought 4 then 2 respectively and will see how far that takes me. I am hoping to get that done today. It’s been stinkin’ HOT here over the past few days. I literally melted yesterday. It was 94F; where I sit. :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:

It’s supposed to cool down a bit over the next several days. Except for the 24th and 25th it is supposed to be under 90F over the next dozen or so days.tup

Hope you’re staying smoke, brother!



Okay, here’s where we’re at…

I had not spent any time with the Girls since I pulled Large Loretta. It was pretty depressing, to be honest.

But, I did spend a good bit of time with them several minutes ago.

I took the group pictures before working on the Girls.

I spun 3 of the ladies within their outer buckets to put the weak side nearest the light. I relocated them to give them all some more room.

I was surprised during my belly crawl to get back there how many buds are growing down. Looking lovely, looking healthy - growing downfly2 I ‘may’ still try to get in there to hang the hangers now that there is ‘a little’ more room to get around. I’m of a mind that IF I have to Flower in there again, I’m envisioning 3 additional Zipper Doors for that space. That original 1924 Schoolhouse Tin Ceiling on the Southeast side will have to come down to get the 3rd additional Zipper Door in place. Will continue to ponder this as the days and weeks pass.

Here’s Flower Day 35… Yes, it’s HOT up there. I can’t do anything about that right now. I was just in there with the zipper door open for a bit so that accounts for a degree or two.

They were preparing to feed so I didn’t adjust the pH down. I will when I get done here.

E.C. was bouncing between 2.8 and 3.2 = 3.0 (1500ppm on 500 scale).

Again, these are before I spun the Girls or cleaned up a bit. Organic material naturally deposited and those I knocked off or took off manually, in the bucket are the Clay Pebbles I spilled out of Large Loretta’s bucket when I dragged her out.

These are 2 shot pairs. The first 2 are 2 shots from the same place just panning over just a bit - Northwest corner looking South. The same with the next 2 pictures, 2 shots from the same place just panning over just a bit - Northeast corner looking South.

The above is the corner once occupied… frown IF I had to do it over again, I ‘think’ I would have just cut the dead side out and leave her go. I had no idea how much of her was entangled in her neighbor, and that it was still alive. I just saw while I was in there working that I broke a limb on the lady next to Loretta.

I did add a dehumidifier. I got it a few days ago and tried to set it up with the Inkbird Humidity Controller I bought for that purpose BUT, it’s not going to work paired together. This Lonove MD752, while it does have a drain hose option, something I really, really wanted - it does not auto-restart. Once the Inkbird cycles off then on again the MD752 does not restart. You have to push the button again.

It’s in there now, so we should see that high level of humidity come down. I thought about communicating with the company to either exchange it (IF they sell a humidifier with auto-restart - I don’t know if they do or not) or send it back for a refund (they mention that option throughout all of the literature I read). But, I needed a humidifier up there NOW! biggrin And, once I saw the Blue light that’s on it was nearest the Girls I moved it to behind the A/C blocking the Blue light will still providing great airflow to the humidifier and without blocking the A/C filtered input air.

Stay smoke, folks! tup



Also, I’ve been messing around with the T Takmly WiFi Microscope using the PC interface (Smart Camera)…this is the first image I saved from that time messing with it. It’s from the downed Large Loretta (R.I.P.).

Still need more time with it, but that’s not a bad image from it!



The last of Large Loretta. There’s no reclaiming these Clay Pebbles! ROFLMAO.

That is IF they don’t survive the Pyre I’m holding in Large Loretta’s honor! - probably today - so there is a chance I’ll be wrong! ROFLMAO



Well you still have more then enough plants. It sucks when they die. I’m sure the gals are loving the extra space.


Yes, yes and I ‘hope’ yes! winky

Thank you, @LilJonB … I appreciate your participation!



Just a walk down memory lane!

A lane I don’t intend to wend my way back through again!

I’d rather buy another 60L (or whatever it was) of new Clay Pebbles than to ever do that again - 6 times…then boil them. I bought a YUGE steamer pot just for that reason - way back when! I’ll have to find another way to repurpose it!



You could put them into your soil pots. I put 2" in the bottom of my pots for better drainage.

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Pond enzymes should break down the roots and organic matter. I know that’s how Krusty would clean his lava rock in his freedom buckets. :+1::seedling:


Thank you for the suggestion, @LilJonB ! I will keep it in mind! tup


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Hello @ReikoX … is there a chance you can link me to anything on pond enzymes and Krusty buckets? I did a search and the only thing I find is on IC. Is that where you would link me to IF you were to link me to anything?



Yeah, probably on ICMag I have no idea where I saw it.


That’s a dang rabbit hole on IC, and dated…some links returned to dead pages or members (not literally dead, just dated and missing posts or “Guest” members biggrin )! I will research more. Thank you for the lead, my friend! tup


Flower Day 37…

I just topped off the Reservoir with 10 gallons of Mega Crops Parts A&B + Bud Explosion at the exact Late Flower recipe. I also added 1 cup of diluted Pool Shock.

I’ve been adding at least 5 gallons nearly every day, except for those days when I add 10 gallons as I did today.

I’ve also been disposing of at least 5 gallons collected from the A/C about every 30 hours.

pH adjusted to 5.9.

E.C. bouncing between 2.8 and 3.2 = 3.0 (1600ppm on 500 scale).

2 pictures from Northwest side looking South. Second picture is just panning left, showing the 2 plants in the front #1 (Tangerine Dream x C99) and #6 (Raspberry Cough). (only 5 plants remain in that space)

I completely forgot to take any from the Northeast corner looking South! biglaugh

I did try to show what is going on beyond those 2 plants in the front.

This is what was the weak side of #2 (Tangerine Dream x C99) that I spun around the other day.

Then the rest of her in the corner, same plant, what was the side pressing against the Light Cage.

Here I’m trying to show #4 (Raspberry Cough) growing sideways into the void left by Large Loretta. It’s hard to see, but it is growing across that backside.

The new Lonove MD752 Dehumidifier was depositing what it had collected in the same bucket as the A/C drain hose, BUT it stopped contributing the day after I installed it. I don’t know why exactly. Possibly because it was leaning over a little bit, not laying level.

I just relocated Lonove MD752 Dehumidifier to a more central location and laying flat on the floor. I attempted to make a light block for it. FAIL! ROFLMAO

I did not realize the entire top section lights up blue. I’m going to have to figure out some way to shade it.

That is the intake, the entire top of it. It exhausts to the sides about midway down.

Any suggestions on how best to block the Blue light without effecting the operation, intake and exhaust, is welcomed.

The only potential fix my Thought Process Machine has conjured is to make a light ‘curtain’ and find someway to suspend it across the top but stay above the exhaust outlets. I thought of taping it to the front of the A/C and taping it to the 2x4 supporting the Oscillating Fan shown in the second to last picture above.

I still have to get in there and ‘try’ to clean the plants up, the brown and browning bits. While I’m in there, I still intend and will try to install Safety Wire across the ceiling from front to back on both sides in an attempt to put those plant Yo-Yo’s in place. I just don’t know IF I will be successful confused2

I did try to scope the plants. It’s difficult to operate the microscope and look at the images on my phone and snap the shot. I looked at several buds. Given the difficulty in holding and operating both the scope and the phone while manipulating the scope around the buds, I did not see any Amber Trichomes. I’m not sure IF I saw Cloudy Trichomes. Some of the trichomes can look cloudy with the light of the scope hitting them just right.

Oh. I went looking for some PVC primer and glue for my SIL (and brother). I know I bought some for the septic system on the RV next to the 1924 Schoolhouse. I bought that pair knowing I had some somewhere else around here rolleyes

I thought I may have left it in the RV. When I went to look in the RV I saw a Amazon package on the ground near the steps to the RV. The package looked full. When I picked it up my SIL says “Is that the package you were looking for?”. It is. It is the first non-WiFi Microscope I bought and thought was lost in the mail. urlate The one I walked about 2 acres looking for after that storm blew through. ROFLMAO

Well, now I have one for at my desk and I can leave the one that works off WiFi up in the loft! ROFLMAO tup

That still does not solve the finicky and difficult to operate issue ROFLMAO



Hey friend. Any chance there’s just an led I’m that dehumidifier. If so maybe you could just pull it or cover it. I can’t see too well in the image. Looks like it might be a strip of lights even. IDK. 🤷