WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

IF it doesn’t go through just give me a holler, @LilJonB.

rockon ,

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Do you just grow from clones? Is that your plan to grow, cut, clone and repeat,


Hello @G-paSwavy

No, I don’t just grow from clones. A most generous friend gifted me with the Girls to help me get re-started.

I have seeds, some also gifted to me by my friend. I do plan to grow them out.



To start…

This how I solved the YUGE Blue light problem in the space.

The was condition…

The is condition…(the plants are still a foot or two or more behind the camera)

The fix…

Not creative, not elaborate, not elegant, not at all pretty ROFLMAO, but effective.

Flower Day 42…

I did not have my camera when I checked the Res.

pH is 5.9.
E.C. is 4.0 (2000ppm on 500 scale) (considerably high, imo - but it is the exact recipe)

I do see what is either nute damage OR heat damage on some of the smaller, less developed leafs (and it’s only lower portions of those plants). The ‘strong’ side is looking wonderful with no signs on any damage. The only sign they’re showing is that they love that Mega Crop. winky

From Northwest corner looking South…

Panning left from same corner…

From Northeast corner looking South…

Panning left from that corner and I was trying to show the Tangerine Dream x C99 in the back corner. Not a very good picture.

I’m still going to hang the Yo-Yo’s but I decided I didn’t want to waste my Stainless Steel Safety Wire. I asked to use some baling wire. I was told that IF I can find some I’m welcome to it. They didn’t know for sure if they had any. I didn’t even look for it today. I’m sore today (yesterday now).

The day before yesterday I spent a few hours wrestling a Belly Mower myself back under the tractor. No easy task. It’s one of those mini-tractors with hardly enough room between the front and back tractor tires to wedge it in there! 1/2 that time was me having to undo what I had done because I forgot the order of assembly and I had it pinned in place when I realized the sliding PTO shaft was supposed to be in place beforehand ROFLMAO

The worst of it is I was actually injured spending those hours wrestling that Belly Mower on a gravel driveway. I woke up this morning wondering why my hips were hurting so bad. Rolling around a gravel driveway will do it, it turns out! ROFLMAO

And, I bought these things a few days to suspend the VIVOSUN 1750GPH 102W Air Pump…(@LilJonB)

But, to be honest, it’s only noticeably noisy when it shifts on its perch - where I set 2 of its feet on the floor and the other 2 over that old broom handle or whatever it was. It’s super quiet in that position.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



Yes he is!.
I just hadn’t seen any germination stuff yet :rofl:


With the situation as it is - unconditioned space except for where the Girls are now - it looks like the only space I’ll be able to grow at all is going to be that space.

I’ll have to time things to go in and out of that single space, regrettably (except when/if I can time it between the Hot/Cold seasons better than I did on this go around).

That situation ‘may’ change IF building supply costs moderate and I can at least build up the other 1/2 of the loft to Veg under the 4 foot LED T8’s. But, even then, it’s been stinkin’ HOT up there. The DJ Short Blueberry I had up there got fried. I was able to take some cuts off of it beforehand - but, the Cloning Machine II has been considerably warm and retarding rooting. I only started seeing any roots during that brief cool period recently. Some of them have not yet rooted. I was pretty sure with how warm it was that none of them would root.

The other problem I’m having - this entire time these Girls have been going - is how do I want to germinate for Hydro. I personally don’t like Rockwool. I don’t like the algae that inevitably grows on it.

It’s coming once I work out those details - the timing of things, the potential loft build-up (I really want the attic space built out) and what manner in which I want to germinate for hydro. tup

rockon, my friend!



This is how we learn. I know you probably love the style of grow your doing now but maybe it would best to do this style in the winter and something cooler in the summer. Just something to think on.


Take a couple of large plastic soda bottles and fill them to about 2 inches from the top, stick in freezer until frozen. Once frozen put one inside the cloner to keep your water cool. Once thawed replace with another frozen one and so on. This will at least get the clones you have going get roots. You should only have to put in one bottle a day.


Yes, I should have started the Veg time about 6 weeks earlier than I did. It should have finished in May, early May.

It was my mistake not to have started early.

Thank you for the suggestion, @LilJonBtup


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Hey brother @Oldjoints! wavy

I’ll get those going right away. tup

Thank you for the suggestion! tup



Not much to report on…

I just topped off the Res with 10 gallons of pH adjusted water and 1/2 cup of diluted Pool Shock. No nutrients added. I was trying to get the E.C. numbers down a tick or two! I also brought the pH down a few ticks.

Note here: I just noticed the temps and RH in the Flower space were raised from typical. I went up there and the A/C wasn’t running. I’m not sure why. I will keep a close eye on it. I may have sat on the remote control and turned it off. I don’t believe that is what happened. Good thing I had that Acurite remote sensor up there otherwise I’m not sure when I would have known it was off. Those numbers should come down soon.

Flower Day 43…

E.C. was bouncing between 3.6 and 4.0 = 3.8 (1900ppm on 500 scale).

Then I took a shot of #2 (Tangerine Dream x C99) since the shot I posted yesterday didn’t show her very well. She’s loaded! Also, you can see I have not remove all of the light damaged leafs…that’s all that is in what you’re seeing.

I couldn’t find any baling wire around here yesterday. I’ll get some when I go to town tomorrow. I’m going to town because I’ve been provided the use of an electric golf cart for around the property here, it has a tire that goes flat regularly. I already spoke to the shop that said they’d fix it. First, I want to air it up and give it a bath to try and find where the leak is. IF it just needs to be plugged, I can do that. IF it involves a side-wall or the tube I’ll let the shop handle it. I found a wheel and tire for $19+ BUT shipping was $23+ :eek: :grin:

I also got the Hein-Werner 1-1/2 ton bottle jack put back together.

I relayed to my Chiropractor the information I had discovered; maker name and model #, I showed him the site showing the price of the repair kit and the Side Pin Spanner Wrench to disassemble what I did not disassemble before - I didn’t want to damage it with Channel Locke or Vise Grip pliers. The kit was $46+ and the wrench was about $5.

He declined to have me repair it. It is not a family piece. He somewhat recalls it being in the garage of the house his parents live in now when they bought it.

Time for a tire bath! fly2

Make it a great night! tup

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The rather high E.C. has been a concern of mine for a little while along with a few comments made by trusted growing friends prompted this Flush.

Over the last 2 Res top-offs I have only added pH’d water - no nutes in an attempt dilute what was in the Reservoir already.

A little more than an hour ago I finished draining and refilling the Reservoir and put the system into Flush mode.

40 gallons. Approximately 1.66 cups of FloraKleen. Approximately 1.66 cups of Pool Shock.

pH adjusted to…

I’ll let that cycle through for about 24 hours - some 10 fill/drain cycles - and then drain that out and refill with decreased nute recipe. I’ll start at 1/4 strength and see where that lands on the E.C. Truncheon. I’ll adjust from there. An E.C. of 2.8 looks to be a good number to me. Thank you, Deran (MPG member)! tup

One thing I have noticed in the Reservoir is the Output Housing on the Vivosun 120W Submersible Pump works its way off the pump. Twice so far. Luckily I was here to witness it.

It is a 1/4 turn type of arrangement allowing the user to position the output in the direction they need it to.

I’m pretty sure it was because I left too much slack of the 1 inch Fill hose under the lid (it’s a tight fit) of the Reservoir and the excess hose was pushing the hose connected to the housing in that direction along with the vibration of the pump it turned the housing off.

I pulled the slack out of the hose and have the pump pretty much suspended under the lid It may have 1 foot touching the barrel.

I have a more capable Dehumidifier - with Auto-Restart that is also Drain Hose Ready - on the way. I have no idea what color the lights on the display screen are - I looked. winky It does, however, have the display on the top of the unit and I should be able to just adhere a hinged flap (Poly and tape) over it to block it.

Oh, I don’t know why it is, but those 2 Girls in the back are producing MUCH better than the others. I used multiple Yo-Yo’s back there to cradle multiple good sized colas together.

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I finally got around to this…

Large Loretta’s Bon Voyage - Valhalla Bound…

Sending her off is made more difficult not by losing her but in I find it difficult to get rid of perfectly good boxes - you just never know you need exactly that size.

It happened today. I returned the Hein-Werner jack to my Chiropractor today. I had it in the same pre-cooked food tray those things are packaged in, it’s been in there since I took it apart and put it back together again. I save them. Much like boxes, I save them! winky

But, that tray was hardly safe enough to ride in my car! winky Too great a chance of it falling over and Hydraulic Jack Oil spilling out of it.

I had a box that fit it perfectly and then that box fit perfectly in a fully supported open space in the “trunk”. It’s a Camaro Z28, they don’t have trunks per se.

Large Loretta - R.I.P. I wish I had known more before pulling you. My bad!



Are you a box hoarder to. I save and save them. As soon as I get rid of them, I needed that one :green_heart: :seedling:


Hi G!

I am! Lifelong addict! I’m sure I have boxes dating back to at least 1995/1996.

I have one right next to me. It doesn’t really count, though, as it has the original item in it still winky

for shame spy2|nullxnull ROFLMAO



Got you beat. I still have some I am using from the 70’s :rofl: :crazy_face:
:green_heart: :seedling:


Are you throwing down the Gauntlet, Lassie!?!?


I surrender! I am pretty sure you have me beat! ROFLMAO



Flag Display II.

Was condition…(I went out and moved the light as I said I would on, what was it? Flag day?

Is condition (will require major redesign!).

The light and the mount are in conflict. I had to go up the ladder to remove the Flag Assist-Mate 2000 winky ROFLMAO

The light is also not where I want it.

I think I’ll build a bracket to reach out from the eave above the :us: but still pointing diagonally across the Canton.

We’ll see what it looks like at full darkness.

Also, my Flag (:us:) Clamp is going to need some rework. It is not holding the cloth tight enough in a couple of spots along its length - on the left end of the clamp. I even went out and bought Stainless Steel through-bolts, washers and nuts hoping to increase the clamping power. It did not work as well as I thought it would.

I did just measure the pipe in the ground for the original 1924 Schoolhouse Flag Pole. 1-1/2 inch I.D… Gonna see what I can find. I’m thinking a galvanized pipe with a Flag Pole Hardware kit. I don’t even know at this moment IF flag pole hardware kits exist… biggrin

IF I can get it together, I’ll fly :us: daily on the Flag Pole (lighted) and still display the larger :us: for special occasions!

Oh…the eave line, fascia area smells LOVELY! tup ROFLMAO



RIP Loretta!

That flag looks great there. Did you guys redo brickwork on the schoolhouse? It’s looking phenomenal.

As for boxes, I have few that predate me. :grin:

Still put to good use.

This one is from when I sold pop corn in the boy scouts in the late 80s early 90s.

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I had the sunkist. Will have to look. When the bladder on the well blew out I lost a lot boxes and the stuff in them
:green_heart: :seedling: