WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Thanks, my friend! I just had a thought this evening looking at it again. I think it would look better lighted from behind BUT with more lights. Maybe an LED light bar behind it. Maybe LED tape lighting attached to the Flag Clamp pointing down. Maybe 2 LED light bars behind it.

Gonna roll this around my Thought Process Machine and see where it arrives! winky ROFLMAO

HAHA…that’s going back some time!

It’s not a box but, yours jogged my memory! biggrin It just struck me. Our Thought Process Machines are amazing and sometimes puzzling machines! ROFLMAO

I have a newspaper clipping of a picture of me a 3 of my Scouting friends looking up and that was transposed (photoshopped for you whippersnappers! ROFLMAO ) on a map that was printed in the local paper. I was actually a Weblo at the time - pre-Boy Scouts! winky

No, no brickwork has been done since my brother bought the place. It does look great! There is just one spot in the back that could use some attention - tuck-pointing.

On the inside is another story. The Concrete (lath and plaster but with a Stucco mix) walls are cracked. Some shifting by a good bit. The concrete should come down and address what ever is behind that that has shifted.



I let the Flush run another day…

BUT, when I went to batch out the nutes my scale wouldn’t fire up. I tried everything.

I ran to town (thinking the store would close about 7 minutes after my arrival. I was wrong, they’ve expanded their hours again) just to get a scale. 1+ hour round trip (probably would have taken longer but I actually raced there trying to get there before they closed).

I Drained the Flush out and Refilled the Reservoir. I batched out the first mix of nutes at 1/4 strength in a 5 gallon bucket - as it turns out, 4 times. 1/4 strength = 10 gallon mix in a 40 gallon Res.

Flower Day 49…

1st batch at 1/4 strength - Mega Crop Parts A&B + Bud Explosion. All other batches after this first was mixed in the Reservoir at an eventual 40 gallons. At the end - 4 batches incrementally added - I wound up with 40 gallons at what would have been full strength nutes had I just mixed up the full strength in the 40 gallons - the incremental numbers below.

Here’s the numbers that correspond to the pictures above…(oh, and the new scaled I raced to town for! ROFLMAO ). PPMs noted parenthetically for those that use those numbers, I do not use those numbers winky

pH when I started…

After pH adjusted…

I don’t know what caused the E.C. to reach 4.0. confused2 Before this Flush, when I topped of the Res I mixed it for the amount of water I was topping of with. 5 gallons at full strength. 10 gallons at full strength…etc.

I’m going to run this at these numbers and see where they go. I was a little surprised the E.C. didn’t reach where the E.C. was before I flushed. Another incremental batch looks like it would have gotten closer to 2.8, but I want to see what they do.

48 ,


I gathered a sequence of events from the thread. It’s… alarming?
24 days ago EC 5.6
23 days ago critical temperature.
21 days ago clones die off.
19 days ago loretta half dead.
16 days ago EC 2.2 changed res added pool shock.
14 days ago EC 3
12 days ago EC 3, topped off res
9 days ago EC 4. after water 3.6.
8 days ago EC 4
6 days ago EC 3.8
Took me a while to compile the events. I think it looks like your plants are under stress, I would guess from crazy high EC, but the temperature thing seems critical as well. I was focusing on the EC as being suspect.


Yes, you seem to have it right, sir, regrettably.

Part of it is due to my getting my wet feet under me - again.

Part is due to rushing in to getting something growing when the space was not 100% ready.

Part is due to new line of nutrients.

Part is due to White translucent buckets and me thinking I could out-trick the scourge of algae.

Part is due to heat.

Part is due to too many plants in the Flower Space with a Vertical Grow. Or, too small a space to Flower 6 ladies in.

I’m of a mind that allowing too large fan leaves to huddle up to the Light Cage blocking light to the opposite side of the plants is also a part of the problem. I think Yo-Yo’s will prevent this in the future - holding them away from the light cage itself

Many parts to this puzzle. All of them under my control and I am found wanting.

Happy Independence Day, my friend, @JoeCrowewoohoo,


Maybe next grow you can make the cage accessible. Might be difficult to trim from in there but might be better then just leaving it do its own thing. Can you access your plants from the outside at all?
I always thought EC was too high. I know your style is pretty different then WC.


I did notice the cage doesn’t need to be that long, it could be shorter on the bottom. I think Yo’Yo’s ‘may’ allow for better maintenance all around. Keep the tension on the plants opposite the cage, pulling them away from the cage. ‘I think’ winky

No, I don’t have access of the space from the exterior, the outside. I have been thinking about adding at least 2 more Zipper Doors, maybe more. The only problem I can see now is the South end opens up to the living space and could not be easily accessed. I think I can do it it will just need some more thought.

Having only 4 plants in there through their stages should make it more manageable, too. Maybe.

Also, I’m considering using more of the loft as controlled space to grow in.

What I really need to do is get this entire space conditioned. I’m going to be saving for that. What I’m looking at is around $3000usd, and that’s with me doing the work. It’s a self-install Mini-Split but the Cassette type that goes near the center of a space and not the Wall Mounted type. I don’t want to drill holes through my brothers 1924 Brick Schoolhouse walls.

Once that is done I can put plants anywhere in here and just light proof wherever they are. (excluding the attic).

Thank you, @LilJonB for the discussion!



When I relocated some of the plants I had I told them at the time that I had bought a 7x100 foot “Deer Fence Netting” for what I had planned for outdoors and it was there’s IF they needed or wanted it. A few days ago they let me know they wanted it. I delivered it to their home.

I knew I was going to be in the area but they wouldn’t be home. I asked for and received permission to check on the plants while they were away.

They are all doing well! One was shoulder high. All are healthy.

It’s a bit difficult to differentiate between the plants what with the fence they are behind and the rather busy background.

Besides the plants and the netting - I have been helping them in their cultivation to include tutelage and buying them a few tools they didn’t already have.

I bought them a Carson Magnifier and a pH Meter.

They’re not in an optimum grow area. They should be out there where the Tomato plants are (in full Sun). I believe that is what they will use the netting for, to move the plants out from under the tree where they ‘were’ residing. That was my recommendation when I dropped the plants off.

I’m still hoping to take some cuttings off of them when I am ready to receive them IN the conditioned space here.



wash them cuts good :slight_smile: Don’t let the bugs in!


YEAH! You got a jungle! I second @JoeCrowe. Don’t ruin your work! “protocol 0” everything!


I keep forgetting about that!

I thank you both for reminding me - again! frown ROFLMAO



The other day I was hearing a whining noise. I searched high and low and after a couple of rounds through the place (up and down to and from the loft) I determined it had to be coming from the conditioned space. But the other times I was up there I couldn’t figure out where the noise was coming from. I go back up to the loft and open the Controller Bucket and realize it is the Drain Pump that is making the noise. I went to pick it up and it was Blazing Hot!

I replaced it with the water pump I changed out for the Vivosun I have in the Reservoir now - the one that had a come-apart in the reservoir and I had to zip tie it together. They’re the same pump. 2 came with the GoHydro Controller Bucket system.

Just now when I went to check on the Reservoir and notice the nutrient level was really, really low as if the nutrients didn’t return to the reservoir after the last feeding.

That pump failed, too! frown

They are both A-6-40-HL2000US water pumps.

Trash! I didn’t expect them to last very long. I just expected them to last through at least one grow frown.

Luckily I had an extra pump from my previous system. I put that in the controller bucket until I can buy another one.

But that’s the pump I’ve been using as a transfer pump - draining the reservoir and the Cloning Machine II.

Anyway…that’s all that new that’s going on. 2 pump failures since my last update - 1 being so hot it was hard to handle to remove it frown.

Flower Day 54…

New, more capable, Dehumidifier is scheduled to be there Monday. I needed it when I ordered it! frown
pH adjusted to…

E.C. 2.8 (1400ppm on 500 scale)

No pics. I haven’t hardly been up there except to diagnose and remedy pump problems frown.

I’ll try and get some pics later on, maybe tomorrow.

I do have to go mix a 10 gallon top-off batch of pH adjusted nutes.

I hope you’re all making yours a melodious evening! tup



That sucks about your your multiple pump fails. I figure the controller bucket would come with some kind of water level off switch for when the water level is low. I mean there expensive enough. Smh. I feel for you WHAB. Maybe I should make one :thinking:.
Are you seeing a different in your plants since you dropped your EC? I was over feeding one of mine by .5 and have seen a huge change.

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Hey there @LilJonBwavy

There are high/low and emergency overflow level switches in the controller bucket.

The Drain pump, the one that got Blazing Hot, should not have been running at that time. It was at the stage in the cycle that it had already drained the system sending it back to the Reservoir. The controller did switch it off (at that stage of the cycle) but it kept running.

I got to thinking about it later and I’m surprised it didn’t start a fire - it was that ‘hot’. I mean, it could have been running the entire 2 hours between feedings,after being told to shut down by the low level sensor/switch frown.

Yes, I am seeing a difference since I dropped the E.C. but, I don’t think it is related to the drop. I’m seeing some weird damage on the plants I can easily see. Tip burn and some lower leaves dying.

Not sure what it is directly related to. Could have been leaving the Flush for 2 full days - I thought it would be fine to leave it, but maybe it isn’t. Could have been the elevated E.C… Could have been the Pool Shock. It could be related to the several times the pH was at 6…which I subsequently did lower but it was there for several cycles over time.

With multiple things occurring (changes and resets…etc.) all at pretty much the same time it’s difficult to assign blame.

I will avoid all of those 3 and the others I mentioned previously for the next run.

I have learned some lessons frown, and that’s okay…that was lessons are for! winky

I gave the buds a quick look a few times and don’t see any damage there, not that I’ve seen.

Thanks for the visit and the discussion, my friend! tup

Make the rest of your day a most melodious one!



Get those clones rooted?



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Hey, brother @Oldjoints! wavy Good to read you!

The only cut from the Girls that is still alive is a Blueberry (Dutch Passion) - the one in the cup.

These others, alive and now dead, in the Cloning Machine II are DJ Short Blueberry. The ones in the machine are only just now displaying roots developed enough to consider potting them.

I don’t know why the potted plants have died. They’ve been treated exactly like the ones that are doing well.

I have held off up-potting the ones in the cloning machine for fear they’ll wind up like the ones in the picture - the dead ones.

Any thoughts on what might be the problem?

The one nearest the front in the pot was looking like the one in the solo cup just the other day - then dead.

I puzzled and perplexed…

Thanks for stopping by, my friend! tup



Can’t tell much from the pictures as to a cause. The ones you have going look happy and healthy.
And the dead ones are to far gone to tell anything.
If you used the soil mix I shared with you as soil then you burnt them up with nitrogen. Always use a mix that has no nutes in it once they come out of the cloner. If you didn’t do that then my guess would be heat, but that’s only a guess. But I know excessive heat will act fast and kills tiny plants fast.
Not to worry as I always have more plants then I can use and you know where I live.
You are learning to get back in the game, expect setbacks and don’t get frustrated or down with yourself over it. Lessons learned and move on brother, you have a world to overgrow………


Your a good man bro.


Good read. tup Excellent read! tup And, I don’t mean you ‘reading’ my words but reading my thoughts. I have been a bit frustrated over the failures.

Yes, I put them all in the mix I made. I thought maybe that could be the problem and some are just stronger and able to withstand it. I also think heat is ‘part’ of the problem. I’m sitting in 90F. We, the rooting plants and I, share the same air.

Except for Perlite, I don’t have anything else to put them in. I suppose I could go get some soil out of the garden BUT, there is risk in that as well…dragging something in that wouldn’t be there without the outdoor soil.

Thanks for being understanding and helpful AND generous. You know how much that means to me!

Thank You, @Oldjoints rollitup.

Much appreciated, man!



I will be cloning these soon:

These are:
Black Willie x Brutal Paw
Maui Wowie x Platinum Pineapple
Banner x Lemon Skunk

I will be cloning these in a few weeks and will have more seed for you…… DJ Blueberry seed also if you want it.