WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Flower Day 71…

pH of…

E.C. bouncing between 2.8 and 3.2 = E.C. 3.0 (1700ppm on 500 scale, for those using those numbers)

The Girls at 71…

Right side…

Left side…

Left side middle and back…

These 2 buds are stacked, one above the other…first picture lower, second picture above it.

All the damage - burned tips and leafs and whatnot - you see is previous damage. I can’t easily get back there to tend to them.

Then Flower Day 71 Trichomes from the left side Girls

Now - Pasta Sunday! :drooling_face: winky



It’d Rolling alomg


I thought I had the Kubota BX25D fixed - it looks like it was the fuel pump this whole time.

I spent about 3 hours fixing it and then trying to get the overgrown lawn RE-mowed last night. I was running the tractor until almost 10pm (yesterday now).

That filter needed to be remoted regardless the other fuel issues.

That wheel I thought had broken off? It didn’t. The wheel on the back right side was covered in grass and looked to be missing and, the wheel I saw free of the mower deck that looked like another wheel had come off didn’t. That wheel was a wheel that broke off years ago and I tied it to the tractor when the time comes to rejoin them. I ran the cable that pins the ROPS through the wheel assembly. That cable broke.

The E-Z-Go; the manufacturer did give me a part number. They identify it as a 32911G1 Forward and Reverse Switch Assembly. BUT that part number is over $300 and it’s “Out of Stock” on their website.

I’ve searched for 32911G1 and it does return with FNR switch assemblies but when I search those pages for that exact part number it’s not on those pages.

I requested a superseded/alternative/comparable part number that is available. I have not heard back from them yet. I can find similar assemblies with prices going from $85 to about $120 to theirs at over $300.

I bought a battery test, the Specific Gravity type tester. 1 battery was on the line BUT it was on the Good side of the line.

So, I do feel better about going farther in repairing it. At least the batteries aren’t “Bad”.

I removed the cable from the burnt lug on the Forward/Reverse Switch and put it back on the charger hoping with the burnt cable removed maybe it will better accept a charge. Maybe that cable has been shorting out this entire time I’ve sending juice to the system. A shot in the dark. It is something I could try while I get a part number I can use.

Under the Loft; I bought 8 2x4x8s for just under $6 at Lowe’s - so the prices are coming down - but my car won’t haul 8 2x4x8s. My Factory Race Car seems to have a 6 2x4x8 capacity winky ROFLMAO

I had to return 2 of them. I plan to have the Under Loft built out right after I fix my car. I hope to buy some insulation for that space next week. I want to buy Roxol (Rockwool) but if the price of that hasn’t come down I’ll have to go with something else.

Then, the ‘new’ project (Rabbit Hole winky) is another landscaping tool I’m in desperate need of. I have been trying to fit buying one in my budget. But, the ones I have looked at are about $400+.

IF I’m going to use a Trimmer of any sort, I need one I don’t have to bend over to use. They’re not even in consideration.

I also want one that can handle a saw blade (those Brush Cutter blades, not the string type) or like items.

My SIL mentioned they had one but it hadn’t run in a long time. It’s 5 years old, she said - and also said it hasn’t ran in about 4 years.

Except for some horrible Work-Arounds like this one. With this fix I couldn’t get the throttle to work at all. I’m not sure how she ran it. A new Throttle Assembly, including the Throttle Cable is around $20 or so.

And, it doesn’t look bad from the exterior.

BUT, inside the covers is a MESS. It is nearly full of Dirt Dauber residences. I don’t believe I have ever seen that many dirt daubers setting up residences in such a small, compact space.

Every side and nearly every space inside the cover was packed with dirt daubers frown

I think I can fix it for about $40…not including a carburetor (around $23).

I haven’t priced a gas tank…I’m going to try to clean it out.

Now, Flower Day 76…(things are really heating up. supposed to cool down after today).

I topped off with 10 gallons of pH’d water, no nutes.

I started with…

E.C. was bouncing between 2.8 and 3.2 = 3.0.

I caught it at the 10pm feeding. When it cascaded back in to the Reservoir it was…


This one is just because I do like the effect tup winky

And, no pictures of the Girls today. Sorry. I’ve been busy. I’ll try and get some tomorrow, and some Trichome picks. I’m going to try and get some Trich pictures from the Girls on the Right side. I’m Right handed and it isn’t easy to do. I’m holding the phone and the WiFi Microscope AND the bud I’m looking at. I only have 2 hands currently and it’s easier to work on the Left side Girls. winky ROFLMAO

OH, DANG - I almost forgot!

I have a Space Case grinder. I’ve had it for several years. That thing is tight! Everything fits just perfectly. The bottom is so flat that it holds a suction on a flat surface :smoke: A week or so ago I couldn’t open it to get some herbs to load in my Arizer Vape. I tried every which way to unscrew it. Silicone pot holders. I tried a number of things. I’m no weakling. I couldn’t get it open. I’ve been busting up nugs by hand! BY HAND, mind you! ROFLMAO

I had to do this to get that Space Case grinder opened…and even that was a struggle! ROFLMAO I had to buy TWO Strap Wrenches! ROFLMAO Working in opposing directions! ROFLMAO

On a positive note - besides accessing my herb - I didn’t own any strap wrenches. Now I do! tup winky

Finally, I’m going to start on my car after I RE-mow the entire lawn today.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup

volcano ,


When do you find time to sleep? Always working on something. lol


now, that’s what I call cemented in resin. It would make a good super glue :wink:


What is this “sleep” you speak of? winky ROFLMAO

I literally don’t call it sleep any longer. They are Rest Periods. winky

I do hope all is well and fine with you and yours, friend! tup



All is well here thanks. I honestly enjoy reading your thread because I wish I had your mechanical abilities, but maybe not your insomnia.


Hey @JoeCrowe wavy

While that ‘may’ be true, IF it is anything clogging the threads it is more likely the residue left behind of the Olive Oil I use to lubricate those threads.

But, more likely it is the extremely tight tolerances of the machining process.

As an aside; while I couldn’t open the primary chamber, I took the opportunity to harvest some Kief from the kief chamber, something I had never done before with this grinder that day…approximately 7 years, I’d venture. winky

I had also never used that Cali Crusher before that day - it’s something I received as a freebie when I bought the Space Case grinder.

Unfortunately, I just recently gave away a brand new wooden pipe with a brand new screen and had to resort to the contraption above. facepalm ROFLMAO

I will have to rectify that! biggrin

I am going to try and Vape some, and see how that goes… winky

Thanks for your input, Joe! Make it a melodious day, sir! tup


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Glad to read all is well on your end of these confounding wires, my friend! winky tup

As for my abilities - I’d be willing to share them with you if EVER you need an assist. I’d be happy to offer you guidance in any situation where my knowledge would benefit you, my friend! tup And, IF that need every arises, you can know that I wouldn’t lead you astray IF it is something outside my wheelhouse.

And, I owe my Dad thanks for interesting me early on on getting my hands dirty in the mechanical aspects of all we engaged in. I’ve been wrenching on my own since about age 10.

And, yeah, I wouldn’t wish my Rest Periods on anyone! IF it were cooler, I’d be entering my Second Rest Period about now, which history informs me is where I get my best Rest. This heat is preventing that, though!

Thanks for the input, @Floyd … Keep it Green, man!


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I actually worked in the steel industry for 30+years. So I’m not completely challenged mechanically. I think your more like a friend of mine who was a machinist. He looks at things and says I can fix that or I can build that. And he wants to do it. Its a talent I don’t have.
Thanks for your offer of help if needed. Much appreciated. :smiley:

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Your friend sounds like he’s stealing my gig - stealing my thunder!!! winky ROFLMAO He does sound like my kind of guy, though! winky tup

I, too, have a background in machining (manual and some CNC, including CAD and CAM, CMM…etc.)…and, yeah, it gives one a different perspective on things! winky

You’re welcome, my friend! Any time, literally.



I worked where he use to work briefly. They made telescoping hangers and something called bear traps to grab helicopters in heavy seas. They had a simulated ship deck. It was pretty cool. He was there 40 years. Did all that computer smart stuff. lol. I would go see him at work and he would have small chess boards in his tool box drawers. He would be playing chess with a few different people at the same time and reading magazines.

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Chess is by far my favorite game. Especially if I find someone that can beat me……


That would not be me. My friends wife got him a chess computer game for Xmas once. It was many moons ago, but he had it beat the same day. I’m sure they are a lot better now.

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Oldjoints have you seen the Queens gambit on Netflix?
Not that it matters but the wife and enjoyed a lot.

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That’s sounds interesting! The work and the play! tup I, too, enjoyed Chess - but, not to the level of your friend! winky

Most of my manufacturing/repair/modification/assembly/machining history was also Aviation related - another field that still holds my interest! Along with that, Oshkosh 2021 is going on, or was…

I did this for 2 years! It was AWESOME!

They came in looking like this…

Then we did this to them…

That then went on to do this…

Those above are just 2 military programs I was heavily involved in - as a civilian.

Awesome work! Very fulfilling work, for me!

I just finished my first dose of Rocket Fuel. I have to go get to mowing. Damn lawn just refuses to mow itself!!! winky ROFLMAO

I’ve enjoyed the discussion, @Floyd … Thank You for it!

Laters, friend! wavy



Sounds familiar, but not sure if I actually saw it or not. I am however very familiar with that opening in chess. I prefer a Trojan defense ….

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Very very cool. Get that grass cut. lol

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On Netflix fairly recently. If your a chess lover I’m sure you would remember. Very entertaining for us none chess lovers too, Was a big hit actually. If you watch Netflix check it out. I think it was 6 parts.

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You probably would have enjoyed watching the planes take off and land on the aircraft carrier I was stationed on………