What are some anticipated Bodhi Strains for a Community Reproduction Project?

You just might wanna make yourself a Reminder, I think a few Bodhi HALF-PACKS might show up in the “Annual Winter Giveaway”, or whatever it will be named. Don’t take my word for it, I’m just repeating rumors!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: Nah, you can bet on it!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Count on the Bee!!


My thoughts almost exactly

I’m kind of doing a practice run with the Neroli 91, so we’ll see how that goes…


I signed up and hope to do right by the group. I have a decent amount of Bodhi packs to choose from.

This is a great idea by the way!!


Do you think I can F2 in a 3x3 no till 65 gallon ? I don’t think I have enough space huh. I’ll probably have to do .5 gallon or less get them root bound and then transfer ?

Not sure how I would go about it. Im planning on doing an open pollination with Milk N Cookies they are some 5 year old fridge kept seeds by exotic genetix. Multiple pollinations with multiple tents in one room is a bad idea I’m assuming

@Uprangewilly if you can give me some guidance I might be able to pull this off. Or anyone else. These will be my first open pollination with photos

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How long until this happens ?

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We’re already talking about stuff in a dm.
Just say the word

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Would you mind answering the question three comments above this one ? I have a few extra tents but I’m not sure how to go about it. Much appreciated

I didn’t see that.
Highly unlikely you could run a full pack in a 3x3 like that, but what do I know?
You also don’t have to start right away. This group is a long game. So if you want to try, sign up and stop sweating the small stuff. I promise I’ll kick you out if it’s not working :rofl:


I don’t think it would be a problem. If you run a whole pack, that will give you about one plant per square foot in a 3x3.
Half gallon or even one gallon pots should fit no problem. Just put all males and females in a 3x3 and let them open pollinate.

I currently have ten sour bubbles in a 2x2 tent and they are seeded. I will let you know how many seeds I get fro them in a few weeks. I’m sure it will be at least a thousand.


I’m in it for the long run.

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This would work just fine, it’s the 65 gallon pot that I’m saying won’t


Yeah, I’m not familiar with @SubzeroIceKold setup. That may be a limiting factor.

Okay, I have an extra 4x4 and I can get soil with individual pots no problem. I have an extra 450w light laying around as well and I can make a pollen filter with my in-line fan.

I can make it happen. Im in.

Just to chime in, I do know the basics of dealing with pollen and how easy it spreads and what u can do to prevent it, kill it, etc. I’m excited.


Sounds good. No rush. Get yourself all setup and ready so you will be confident in your ability to make it happen. The seeds aren’t going anywhere I’m sure.

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Thank you brother. This is an honor.

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I would think Nierika packs would also be fair game.


Yeah I had a feeling, the big beds and pots allow for plants to not show sex fast enough. It’s annoying. I have a 3x3 bed in a 4x4 and it’s just taking its sweet time to pre flower. I flipped last third of the month and it was barely showing pre flower today.

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I’m looking for an excuse to get a 2x4 to do some reproducing in. I haven’t grown bhodi before but I have been eyeing it for a bit, just didn’t know where to start.

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And @SubzeroIceKold definitely do not try to run two males simultaneously. There aren’t enough filters in the world to prevent cross pollination of tents in the same room.