What Blueberry Smell like

Hi all,
When refering to Blueberry strains everyone talking about the blueberry smell.

Well, what does it smell? The fruits the flower, the plant doesn’t smell to me.

So what does it smell like?


Could also be varied on the pheno you have. Would love to hear about it because we have a blueberry run planned for sometime this year with multiple blueberry strains


Sometimes these expressions on really show up during the curing phase. But it’s also very much like @HighTilliDie mentioned about the pheno.



I’ve grown Blueberry before and it smelled like berries, but not necessarily blueberries. @SHSC1 s Coastal Blueberry is the first one I’ve grown that smells like blueberry every time I open the jar…which because of this is more times than I actually need to! :grin:


Well, it should smell something close to a blueberry or blueberry muffin, otherwise I wouldn’t call a line or clone “blueberry” such and such.

It’s interesting though because I grew out a couple TK x LA Pure Kush seeds and one actually developed a blueberry muffin smell but only once it had been removed from curing jar and taken somewhere warmer. Not really a smell I would’ve expected from those parents


And then there’s also the sweet blueberry syrup and blueberry jam type’s too.
Something that should also be mentioned is that actual Blueberry is a line that was bred for effects, not necessarily for blueberry terps or flavor.


Can definitely get the doughy/bready terps from crossing the TK :wink:
It’s hidden in there and seen it pop in a few TK crosses.

The good Blueberry pheno’s I’ve had smell like literal blueberries, or blueberry muffins.


Ive had a few of different types. Ive had some that are blue berry wine, some blueberry jam, and blueberry muffin. In my experience blueberry muffin and wine are most common but what you want is the jam.


Blueberry doesn’t smell nothing. They don’t have smell.
Strawberry does have smell…some blackberry maybe.
But blueberry doesn’t smell nothing. Neither the plant or the flower.

Maybe we can talk about taste…
Maybe the blueberry smell is the chemical one used in candy or similar.

But really blueberry smell something?

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It doesn’t smell like snozzberries.


To me it’s more like a blueberry candy or jam.


Here is the thing about blue berry. At least in my opinion from what I remember about it around 2005.
No muffin or dough.Sweet and slightly tangy, with a perceived acidity.
90% of blueberry(real fruit not MJ) flavor is SUGAR.
I am also a brewer. When fermenting blueberries you ferment the sugar away. The resulting fermented beverage usually has a soapy, slightly vegeital flavor. If you add burnt blue berries to the mix The burnt sugars are not fermentable. They offer a Huge amount of flavor profiles. From Dark fruit to dough and caramels.
I have a friend that always thinks that blueberry strains taste like auto-flowers. That certain mouth coating expression.
I personally have never been a fan of blueberry because i feel like Bluedream ruined a lot of great things. So i just avoided blueberry in my genes.


Re Fermenting & aroma: Depends on the type of blueberry and whether you are working with fresh blueberries, fermenting on the skins etc. We grow several varietals in our yard. Few years ago I made a blueberry brandy from a big crop. Decided to ferment on the skins to enhance the blueberry effects. Open those bottles today, they smell just like fresh squeezed blueberry juice.


True, there are always exceptions. I have found dehydrated bb gives the best aroma and flavor.
You would have to have a very clean yeast strain to only ferment select sugars.
Depend on how you made your “brandy” also. A freeze distillation would theoretically double the amount of sugar and aroma and syrupy goodness.

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It was mentioned above about phenos, really would depend. Back in the day I’ve had some Gassey Blueberry, fruity and some that didn’t smell at all. Happy Blurberry finding and I hope you find what tpyr looking for soon.

Use a proper still, makes it easier to capture cuts (in with the good, out with the bad). As you noted the smell of bb’s is feint, it takes exposing those esthers in the skins to draw it out. Creating an alcohol of those sugars is easiest way I know.

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im thirsty meow


I ran a DJ blueberry cut giving to me back in 2009 Ventura county
It was beautiful in the garden and after a 30 day cure
Cespe creek a delivery service then now a store front back when my good friend will an Roland owned an ran it they begged me to keep it going
Just couldn’t produce smelling like blue berry looks were kinda blue hues perfect for connoisseurs of fruity flavors

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Someone mentioned they have trees
Above , I agree
My boss had a ton to, i can pick a 5 gallon
Bucket of them in a good year in a hour or so
If I don’t eat them lol.
Anyway what your hands smell like after picking a bucket or what the inside of that bucket smells like on a hot summer day.
Best way i describe it
Blueberry from Walmart won’t cut it for smells
Got to have fresh
Not saying you used them as a comparison


I’ve got a mom from a black widow x northern lights cross I did, that has the bread/dough smell!
After cure it is like a lemon poppyseed muffin. It’s so cool!