What did you accomplish today?

Can I order some too please
Nice haul, is the market price up or down during the Virus?
Back in the 60’s Dad would bring home 20-30lbers all the time
The claws were so hard we could not crack them


Yeah we catch a nice run of lobsters. Usually 1.5-2.5lb average, market is down with this covid thing. ,think their 6 bucks a lb wharf price, tasty lil bugs lol


I envy you I use to Clam on the bay when younger made very good money (self employed) so tax rate is what i claimed,
Then I took a safe state job with pension, had to married and family stuff.
But Man do I miss it, it is the time of your life enjoy every second.
I love the smell of the sea Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Nothing else like it


Me and my mid seventies father took a 8 km walk this morning. May have tired out my Belgian for 2 minutes.


Iam on the couch watching you tube I’ve just taken a virtual walking tour of Roma i need to lie down now and take a nap


Final layer of primer done, next step bottom paint.


Nice looking sailboat, did you build this from scratch?


Celebrating Cinco de higho


Banana bread with cannabis infused coconut oil instead of butter :wink:


That is a pretty boat. I miss the short time I had getting into sailing. I may try and find something small for here, eventually. We have a lake with a really nice fetch. I used to be into hard core windsurfing and wave sailing, too. I’d like to have a board here, too. Some days the wind is steady 25-30-35.


No it’s a Swedish build boat, we got it a few years ago.
I just sanded the bottom, removing blisters and cracks in the old paint.

Has to be done once in a while, should if done right last 4-5 years before I need to do it again.
For the next couple of years, it will just need to be power washed and have a new bottom paint applied.
The bottom paint normaly only last a season, then you need to reapply it to get a nice smooth bottom.


Thanks mate, it’s a great life at sea!
Im trying to get into kite surfing, got all the equipment more or less.
Was planing to start take swimming leasons, then the corvid 19 shit started.

Yes I guess I could train in the sea, but no instructor and I fucking hate stinging jellies.
Also the current around this island is tricky, some places you don’t wanna get caught as it will 100% pull you out to sea.
Deep trenches and lot’s of water flow, makes up for some odd and dangerus under currents.


Thanks. Are you in Great Britain? I moved from the beach right when Kite Surfing started in '95. My friends all jumped on it since it was new. It must be fun, it’s still around. I loved windsurfing. Man, we had so much fun back then.

Good luck with the finish. Looks like you’re about ready to paint. How long is it? ~22 ft? (7m or so?) I never sailed a boat like yours. I was sailing on catamarans. It sure was fun. I’d like to have one of those again.


Im in Scandinavia, the boat is 26 ft long.
Catamarans and trimarans are fast, I really like 3 kiel trimarans but I simply can’t afford one.

Bottom paint will go on tomorrow


Test painting the top of the rudder, aiming for a 50’s refrigiator retro color


That color is called sea foam or I’ve seen a paint somewhere called that.

What causes the deterioration on the hull? Barnacles? I always thought it would be cool to have a boat with a cabin. I grew up around the Gulf Coast in the US and I’d still like to have a boat down there to live on, at least part time, and fish non stop.


Fuckin A. Hope that stuff is not going to waste in all this calamity.


yeah barnacles, and just salt water in general is a rough deal for most things.

Cool info on the color, I never knew that. I just mixed a color up, from pigments and toned it in the range of the wish of the misses :smiley:


Done with the bottom paint, final layer will harden up as a dark grey/black graphite finish over the next week or so.


Seems like you’ve done this before. You seem to be moving along pretty fast. So, that bottom paint turns to a graphite color? It looks like a primer. That’s a pretty boat. What year is it?